Almost Time

1418 Words

Lilliana's POV- My heart broke a little as I watched Carter pour 11 years of heart ache into his reunion with Callan. I knew he needed to let it out although I am damn sure he would never admit it. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Lenny standing behind me. Apparently Lenny and my mother were another casualty of Marcus and his depraved mind. As Selene put it, it was another wrong made right when we brought them back. Lenny looked a lot like me, but more masculine. His jawline was more pronounced like my father's but he shared the same fire red curls that fell to his shoulders. His green eyes were paler than mine but still just as gorgeous. Bringing him and my mother back felt so surreal. Apparently that is another one of my abilities, but it only works if that person was n

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