21: Stood speechless

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Dylan stood speechless in the living room as he waited for Florence to arrive after Jessica left, but Florence didn't show up. Rosie stared around the living room. In her mind, she cursed Dylan: "Look at the luxury mansion that Dylan is living in with his wife... How I wish that I was the true owner of this house." Rosie frowned, and Dylan met her gaze and said, "Oh! I don't know why it's taking Jessica so long to call the maid. Wait, let me go and call her by myself." "Okay," Rosie responded, and she sank into her thinking. Rosie knew that she had personally dumped Dylan before, and even now, she's certain that she doesn't still love him but only wants his money and probably enjoys having s*x with him. Rosie waited for Dylan to return as she sat alone on the living room couch. Dylan approached the corridor that led to his children's room, as he remembered when Jessica had told Florence to take their kids to their room. He knocked on the door, but no one responded. Dylan tried to open the door but discovered that it was locked. He placed both hands by his waist and looked around at the door angrily. "Hmm, Jessica is testing my patience in this house," Dylan said, and he finally walked away and went back to the living room to meet with Rosie. "Wait, I am coming," Dylan said to Rosie again, and he went into the kitchen to check for the leftover meal. Dylan knew how to cook when he was poor and managing, and he had cooked several times for Jessica in the past, but she usually stopped him and told him it wasn't right for him to be cooking their meals. Dylan approached the kitchen pot. He pulled the cover open and saw that there was still some leftover jollof rice in the pot. He dished out the meal and took it out to the dining room to eat it with Rosie. Rosie never knew that Dylan could cook, and seeing him carrying a tray of their meal in his hands and wearing a black suit, she sighed, stood up, and walked up to meet Dylan. "Don't mind, Jessica. She has locked up the children's room door, but it's okay. Let's eat first," Dylan said as he set the tray of meals on the dining table. Rosie was quiet. She walked towards the dinner table and sat beside Dylan. Rosie knew that she hadn't arrived at the mansion with her box of clothes, as she only left her house with Dylan to the event hall. Her phone rang out, and she stared at the caller. As she took her phone out of her purse, Rosie knew that she couldn't go outside to answer the phone call, so she picked it up and spoke, "Hello, brother." Frederick Joseph was at Rosie's home, and it was already late night and 9 p.m. He decided to call Rosie to find out where she went too, and the phone call connected. "Where are you? I am at your house now, and you ain't there?" Frederick asked Rosie, as he sounded a little pissed off. "I followed Dylan to his house, and I am not coming back home soon," Rosie said. "What??" Frederick couldn't believe his ears. "We didn't discuss this, babe, or agree with this," Frederick spat, and Rosie replied, "I know, but I have to follow him. Not to worry, I will get to see you later and discuss this with you." "I am not happy about this. Just let me know when you're free to see me. Good night." Frederick ended the phone call with Rosie, and she sighed heavily. She knew that she was playing a dangerous game, but she was doing all that to help Frederick. She's glad that Frederick has launched his own company and also bought some goods with part of the money that Dylan gave him, and she thinks about how long she would continue to put up with Dylan, as she only needed money from him. "Who was that?" Dylan asked, as he hadn't resumed eating and was waiting for Rosie. He could see the frown curving up her face, and she replied, "My brother." "Hmm, I know that he must be concerned about you. Not to worry, later we will go to see your family to pay your dowry." Dylan said:. "No, he's not asking about the dowry; he only called to know where I was, as he said that he went to my house and didn't see me there. You know, I didn't even pack my bag or the things that I use at home. How about I go home tomorrow morning and get all my things? Then I will be back here with you," Rosie said, as she smiled sadly at Dylan. "No problem. If that will make you happy, I want us to be together, which is why I brought you here with me," Dylan said. "I know," Rosie replied, smiling. Jessica walked out of the corridor with Florence as her two kids had slept off in their separate rooms. Her gaze fell on Dylan and Rosie, and she stared away and spoke to Florence: "Don't forget to wash the plate and lock up the kitchen door once you're through. I will be retiring now upstairs to my bedroom." "Okay, madam, good night," Florence replied, and she walked away nervously to the kitchen. Rosie stared away from Jessica and resumed eating with Dylan at the dining table. Rosie was jealous of Jessica's beautiful looks, and she couldn't believe that Dylan would cheat on Jessica with her. Rosie silently ate her dinner with Dylan, as she was hungry. After their dinner session ended, Rosie yawned and stretched, and she waited for Dylan to be through as he stood up from the dining table and left for the kitchen to keep their plate. "Here, wash this too," Dylan told Florence, and he exited the kitchen after he dropped the plate. He walked out to the dining room to meet Rosie. Rosie stood up from the dining table and asked Dylan, "Where are we going to sleep, babe? I am tired." Dylan stared upstairs and looked back at Rosie. He knew that Jessica had gone to their master bedroom, and he smiled at Rosie and said, "We will use the guestroom. I have many spare rooms there, so we will use one." "No, how about the master bedroom that you use with Jessica? I am your wife now, and I ought to be the one using the bedroom with you," Rosie pouted, and Dylan frowned a little as he stood in the living room with Rosie. "But you know that I haven't divorced Jessica yet. How about after I have divorced her, as Jessica won't agree to leave the bedroom too?" Rosie frowned as she hated the way that Dylan spoke softly about Jessica. Rosie could sense that Dylan still cared for Jessica, and she thought it wasn't a bad idea if she stayed with Dylan throughout the whole night; she had been staying with Dylan before. "Okay, but that's if you will stay with me in the guestroom. As I don't want to sleep alone, you know my baby and I need you," Rosie said as she walked up to meet Dylan and hugged him. "I know, but let me first go to the master bedroom upstairs and get my clothes. I will be back to join you downstairss," Dylan said as he kissed Rosie's forehead. Florence walked out of the kitchen and saw Dylan and Rosie kissing on the lips. She looked away from them as her footsteps interrupted them. Dylan escorted Rosie to the guestroom that he wanted her to use. He approached the guest room door and spoke to Rosie: "You can go inside; I will be back." Rosie didn't want Dylan to leave her, and to avoid him spending a minute talking to Jessica, she finally let go of Dylan, kissed him on his lips again, and finally walked back into the guestroom. Dylan left the guestroom corridor and went upstairs to the bedroom that he shared with Jessica. He paused at the door, unlocked it, and walked inside. Jessica was sitting on the bed and sobbing, as she hadn't locked the bedroom door. She waited for Dylan, actually, to shamefully bring his mistress up to their bedroom and soil their matrimonial bed too. Dylan's heart broke a little as he saw Jessica crying. He looked away from her and walked to the closet to get his clothes. Jessica didn't speak to Dylan. She remembered that Remy had told her that if he got to hear any complaints again, he wouldn't waste time coming to her home and taking her along with him. Jessica tried to be a strong woman. She lay on her left side of the bed and shut her eyes to sleep. Dylan was packing his clothes, especially the night robe that he wanted to be wearing in the guestroom that he was about to share with Rosie. He looked at Jessica on the bed as her back was facing him. Dylan gulped heavily. He looked at the clothes in his hands, and he felt angry to think that another man had touched Jessica and secretly gotten his wife pregnant. He missed Jessica, but since he had reunited with Rosie, he avoided sleeping with her and wanted to be loyal to Rosie alone. . Dylan wondered if he was doing the right thing because of his addiction. He looked at Jessica again, shook his head, and finally walked out of their bedroom, taking the clothes that he had selected along with him.
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