2| All work and no fun

2741 Words
Bianca was bored. No wait, annoyed. No wait, both. She hated that she had to attend these dumb events. It felt like there was one every other week. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but it felt like it. And this was in another damn continent. She hated having to adjust to new time zones. She hated a lot of things. Sighing, she straightened her spine and stepped out of the car. Her chauffeur held a hand out to help her. She didn't take it. She could feel the appreciating glances she was getting from the guests of the hotel as she walked through the lobby. She knew she was hot. She was tall and leggy, her platinum blonde hair short in a shattered bob. Her eyes were naturally red, but she wore blue contacts when around humans. She gave no one a glance as she walked through the hotel the event was being held in. She had an impressive resting b***h face. Beautiful and cruel. She walked confidently, knowing the way she needed to go. She had studied the floor plans, like she always did when going somewhere new. She was as fashionably late as she thought she could get away with, so there were not many party goers outside the room. A short woman hastily opened the door for her, giving a welcome greeting. Urg, humans, she thought. Her nose wrinkled in disgust. She had only taken a few steps in when she smelt it. Here? Now? She thought incredulously. Her head whipped around, trying to stay calm as she scanned the room. There were too many people. She was just getting a vague direction. There were also too many damn humans around, messing up the smell, it was like it mingled into her mates scent. "Bella Bianca, my pet!" Bianca's, let's say boss, called. Cordon was her age in appearance, though was actually much much older. He was attractive in that kind of way where you wanted to punch him in the face. At least that's what Bianca always wanted to do. Bianca forced a smile, bowing slightly. "Evening sir." "I thought you weren't going to show." His voice was light but she saw the fury in his eyes, even with the green contacts he wore. Okay, maybe she was later than she should have been. "Have I ever disappointed you, Cordy?" She asked, jutting her hip a bit with her stance. She loved to push his buttons. His eyes traveled up and down her body and she tried not to show how disgusted he made her. "Come," he ordered, "I need you to meet your next assignment." She followed him into the throng of people, trying to covertly sniff out her mate. Where were they? This wasn't really the most opportune time to find them, but hey, when in Rome. And why hadn't they sniffed her out yet? Her mate's smell was amazing, it was like if a rainforest and a bakery had a sick little love child. Earthy and sweet. "Mr Tannon, let me introduce Bianca Larsen. She will be joining you for your project." The older man was round and balding. Human. Weird. She didn't usually get assignments for humans. He must have something Cordon wants real bad. "Nice to meet you, Mr Tannon." She nodded in greeting. His gaze made the same journey as Cordons, and she tried not to roll her eyes. Every person here has done it. She looked fine. She was wearing a fitted black pencil skirted dress. It was sleeveless but had a high neck - the bodice was cut in a way that achieved fashion and form, with blocked sections. Her heels were black patent leather with red soles. They exchanged pleasantries and confirmed the details of when and where she needed to be. France and by Sunday. There were no discussions on the details - that wouldn't be for public consumption. She’d be traveling earlier, before they all arrived. She was a professional and would reevaluate the brief and determine the optimal way to proceed. With that over with, Cordon introduced her to a few more prospective clients. It was dull. She still hadn't gotten close enough to the other side of the room to sniff out her mate and she was starting to feel agitated. She was also thinking it might be best to avoid them until Cordon wasn't around. Who knows what he'd do with that information. With the last intro concluded, Bianca turned to the man. "Is that all you require of me for tonight?" She saw the twitch in his jaw. "Stay for the speeches at least." She just nodded, with no intention of actually staying. Like he knew, with a look of absolute frustration, Corden walked away from her. She knew he hated how disinterested she was, especially as everyone else back home, and here, it would seem, fawned all over him. Alright, let's find this person. She hadn't really thought she'd get a mate. She definitely would not say she fell on the spiritual side of things, even with what she was and knowing what this world actually held. But everyone knew the moon goddess stories of fated mates given to those deserving. She definitely was not deserving, and she knew she'd have to reject them, but she could have a taste first. She fleetingly thought of the little spell she'd done a few months prior, shortly after she turned eighteen, the time when typically people could start to find their mates. She had been a bit lonely, a bit drunk - definitely more than a bit - and had called for her mate. Her mother's abilities hadn't trickled down to her, but her mother had always said that intent was the most important aspect of a spell. It was dumb, and she'd punished herself mentally for days after. She stood at the edge of the room, sure this was where she'd last smelt them. God damn it, were they running around the room? She took a deep breath, deciding she'd just stay where she was and see if they'd come to her. Excitement courses through her. Would it be a man or woman or non-binary? She was attracted to all. She bit her lip, looking at the other guests - most were vampires with a few influential humans, a spattering of fiends and demons - Hmmm. That'd be interesting, she thought. The smell wafted to her, and she clenched with need, she was getting wet just thinking about what it'd be like to take them. Drink from them. She tightened her legs together, not able to suppress the desire for friction. Goddess be damned, she needed to find them now. She heard a clatter over to her right, a man's voice apologising, but gasping and trying to move through the crowd towards the entrance to the room. Her brow creased, that voice sang to her but something seemed weird. She could see the back of his head and the collar of his shirt - he was wearing a wait staff outfit. What the..? ~*~ Beau worked nights to pay the bills and tuition for university. The catering company he worked for had lavish events like this a couple times a week. He had a few jobs on the go and this had the most potential to be lucrative. Rich people could be really good tippers, especially if you found the right one, and made sure to swing by them with every canape or drinks tray you took around. The night was going so smoothly. He hadn't had an episode for almost two days - there'd been a few close moments but it faded before it could start. There was only about an hour left of his shift and he'd already made one hundred dollars in tips, it helped that he had worked the bar for the first half of his shift. He'd be able to eat this week. In all seriousness, he lived paycheck to paycheck. He had faith it would all pay off one day. He blew his hair out of his face as he swerved through the crowd, tray in one hand, napkins in the other. There were a lot of attractive people here. Oddly attractive. He didn't know what the event was for, maybe actors or models, or sports people. He didn't recognise anyone - but then he didn’t really keep up with that type of thing. He was offering a napkin to a guest when it hit him, and it hit him hard. It came on so quickly his erection hurt as it was restricted by the too tight black slacks they made them wear. He dropped the tray and tried to both cover his bulge and scramble to get out of the room of people. It had taken all his will power not to moan in pleasure. He didn't stop to clean up the mess he made. Apologising profusely, he headed for the door. The only thought in his head- to get out of there. He hesitated as he pushed out into the hall. Becky looked at him startled. "What are you doing, dude?" "I need a, um, restroom." He tried to turn his body so she couldn’t see what was so obvious, hoping his twisting would just make her think he had a bathroom emergency- it was the marginally less humiliating option. Becky pointed to the right. "Wash your hands," she called after him. He waved his hand in acknowledgement, practically running. Thankfully, no one else was there. He flung himself into a cubicle, hastily closing and locking the door with one hand as he fought with his zipper with the other. He just needed it out. The relief of releasing himself caused him to c*m. Thankfully he landed it in the toilet, but he couldn't stop the c*m sound he made. f**k f**k f**k. Thank god no one else was in here. He took a few moments to breathe. "Hey man," a familiar voice called, "you okay? I saw you eat s**t in there." "Yeah. Thanks Toby. I just had to go really really badly." He looked at his crotch, thankfully none of the precum soaked through his underwear to his slacks - he tried to dry everything off with some toilet paper. "Well, probably best you don't go back in there. If you've got a bug or something. I'll smooth it over with Chad. You okay to get home?" "Yeah. Yeah, all good now. Thank you." He sighed. Chad was the owner and manager. Toby had actually got him this job. He couldn't afford to lose it. "On the bright side at least it wasn't a tray of drinks. I'll catch you at home on Sunday. I’m f*****g Becks tonight," Toby called as he exited the restroom. Beau shook his head at his friend and his not girlfriend- those two should just date. He resolved he'd find a doctor first thing Monday. That had been the worst one yet. Or was it the best one... "Fuckity f**k," he grumbled, finally feeling like he could exit his cubicle. He just needed to get to the locker room and grab his stuff. He'd be docked an hour pay at least, but the tips more than made up for it, practically doubling his earnings for the night. He went back the way he came, noticing a beautiful woman standing by the railing that overlooked the lobby. She was an absolute smoke show. He bobbed his head hello, nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he walked past. She had the most unrecognisable look on her face. Her eyes followed him. s**t, was she hit with some of the food he dropped? God, he hoped not. He glanced back just before the door to the staff area. She was still standing there. Her arms hung limply at her side and she just stared at him. He gave her what he hoped looked like a smile of apology, and he thought he saw a twitch of her lips. Holy hell, he thought, her lips are incredible. He hastily gathered his items from his pigeon hole. He really wanted to be out of here before Chad found him. On his way out he noted that the woman wasn't there anymore. He felt a twinge of regret. Maybe he should have spoken to her. He hadn't seen any stains on her clothes or shoes, but he could have given a proper apology. He took the lift down to the ground floor and exited the building. He was about to flip his hood up when a flash of red caught his eye. It was the sole of the woman's shoes. Hot, he thought. She was heading towards a waiting car. It was black and sleek, and a chauffeur opened the door for her. You could apologise now, he told himself, but he didn't move. There was no way he could talk to a woman like that. He started to walk away. "Hey. You." Her voice stopped him in his tracks. It was clipped with an ever so slight accent. He glanced over to her. She stood in the car doorway. She licked her lips, and he felt the tightness of his pants again, this was normal though. Slow and controllable, not immediate and wild. Just good old fashioned arousal. "Yes?" Here we go, he thought. Was he going to get a dry cleaning bill? That'd eat right into his excess earnings. "Get in." With that she slid into the car. The chauffeur stood waiting for him. Beau took a few hesitating steps. What was this? "Uh..." He looked down into the car and saw she had slid across to the other side of the backseat. Her skirt had ridden up and he could see the top of her stockings, where her suspenders clipped to them. Fuck me. Her lips parted, her breath heavy. "Now." He did her bidding without another thought. This was not a woman you said no to. He buckled his seatbelt automatically like a dweeb. She unclipped it straightaway, pulling him to sit right next to her as the chauffeur closed the door. "What is-" She cut him off. "No speaking." "Bu-" She put her hand on his chest, pushing him into the seat back. "What did I say?" He nervously bit his lip, an old habit. Her eyes went to it. He wanted to know what was happening so badly. Was this an impromptu hook up? Do women like this do that? With men like him? He knew he was alright, but he didn't think he was her level hot. The car started to move and his heartbeat quickened. She pushed him back, sliding him as she did it so he reclined back against the door. She was on him in a second, straddling one of his legs. She was quick and strong. Though they were really both too tall for the space, he didn’t feel physically uncomfortable. He’d probably be able to withstand a lot for her. She tore his vest open, the three buttons scattered in the back seat somewhere. Her hand fluttered over his chest, grazing over his n*****s, her hand came back to that point. "Pierced?" He opened his mouth, but her eyebrow raised up under her fringe, so he just nodded. She made an appreciative sound as she stroked his pierced n*****s through his shirt. "Others?" He nodded again. He assumed she meant where she couldn't see. She bit her lip, right in the middle. "All stainless? No silver?" He nodded at the odd question. "Mmmm..." she hummed. Her hands rested just above his hips, massaging his flesh through his clothes. He gave an involuntary sound. Her gaze on him became intense as she bent her body over him, taking an inhale of air as she hovered over his neck. "You're delicious," she crooned. She sat them both back up. "Here's the deal," she said as she pushed him to sit away from her. "I want you. You'll be mine tonight. You only speak when I tell you. You do everything I tell you to do." None of that was a question, and he was okay with that. He'd never been dominated like this before, and it was driving him crazy. He liked to talk during s*x. This was going to be hard. His heartbeat sped up from anticipation now. ~*~
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