Chapter 2: Horeb

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I hung my head low as i walked toward's Anubis's room, still calculating on how I was going to break the news to him, and then my heart melted as I opened his room and saw Reem treating his wounds. I must've gone too far with my actions earlier— although he deserved it. And immediately Anubis saw me, he jerked up in fear. "I'm sorry moallim, I..." he began apologising. He must've thought I had come to finish what I started, just like I promised. "It's okay Anubis don't apologise" I replied trying to calm him down; to recieve the incoming blow. "Moallim my ointments and healing potions aren't working on his wounds" Reem complained "Your feeble potions can only heal ordinary wounds and his isn't." I bent towards Anubis who was still shaking in distrust. "evanescat vulnerum cicatrices." I casted a healing spell on Anubis and slowly his wounds disappeared. The looks on his face showed clearly that he didn't expect me to turn out to help him. "The spell should heal your wounds and scars but not the pains" I said as I lifted myself from the floor. "Why can't you stop the pains too" Reem said almost raising her voice at me. I almost lost my temper, but I controlled myself. On a normal day I would have disciplined her for talking to me in that manner but this wasn’t a good time. " No spell can stop pains, even black magic" I managed to answer her. "Moallim, I've known you for a long time, and anytime you're nice to me, you always have bad news attached. Let the cat out of the bag" Anubis spoke to me maturedly, but calmly, bringing me back to the matter at hand. "The council of elders know about your use of black magic and they want you expelled or travel tomorrow to the temple in Mt. Horeb for cleansing" I finally said, feeling a bit relieved. "No no no Moallim please you can't let this happen, you know I have nowhere to stay and no one has ever made it to Mount Horeb alive!" Anubis pleaded. "I mean, we have to fight minotaurs and monsters." he added. "I'm afraid Anubis but there's nothing I can do, my hands are tied" I bowed my head in shame. I couldn’t look him in the eye and tell him that the only one who has been there for him wouldn’t be able to protect him anymore. I couldn’t do it, but he didn’t understand this. "Really? there's nothing you can do?" He chuckled menacingly. "Tell me, if it was your son in my shoes, you still wouldn't have done anything?" He asked, raising his voice at me. "Don't even dare Anubis!" I yelled at him, angered by, his insolence. I had tried to be calm but he wasn’t helping things. "You know I've always been there for you. I've always treated you like my own son." I managed to say. "Treated me like your own son? (he scoffed) As far as I can remember you've always been hard towards me" He yelled back. "You know I was trying my best to protect you so you won't turn out to be like your ancestor before you!" "Spare me that! You are always saying that. You're always rubbing it on my face as if you did me a favor" he thundered. "How do I even know if my ancestor wasn’t a rebellious student like you always say. I guess I’m supposed to just buy that crap because he isn’t alive to tell his own side of the story right?" "Shut up at once Anubis!" I roared. I had completely lost my temper, and my flaming whip appeared at the snap of my finger. " I can be many things, but never a liar" I said through clenched teeth. "Yes! Do it! Do what you do best! Batter me like you always do" Anubis challenged me for the first time. "I'm not going down that road again" I said almost in a hush as I tried my best to recompose myself. "All I want you to do now, is make a decision. Expulsion or an Odyssey to Ka-koon?" "You say it like I really have a choice." he said nonchalantly. "I know you want me dead. I'll go to Horeb. And if I survive, I'll start a new life there. I'm tired of seeing your face" he replied rudely. "I won't endure any form of misbehavior from you again!" I pointed a finger at him, giving him a stern warning. "One more thing. I have a question" I continued moving to the more pressing issue, not really knowing what it is that I expected for an answer. "Have you used the spell up to the eight time? You'd really be in trouble then" I asked nervously, fearing that maybe he must've done the worst— released the demon from his shackles.” "What do you care if I'm in trouble" he said sarcastically "Young man don't give me that attitude and answer my question" I gritted my teeth. "How many times! have you used the spell?" I said raising my voice at Anubis. This time I was ready to use my whip if he did'nt comply. "No. Just seven times" he replied as he noticed I had completely lost my temper. "Seven? have you lost your mind?" I asked in shock and relief too. "Why would you use the spell up to seven times? What were you thinking? What where you even doing?" I bombarded questions. "Well the first two times was when I was practiced the spell" he began— feeling bad for his actions. The other times was when I travelled to the future to help a certain couple" he added. I was surprised at first. I couldn't believe my ears. Even his ancestor could not travel to the future— Anubis must be really peculiar. And the seventh was when I tried to avoid your whip" he said bowing his head in shame for a second and in an instant he became notorious again. "Why the heck am I even explaining myself to you?" he said as if returning back to his sense. "What do you care? After all you can't do anything to help me. I'm leaving for Horeb tomorrow."
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