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Three. Sunny’s POV Am I really doomed? Like seriously? It can't be. There's no hell way. Zeiler Herosa is one of the most famous businessmen in the country. He is the young billionaire who has everything; power, money, people — name it all, because he literally has everything. I had never seen him in person before. I only heard and read his name in a magazine or news articles. He is so different in person. Yes, he has a masculine body that everyone wants to rest on, his biceps are well formed, his grey deep eyes are so d*mn warm, and there's always a warning in it. Zeiler Herosa is every girls dream. Well except to me, I guess. "He is someone who won't stoop low to a woman like me," I said as I closed my eyes intently. Our lives are already distinct, even our world is, so there's no little chance that our worlds will collide. I don’t want to be delusional because I know how to differentiate reality from fantasy. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds again. I took a deep breathe to calm the nerves that keeps bugging me. I guess I don’t have any choice right now but to follow everything he wants. Zeiler Herosa really has all the power, and I’m only a small creature in his eyes. Why do I need to deal with him right now? This is insane. "Of all people, why him?" I muttered to myself. I massage my temples. Herosa is one of the scariest people not only in the business industry but also in politics. They are so famous and much respected by many. The powers they hold are so dangerous because in just a snap of a finger you will suffer, and I’m afraid that I will be his next target. I don’t know why Zeiler Herosa suddenly lost his way here. Oh damn it! I didn’t know that I would be able to meet him like this. I just wish he won't do something that will affect the restaurant. I took a deep breath as I kept calming myself. Lots of questions started to get inside me. I'm starting to overthink things. I started to cook as I kept trying to get off of the thoughts inside my head. I was a chef before I became a manager. I've been able to cook so many dishes before, and I can say that in terms of cooking, I have the talents and skills. For now, I should really prepare myself because this is a battle between life and death. Oh, shoot! For sure, our boss knows him too, and I shouldn’t stain our name, because once Zeiler Herosa opens up his mouth in a dirty way, we are all doomed! My heart keeps on beating so fast and I don’t even know why. I’m not even nervous. However, I can’t damn calm my nerves. When I think everything already settled... I asked Miko to serve it to him because I don't think I can face him right now. Instead of making myself more anxious, I just went back to my office so I could also change my clothes and clean up my shoes. I feel so sticky already. As soon as I got to fix myself, I wasn’t able to sit back in my swivel chair because I felt so damn anxious thinking about what was happening outside my office. Even though I want to face that Zeiler Herosa, I don’t have the d*mn courage to do such things, because I know for sure that he doesn’t like it when someone is getting on his way; he is a Zeiler Herosa after all. “I’m so damn curious right now,” I muttered to myself as I massaged my temples. Out of frustration, I closed my fists and closed my eyes, but I literally jumped off to my place when I heard a small knock on my door. I fixed myself first. It’s Miko. “Miss Sunny, Mr. Herosa already left,” he stated in a calm tone. He smiled at me, yet I could see disappointment in his eyes. “He didn’t like it?” I asked as I took a deep breath. I massage my temples once again. “Then we don’t have any choice. We should prepare for the worst to come.” I closed my eyes for a second. D*mn it! He didn’t like it? I suddenly feel kind of disappointed to myself. No one ever rejected the foods I cooked before. Tsk, he is just a picky j*rk I guess. “I’m sorry, Miss Sunny, this is my entire fault.” I smiled at him as I tapped his shoulder. "If I could only meet his standards, you also wouldn’t be in disgrace right now. I apologize, Miss Sunny. " Oh come on! I seriously hate this kind of atmosphere. Miko's eyes are so apologetic. "Don't be sorry, Miko. All of us has our own differences. It doesn't mean that he didn't like what you made you'll look down to yourself now," I said to lift up his mood. "But Miss Sunny, I just can't help, but to feel disappointed." “You don’t need to worry about a thing, Miko. Just go and show off what you've really got. Anyway, we will be having a meeting later after work,” I said with a smile pasted on my face as I kept trying to brighten up his mood. We should at least really prepare. That’s the best thing to do right now. Knowing that guy, he is Zeiler Herosa after all. However, a week has passed already and yet we still haven’t heard news about Mr. Herosa. I don’t know if we should be thankful about this, but as time passed by, I became more anxious than usual — I think something is really wrong with the situation right now. 'I hoped I was just over-thinking things,’ I said to myself as I heaved a deep sigh. ---
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