2037 Words

LOVEFUL I ALMOST BENT my knees because of the feeling that I felt right now. I couldn't believe it. Luke Blastgen, the person whom my red string connected to, and died a while ago is here. He's lying on the bed, full of blue flowers. My heart is pounding so fast. What if they would find out?! We are still near the door when Sandra patted Lake's shoulder. "I'll go talk to Apo Vaacky. Just have a closer look at your cousin, Luke, first," she said and Lake just nodded his head. Sandra then approached the man with curly hair, and has lots of accessories on his neck, up to his fingers. Wait, Luke and Lake are cousins?! All this time, my perspective seemed to be ruined by the happenings. I don't know if what I have known that I have not yet discovered the truth is really the truth alread

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