3| Just once

2940 Words
Bianca walked briskly to her hotel room. She could feel the man walking behind her, making sure he kept her pace. This wasn't what she had been expecting, but she was going to roll with it. Human or not, she needed him badly. And she only planned to have a night with her mate anyway. One night and no one would have to know. She let him enter first, watching how he tried not to look around in awe. She was in the presidential suite. It was very lux. Now, where do I want him first ..? She examined him again. That hair was cute as. She wanted to grip it in her hands. He looked back at her, such want on his face. Humans can't feel the matebond, but she was attractive. He was going to enjoy himself. "Unzip me." She liked how he didn't hesitate, any trepidation he'd had was obviously gone, and he moved with confidence. Damn sexy. His fingers brushed the back of her neck and drew the zipper down, trailing his finger in its wake down her exposed flesh. Her breath got loud. He scooped the dress over her shoulder and then let her wiggle the rest of the way out of it as she turned around. She was wearing a lacy bra that barely covered her n*****s, she saw him eyeing where her areola showed. Her panties were matching, cheeky cut, with a suspender belt. She kept her shoes on. "Undress." He kicked his shoes off, hooking his toe to pull off his socks as he pulled his hoodie off. "Slower." She didn't mean to sound so desperate, but if this was going to be all she allowed herself, she wanted to savour it. She circled him as he took his clothes off. He did as he was told, slowly removing the bow tie they made the weightstaff wear - his was a tied one. He watched her as he unbuttoned his shirt. He let it hang open, first taking his ruined vest off before shrugging it off. She saw a circular mark on his chest, over his heart. Her own jumped into her throat and she rushed in front of him, her hand hovering just over it, not touching him. "What is this?" She demanded. He looked at her quizzically. "Speak!" Her word was a thunderclap and he flinched. "It's a tattoo of the tree of life." She breathed out. She'd thought it was a mark. "Continue," she said, stepping back. He started undoing his pants, guessing correctly that she wanted him to go really slow here. It was excruciating and she loved it. He was wearing tight boxers, his interest apparent. He hooked his thumbs into his waistband, a question in his eye. She nodded. She wanted him completely naked before her. He pulled the front forward as he lowered his boxers, so he didn't snag on the waistband. My oh my, she thought. He was beautiful. His thick manhood made her squirm. His p***s tip was pierced. She'd never had that before. It excited her, and she wanted to lick it but he had to earn it first. He had many other tattoos, but she didn’t focus on them. This was a man okay with pain. He seemed to enjoy her reaction to him. She wasn't hiding how attracted she felt. Even beyond the matebond, he was good looking. "Come with me," she spoke quietly. She had thought she'd take him all over this suite, but now she just wanted him in her bed. ~*~ He followed her like a puppy. Her ass swayed hypnotically as she walked to the bedroom. Her heels clicked on the tile floor, softening as she entered the carpeted bedroom. That flash of red was doing something to him. He wanted to see the pink of her p***y. Taste her. She climbed on the bed, looking back over her shoulder to give him an instruction, but he was already moving. He climbed up behind her, grabbing her ass and pushing his face into her crotch from behind. She let out a gasp but didn't stop him. He pushed at her through her panties, letting the fabric create a barrier, giving a tease of what his mouth was going to do to her when they were gone. He reached an arm forward and gently rubbed her breast, over her bra, focusing on her n****e once it hardened. "Oh yes..." she called out. Her noises made him bolder. He spread her legs wider and turned himself, so his face was under her. Flattening his tongue out, he pushed down on the hood of her clit. The fabric was soaked with her. He couldn't wait to taste her fully. She rocked on his mouth. "Oh Goddess," she called out. "Give me that f*****g tongue." He pulled her underwear aside, exposing her to him. He only had a second of viewing pleasure before he brought her down onto his mouth. He groaned, humming into her and his tongue pushed into her opening. Flicking inside her while he pinched her clit with his fingers and rubbed back and forth. He made sure his tongue piercing landed where it was needed. She panted and moaned. Her orgasm had her body shaking. He lapped her up, slowing down and easing off her sensitive flesh. She climbed off him. She seemed shaken, in both a good and bad way. She obviously had enjoyed that, but now she seemed unsure of herself. He didn't know what to make of it. She seemed to get herself under control and slithered off the bed and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Beau watched her silently, like he'd been ordered to. She stood there in her shoes, suspenders, stockings, and briefs, and he watched her awestruck. Her breasts were perky- her little pink n*****s erect. He wanted to bite them. Her eyes never left his, watching where his eyes shifted. She stepped out her shoes. He wanted to tell her to keep them on, but he kept his mouth shut. She curled her finger, bidding him closer. He sat on the edge of the bed as she walked back towards him. "I'm going to mouth f**k you now." Her words brought a groan from him. "I'm going to be a little rough. But it'll be worth it." She got to her knees. She looked from his c**k to his face. "No moving." Fuck. He wasn't sure he could do that. But he nodded. She started excruciatingly slow, kissing his inner thigh, brushing her breasts against his legs. She cupped the base of him with her mouth, moving her head up and down, her hands on his thighs. It was incredible. She kept eye contact the whole time. Keep it together, he thought. It took forever until she flicked her tongue to taste his tip. She made a strange sound. It didn't sound like a noise that could come from a person. It was primal and animalistic. She wrapped her lips around him and rolled her tongue. Her hand gripped his shaft astonishingly tightly. He panted and gasped, her eyes still on him. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her. Her mouth left him, and he felt the loss of the heat, cold with her saliva. She pumped him, careful with how she handled his pierced area with her hand. He felt her mouth move across his balls lightly, kissing him deeply in his perennial area. Apart from the firm grip of her hand and her tonguing where he was the most sensitive, he didn't think she'd been rough at all-. "Ahhhh!" He called out as she bit him, at least that was what he thought she did. There was a sharp pain that radiated but then seemed to recede and his pleasure at her touch was back, unmarred. Her eyes came back to his, they were full of heat. He realised dumbly that she was wearing contacts. The pain was over quick- so quick it was like it was never there to begin with. She sucked at the spot, at the top of his inner thigh and it felt amazing as she continued to stroke him. It was a strange place for a hickey in his books but he wasn't going to kink shame. She licked him there for a few seconds and then brought herself up to standing, still jerking him, but slowly now. "You able to get hard again quickly?" She asked him suddenly. He nodded. Yeah. Specifically lately, since his condition had started. He was so glad for it now. She seemed pleased with his response. "You're going to c*m in my mouth now." He just nodded again dumbly. She slipped him past her gorgeous lips and his moaning got out of control very quickly. She seemed to know just the right way to handle his piercing. He fought to stay still, but he didn't have to for long as she had him shooting his seed into her mouth within minutes. She languidly sucked him dry, it all became too much and he flopped himself back on the bed. She climbed up on top of him. "I want that mouth of yours." He got ready to eat her out again, grabbing her hips to get her to continue crawling until she was over his face, but she stopped him. He looked at her questioningly. Her face softened for the first time. It hurt his heart how vulnerable she looked. It was just a moment and then her lips were crashing into his. This kiss was mad. It was everything. Their tastes mingled. He thought he could taste something else, something metallic. She pulled her mouth from his, but he was too emboldened now, grasping her body, one hand behind her neck and the other at her waist. He kissed down her neck. "I want to m- f**k you now," she gasped as his mouth travelled to her pebbled n****e. He took it between his teeth. Her hand gripped his wrist, her body roiling on top of him. He put his hand to the waist of her panties. He wanted them out of the way for this. "Just tear them off," she growled. She sat up to make it easier for him. He wasn't sure if he could do it. He grabbed one side with both hands and pulled like he was ripping paper, the underwear coming apart at the seams - it was hard to do, but he had some good motivation. He grinned ruefully, excited as being able to do what she asked. She tore the other side herself easily, one handed. Were these undies designed for this? He thought. He pulled her ruined underwear through her legs and threw them away. He left her pantyhose and suspenders in place. Her pubic hair was light blond too. Trimmed neat, glistening in the light. He pulled her back down to him, so he could kiss her some more. That was the money. He was getting quite carried away, pushing her ass down so she grinded on him hard. He could feel himself firming up - he'd had a fleeting worry it'd fail him, but that would not be the case. He should be able to last longer this time though. Her tongue was everything. He loved how she explored his mouth. She sat up, looking down at him, as she rubbed herself along his full length. She really was amazing. She bit her lip. "That feels ready for me." He nodded. He let her slip onto him without any help from him. This was hers. He was hers. Her breath hitched, her hands sliding towards his chest, playing with his pierced n*****s. f**k that felt good. She felt good. He slowly thrust up to meet her bouncing, just to test what she would allow. She didn't stop him so he increased his speed and force. My god she was beautiful. He placed his thumb against her clit and drew circles. She was lost in it now, her cries increasing rapidly. "You're so beautiful." He couldn’t help but speak. She reached a hand out to stop him talking, but he couldn't be stopped now. This was too much. She was too much. "You like what my c**k does to your p***y?" Her eyes flashed at his words, surprised and turned on. "Yes..." she responded. "You wanna feel me more?" He asked. He felt the early pulses of her orgasm. “Ahh, yes, I’m going to give you what you need.” He didn't wait for a verbal response, grabbing her thighs and lifting her so she swiveled on him, now facing away, reverse cowgirl - straddling only one of his thighs so he could go deeper. He pushed her lower back down and held her there. She gripped his knees as he slammed up into her. "Rub that clit," he told her. She did it without thinking, she was on top but it felt like she was nowhere near in control anymore. He felt it in her the moment he had hit her spot. This was where his piercing worked for both of them. He kept her perfect ass in place, not letting her budge as he drew himself in and out to hit her over and over again. "Oh yes, that’s it, isn't it?" "Yes!" She cried. "Goddess yes. f**k me just like that. Oh Goddess." "Mmm. That's right," he groaned. He was close but her first. "My c***s yours." He gasped and grunted. Her nails bit into his kneecap as she came, her pulsing waves constricting around him. It was too much. He couldn't breathe. "c*m in me!" She ordered and he obeyed. They gasped and moved against each other still. A little whimper came out of her as she climbed off him. He reached out to pull her to him, but she got straight off the bed and walked to the ensuite. "You know your way out," she said as she slammed the door, not looking back at him. He lay there stunned. What just happened? He slowly got up and went to the door. "Are you okay?" There was a beat of silence. Had he hurt her? He looked at himself. His piercing was intact. Nothing but their juices on him. "Yes." "Oh. Okay." He looked around the room. "You want me to go now?" A beat. Another beat. "Yes." He heard the water turn on. Feeling confused and a little hurt he went out to the living area and got dressed. He did it slowly, hoping she would come back out. He came back into the room, to the door. He leant his forehead against it, the water was still running. "I'm going now." He tried one more time. "Okay." He stood there stricken. What did he do wrong? He hadn’t played by her rules, but she’d like it. She’d played back. Feeling like a loser, he collected her ruined panties on his way out and stuffed them into his hoodie pocket. He knew it was a creep thing to do but he did it anyway. "My name is Beau by the way," he called. She didn't respond. ~*~ Bianca sat in the shower hugging her knees to her chest. That hadn't gone as she planned. Why would the Goddess do this to her? So like Bianca to blame something she didn't believe in when it suited her. He had been amazing. His blood was so f*****g good. Every taste of him. She had to get away from him. She’d wanted to mark him so badly, it was a good thing he turned her around. And those dirty words, f**k that had been hot. But she didn’t need a mate. She couldn’t have a mate. That was not her life. And a human? And the way he had sounded when she told him to go. She’d felt like she had been stabbed in the chest. She didn’t need that s**t, right? Beau. My Beau. Shit, she thought angrily, I didn't reject him. She shot up and out of the bathroom, running out wet and frantic, but of course he was gone. She didn't even know how much time had passed since she heard him call out that last time. It had pierced her in her cold dark heart. She hung her head and buried her face in her hands. She stood like that while water pooled at her feet on the tiles. She was such an i***t. ~*~ Beau decided to walk home. He knew it'd take him hours but he needed to clear his head. That had been the most phenomenal experience of his young life. He'd loved how she'd come alive when he spoke to her. How his voice and words had done its job with her as much as with him. f**k there was no way he deserved someone like her to let him do anything. But for those moments with her, he thought she was his. All his. He shook his head angrily. He felt like a fool. She'd picked him up for this. She'd said it. She just wanted to f**k him. He should have been fine with that. But he wasn't. He itched where she'd given him the hickey. He had forgotten to look at it before he got dressed, so when he got home that was the first thing he was going to do. And never shower, he thought dryly, he could still smell her on him. When did he become such a perv? ~*~
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