Chapter 6

1249 Words
Trigger warning: This book is a bit dark in the beginning and I'm placing a trigger warning here for those who don't want to read it and for those who want a heads-up in advance. This book contains mature content and some bad language but there will be a HEA in this book, I promise. Kaylee pov Of all the places I could have ended up at, it had to be here with him. I see him take a step closer when I close my eyes and just try to breathe through this nightmare. I want to be anywhere else than here. "Place her down in the cell, I will interrogate her later. There is some activity at the south borders and I want double the guards." I hear him order out when the man starts to walk with me again without saying anything else. Turning my head, I look around at the place and even if it has started to get dark I still can see a beautiful pack grounds and what looks to be a pack house by the size of it. That's what I'm guessing it is. The guards keep walking with me toward a smaller house and I see two guards standing outside of it. No one has to tell me what it is when one of them opens the door and he walks inside with me. I don't have the energy to fight, and I know it would be a lost cause. I haven't my wolf yet and I don't even know how to fight. During all these years I have never even had ten minutes to practice fighting or defense. I have no idea what to do, so for me to try and do any resistance I know it will only get me into worse trouble and there isn't a chance for me to win. I'm just too exhausted to do anything right now. I see him walk down a stair with me before a door creaks open and he walks inside with me. Without any warning, he just drops me on the floor and I connect with it hard. It takes the air out of my lungs and I try to roll on to the side when I see him just turn around and walk out of the room. The lights are being turned off, and the room becomes pitch black. I just lay there on the floor and try to get some air into my lungs. My mouth is wide open when nothing happens for a long moment until I manage to get a small bit of air into my lungs. It is painful at first when the air slowly sips into my lungs and tears start to roll down my cheeks freely. A part of me wants to scream, but not a sound is heard when I close my hands into fists and try to prepare myself for the pain when I finally manage to take a deep breath. Laying on the floor I look out into the darkness and just let my tears fall. I have to go over everything that has happened and I guess I will be left alone in here for a long time. I can't believe what they have done to me. How could she do this? Starting with the memory when she ordered me to go talk to them and everything that happened after. I have to bite myself on the cheek to prevent myself from crying out loud on the floor just by the revelation of what happened. I thought she was nice through all these years and I saw her as a kind person and a good Luna. Only to end up here because of what she forced me to do. No one will hear me crying inside here and I pull my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I'm tired and cold, the bag I had before I have no idea where it is now. I probably lost it and all the money inside of it with my one chance to start over is gone. Everything feels hopeless and I let myself feel the pain of what has happened. I'm alone in the darkness in this room and I just fall apart from the knowledge and feel the sorrow for what they all did that forced me into this mess. It's not that I loved the life I used to have, but I would rather take it back than this. My body is shaking from the cold and my wet clothes, I have nothing to keep me warm and I wrap my arms tighter around my knees. How am I supposed to move forward from this? If they are right and I got pregnant then what can I do? I try to focus on my thoughts and go through my memory of everything that has happened, but no matter how hard I try, the more I feel numb again to the point where my brain shuts down from all the pain. Knowing what they did to me and that I am alone, I don't have anyone to ask for help or seek shelter with, it's just me. Sobbing out loud I try to move my head closer to my knees and close my eyes for a moment. The whole room is silent except for my sobs. I know there are probably guards close by, but at this point I don't care what they will hear, I'm a wreck. The longer the time goes by, the more my brain and body distance themselves from the painful memories, to the point where I just lay and stare right out into the darkness in the room. Turning around on my back when I don't even feel how cold I am any longer and see a small window in the corner of the ceiling. It's dark outside now and I just keep staring out the window for ages. My mind is blank and the second I get to see a glimpse of the moon I close my eyes and pray to the moon goddess for help. "You can't leave me like this, help me." I whispered out to her while I realize I won't be able to shift once I get my wolf if I'm still pregnant when I turn eighteen. I don't feel pregnant and even if I was, I'm not sure it have survived the medicine she gave me or all that time I was in the cold water. I know all of those events could have killed the fetus and at this point, I don't know if it hadn't been for the best. Even if I get out of here somehow, where do I go and how would I be able to survive alone out there with a child? A situation I didn't want to be in to begin with, something I was forced to do and for me to be where I am right now. What life could I give that child and would I be able to love it? My mind is spinning with all my thoughts and questions until I fall asleep right here on the floor with my wet clothes. I don't know for how long I have been asleep when I wake up from several heavy footsteps walking outside on the stairs. Turning my head towards the door when I hear them walk closer to where I am and stop right outside.
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