Chapter 8

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Gloria was walking in the corridor of the castle where Marilou's temporary room was. She had stopped in front of the door and knowing that the latter was locked, she looked then to the left then to the right and waved her hands in the direction of the door with concentration looked from left to right and she began to smile when she heard the bedroom door unlock. She then pushed her gently and entered. Marilou was still sleeping, she looked at her for a moment and drew the curtains letting in the light of the sun which was finally showing its teeth and which had landed delicately on her face, waking her up at the same time, Gloria went on while Marilou was stretching under his covers. Gloria: Get up get up it's time, you've slept enough Marilou: Hmmm, but how did you manage to get in? I had closed the door yesterday I remember well or so I thought I had closed it but in fact not? I really am an idiot Gloria: No, you had it closed, don't worry. Marilou: So you have the duplicate keys maybe? Gloria: More or less Marilou: But be clearer, you're confusing me here Gloria: Have you ever heard of magic (she said with amusement) Marilou jumped out of bed looking at Gloria with sparkling eyes and Marilou was going back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom. Marilou: Is it true? Gloria: Of course, you don't believe me? Marilou: Hum, let's say that I would believe you more easily if I saw you doing it, with my own eyes, you see? Wouldn't that make more sense? do not you think ? Gloria: Well then open your eyes wide because I'm going to give you proofs of it. Marilou crossed her legs, the blanket still on her legs, she was looking at Gloria with so much admiration and enthusiasm. Smiling Gloria moved her hands with so much grace and Marilou followed her slightest gesture. Before Marilou even said a word, Gloria had pulled her blanket which fell to the ground, Marilou absorbed by Gloria's hands hadn't even realized it. Gloria lowered her hands but Marilou called out to her Marilou: So? Gloria: Look at you Marilou raised an eyebrow and looked at herself for a moment Marilou: What? Gloria: (sighing) You really don't have the eye, huh? Look where your cover went tell me Marilou realizing that her blanket was no longer on her, jumped out of bed with wide eyes. Gloria: Let's see, what could I lift? Marilou: The chair, the chair Gloria: Okay okay, then take a good look... Abrakada bra chair I order you to get up Gloria smiled as she said this and since the chair didn't move an inch, she pretended to roll up her sleeves and frown pretending to concentrate and repeat a second time Gloria: Abrakada bra, I order you to get up The chair began to float in the air and followed the movements of Gloria's arms, amazed Marilou admired the phenomenon with her eyes and mouth wide open. Gloria dropped the chair, laughing. Marilou hastened to look at Gloria's hands, she scrutinized them from every angle and looked at her laughing, finding no logical explanation for what had just happened. Marilou: But how did you do that? Was it real? Gloria: It couldn't be more real yes and it was too easy believe me Marilou: Easy? Do you want to laugh? I hadn't seen anything like it before Gloria: It's normal, you've never met a witch before. Marilou: I can't believe you're a real witch Gloria: Yes I know, I am often told unfortunately as if they had to write that I am a witch on my face. Gloria motions for her to sit on the chair she had just lifted into the air. Marilou sits there while talking she looked at herself in the mirror. Gloria provided herself with a comb and began to comb her hair. Marilou: No, no, I meant that I can't believe it because of the way people talk about wizards in my village. Gloria: Hum Medieval huh? Marilou: Yes, there are no wizards there, you know? Gloria: You may have grown up there but believe me, you are far from knowing all their secrets. You would even be surprised believe me Marilou had turned around, still sitting on the chair. Gloria turned her head Marilou: How so? Do you know my village? I thought you didn't know Gloria: Everyone knows this village and there are rumors about it. Marilou: I had never heard anything about them and Dame Gloria herself told me that she had never heard of my village, why would she have lied? so tell me Gloria: Well it might be better if you didn't know, it might alter your view of things. Plus you see see the prince today don't forget it's your first day at work Marilou: Mance then, I completely forgot, I'm really stressed about it Gloria: Why are you stressed tell me? Marilou: I don't really know, this place really scares me I don't know why but I feel something believe me Gloria: You dramatize too much, I'm sure it's because you miss your village, that's all Marilou: No, I assure you Gloria, I really feel something, it's just that I can't explain it. Gloria: Everything will be fine, I trust you I told you, you are up to it Marilou: You really scare me with all your sensible words comforting me Gloria: Sorry, I just want you to see your full potential as we all see it. Marilou: I know Gloria but that doesn't help me at all. In the village, I used to take care of others with a smile on my face and hope, but now I just feel like a teenager who is looking for her way or who doesn't know what she is. is nor where it should go. Gloria: I'm here, you can count on me, I'll help you if you need it okay? Marilou: Alright. Gloria: Come take your shower then your breakfast and you can go see the prince. Marilou: Alright.
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