Chapter 9

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Dressed in a beige dress that came to her knees this time with some lace here and there surrounding the little bustier that hid her little girlish breasts. With her hair up in a high bun, she wore fewer accessories than last time and seemed more jovial as well. Nevertheless, at times, in a fraction of a second she felt a brief pain in her stomach testifying to the sudden fear that invaded her when her thoughts stumbled clumsily go to the prince and the hope based on her. She looked at herself in the mirror and found herself so beautiful, so skilful, so different, she had discovered a new version of herself and this new version did not displease her at all. Gloria: You are so beautiful... It would be hard to believe that you are really the Marilou of the day before yesterday. Marilou: Yes I know but it's only clothes and make-up, it's not me Gloria: You are wrong, these dresses, these accessories and this makeup are nothing without you. They only reveal the beautiful and magnificent lady that you are. Marilou: I would so much have liked Michael to see me like that, he wouldn't believe his eyes (she said with a smile) Gloria: This Michael, you like him, don't you? Marilou: Uh yes, we were brought up together, he's a good person, he always takes care of me. I am 2 years older than him but I have the impression that he is my eldest because he thinks he is the man of the house... He has made it his priority to protect me. Until now, we've never been apart except this time and I miss every second that passes. Last night I dreamed about him... I hope he doesn't forget me either. Marilou said her words looking out the window. Gloria looked at her trying to understand her, to comfort her but how could she? Marilou went on without letting her answer as if to avoid worrying about her. Marilou: I'm pathetic I know, I have no reason to worry, right Gloria? What I should do is rush to find the cure to get home and finally see Michael and Charlotte again, and Roger and then the other members of the village. Yes I know, it sounds very simple but yet, I have the impression that it is not the case. Either, everything is time so it's time to meet the prince... Let's go. Gloria watched her do her monologue, not knowing what to say to her. Her eyes never left Marilou's face on which she could read neither sadness nor joy, neither fear nor courage, it was simply indescribable and it unsettled her. Marilou stopped on the doorstep and turned to question her with a look. Gloria came to her senses and stopped thinking. Gloria: Yes, follow me. The king meanwhile, was trying to speak with the queen. Queen: That's it, huh? It's today ?! King: Yes, indeed... Would it be too much to ask to see even a small sign of hope? I know how great your disappointment was when after many and many tries we failed to bring him back but just once, I ask you to trust this child. She could be our last chance Clémence: How do you expect me to trust this child if you don't even trust her? King: I'm suspicious, it's different. If she really has extraordinary powers who knows what she could become if ever she were far from us? It could pass into the enemy camp and we would be annihilated. I must do everything to rally her to our cause, it is my duty as king. Clemence: And it was also your duty to protect your son as king. Everything that happens is your fault, you are terrified of wizards to the point of reducing them to s*****y. If you had signed a pact to bring peace like your father had done before you, Ernest would never have been in danger. King: That's enough, I did what I thought was right. Clemence: Correct? Just for whom? King: I don't regret what I did because I did it to protect you and my kingdom while you reject your daughter in her difficult times for whatever reason. You are weak, you are all weak so I don't expect you to understand my decisions but don't you ever dare to question my sense of responsibility. Clemence: I don't reject her King: Really? When was the last time you talked like a mother would talk to her daughter? Since that moment, you have been bitter with everyone and especially with Queen, she also lost a brother, I would like to point out to you. The King spoke shouting as Clemence looked away The King: Then I would ask you to control yourself a little more and rejoice to see your king giving heart and soul to bring your son back to you. The king had just finished his monologue when Marilou entered the room. This time, the queen remained silent at Marilou's greetings, the king showed her a nervous smile on her face, which Marilou noticed and turned her head towards Gloria who was trying to reassure her by nodding her head. She looked back at the king as she sat up. The King: Did you sleep well dear? Marilou: Yes your majesty, I had never slept in a bed as soft and big as this one The king: So much the better, we will do everything to make your stay here as pleasant as possible. Marilou: I am very grateful to you, my king. The queen got up and without telling them walked towards a corridor, the king looked at her for a moment and hastened to say King: Do you feel ready? Today is the big day Marilou simply nodded in response. King: Well then follow us The king accompanied his words with a wave of his hand inviting Marilou to take this direction, she followed him closely, Gloria and Lady Gloria were also behind her as well as other people she had never seen in the castle. Nobody spoke and the reigning silence was threatening, the king finally turned to his left and entered a huge room painted all in white and gold, the atmosphere was soothing and the warm colors made the place pleasant. Marilou rolled her eyes without paying attention to the bed which was in the middle of the room covered with a white sheet near which stood the queen and the king. Everyone else stopped outside the door and just watched. Marilou looked at the machine in front of her and saw the king making a sign to her to come towards him. The queen got on the bed and held one hand, her son's. Marilou advanced slowly thus discovering the white face of the prince and his white hair, with his eyes closed he seemed to be smiling, as if he were asleep and having a pleasant dream. Marilou stopped in front of his face and held out her hand to caress the prince's skin. The queen observed him, watching for the slightest gesture of the young girl. She retorted to Marilou who was caressing Ernest's cold cheeks The Queen: Her skin is all white and cold, isn't it? It's been that way ever since. Marilou looked at the queen then took the prince's hand delicately. Queen: Look at his face, it looks like he's smiling Marilou: Yes, maybe he's having a dream where he sees you, his family and he's happy. The Queen: If only it were true Marilou was staring at the prince's face, while she was holding his hand, a feeling of warmth reached her but before she could react, she was like forced to close her eyes and had a vision. The queen had noticed and was staring at her. Dame Gloria approached and knelt in front of Marilou, the king seemed lost and was content to observe them. Marilou opened her eyes again out of breath, she looked at the king, Dame Gloria and the queen in turn before asking. Marilou: There was something near him where he was found The king and queen looked at each other then laid their eyes on Marilou Queen: Yes, it was... It was Marilou: A ring Queen: Yes, how do you know? Marilou: I saw it, I had a vision Lady Gloria: So that was it King: What did you see? Dame Gloria: Never mind, where is that ring? The king reached into his pocket a bit and took out the ring and handed it to Marilou. King: Here it is, it was my son's... It's my son's, he really cares about it The Queen: I was the one who gave it to him for his 18th birthday, I told him it was a magic ring and that as long as he kept it, I will always be with him and I will always answer his call where whether.

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