Chapter 27: Restless feelings

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Jessica kept her phone down and switched it off. She took out her Simcard and kept it in her bedside drawer. Finally standing up from the bed, she heard a knock on her bedroom door. Her voice was already broken and too hoarse to respond. She went into her bathroom to wash her face first before returning to her room and walking up to her mirror. She looked at her face and saw that her eyes were red and swollen. "No, I cannot go out like this. Caleb will know that I am crying, and I don't want him to start worrying about me or our staying here," Jessica murmured to herself. She went to the door without opening it and asked, "Who's there?" "It's me, Jessica, open up," she heard her mother respond. "Is Caleb there with you?" Jessica asked her mother, not wanting Caleb to see her reddened face. "No, Jessica, I have personally taken him to the room that I specially prepared for him since you gave birth to him and refused to return home to see us. Open this door now," Mrs. Anaya responded. She knew that when Jessica had given birth, she went to the hospital to see Jessica, but they were still upset with Jessica, as for the first time in Jessica's life, she was acting mad. She yelled at them and insisted that she would get married to Dylan whether any of them supported her or not, after her father, Mr. Luke, had rejected Dylan's proposal. Jessica confessed to them that she was already pregnant with Dylan's child, and Mrs. Anaya knew that they had no other option but to allow Jessica to marry Dylan. However, her husband forbid her from going to Jessica's house to spend time with her, as he still disliked Dylan and found him to be a gold digger. Jessica sighed and finally pulled the door open. Her mother walked into the room with a frowned face. "Look at the mess you have turned yourself into, Jessica. Because of a man. Your father and I warned you about him, but you refused to listen to us. Now look at you. I told you then that giving a man money wouldn't guarantee that he truly loves you, and when you stop giving him money, he will show his true self." "Dylan loves me, mommy. I don't know what changed in him. He complains that I am too fat now, and he doesn't enjoy sleeping with me anymore." "He's crazy... Ugrrh... If only I could get him and crush his balls myself. What stupid mouth did he use to utter such gibberish to you? Nonsense man. It's okay, you have to be strong and forget about him," Mrs. Anaya advised, but Jessica shook her head and replied, "I cannot forget about Dylan, Mom. I love him, I am pregnant for him, and he told me that my baby isn't his. He cannot remember the last time he slept with me for me to become pregnant for him. Dylan brought a short lady into our home. He said she will be living with us, but I told him to send her away, and he refused. He pushed me away because of another lady, and worst of all, he said she's pregnant for him and that I should return home and find another man to marry me," Jessica sobbed, her mother's fists clenched. "Dylan said all that nonsense to you?" Mrs. Anaya looked surprised. "Yes, Mom, he did," Jessica sniffed, and her mother sighed. "It's okay, you shouldn't be crying because of him. Oh, let me send the maid to prepare something for you to eat first so you can get enough rest since you just arrived here. Welcome home, okay? You are always welcome, and marriage isn't by force, let alone with Dylan. It's okay." Mrs. Anaya finally exited Jessica's room. She stepped out, shook her head, and walked away to the kitchen downstairs. She met two maids and ordered them to take lunch to Jessica. Then she went to bond with her granddaughter. ------ Dylan was still at home, waiting for Jessica and his kids to return from church. He paced about in the living room as it was already after 5 pm, yet Jessica and Rosie hadn't returned. Dylan held his phone, wearing a blue shirt, black trousers, and black leather slippers. He called Rosie's phone number again, but she didn't answer. "Hmm," Dylan grimaced. He tried calling Jessica's phone, but the service provider informed him, "Sorry, the mobile number you're trying to call is switched off." Dylan considered going to Rosie's house to help her pack her things since she left his mansion with one of his cars. "Maybe Rosie can't carry all the loads alone. Why didn't I go with her?" Dylan worriedly thought as he paced about and cursed, "Why isn't Jessica back too? Hmm." Dylan decided to call the head of the men's group at the church. The group president answered his call. "Hello, good evening, President," Dylan said. "Yes, good evening, Mr. Robinson. Surprised to get a call from you after not showing up at any of our church activities for over a month now," the group president replied. Dylan frowned, knowing that since Rosie's return, he hadn't been going to church because he couldn't face God, knowing he was cheating on Jessica. "I know I haven't had the chance to attend. That's not why I'm calling," Dylan said, wanting to get straight to the point. The men's group president sighed and asked, "So why are you calling, Mr. Robinson? Do you want to support the church with fundraising?" "No... It's about Jessica," Dylan was contemplating, as he felt somehow awkward about asking a stranger about his wife. Even though he was familiar with their president in the church, he felt uneasy about asking the man for his wife's whereabouts. "How about your wife, Mr. Robinson? I saw her today in church, and she was asked to wait, mainly to deliver a message and prayers to you, but she refused to wait and meet with our pastor." "She didn't wait?" Dylan asked, panicking slightly. Where could Jessica be? "She did not wait, Mr. Robinson. Your wife left this afternoon, immediately after the church closed at 1 pm. She left, and we sent an usher to call her, but she said her kids couldn't wait until it was her turn to see our pastor. Isn't Mrs. Robinson home yet?" the men's president asked, sensing that something was not right. "No, I mean, I haven't seen Jessica yet. Maybe she went to her family's house. It's alright. Thanks for your response. I have been trying to call her number, but the mobile connection is switched off. I am relieved to know that she has gone home," Dylan said. "Okay, Mr. Robinson. Take care and give my regards to your wife." The phone call with the men's president ended, and Dylan looked at his phone screen and cursed, "So Jessica finally went home without informing me. Why didn't she wait to sign the divorce papers tomorrow? And how could she take Caleb and Nina along with her?" Dylan was boiling with rage. He hadn't seen Rosie, and Jessica had gone to her parent's house with his two kids. Dylan knew that he couldn't just go to Jessica's family's house, as they hated him. He knew they despised him and only tolerated him because of Jessica. "Hmm..." Dylan wanted to go to Rosie's house, but he decided to wait and see if Rosie would soon arrive. ---- Rosie woke up late at 6 pm after getting exhausted from intense lovemaking with Frederick. She gasped as she saw the time. "Oh no! I have to hurry before Dylan gets here," Rosie sprang up from the bed, startling Frederick awake as they had been sleeping together. He looked at Rosie and asked, "Is everything alright, babe?" Rosie replied, "No! Look at what you have caused. It's already 6 pm, and Dylan will be calling soon. My goodness! I am finished since this morning." "Calm down, babe. Let me help you pack up," Frederick offered, and Rosie quickly searched the room for her phone. She found her phone, picked it up, and exclaimed as she saw 10 missed calls from Dylan. "My goodness! I have to lie to him." Rosie immediately called Dylan, feeling nervous and gulping repeatedly until the phone call connected. Dylan had already left the house to head to Rosie's house, knowing he couldn't go to Jessica's family's house. He couldn't face them, so he decided to go to Rosie's house, but his phone rang from his trouser pocket.
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