Chapter 4

1787 Words
Kaylee pov My heart starts to race in my chest and beat hard when I hear the beeping getting faster, feet moves over and stops by my side when I feel a hand on my face and someone is pulling my eyelid open. A bright light comes to my eyes, and I want to close it instantly when I see a woman flashing with a flashlight in front of me. "That's impossible," I hear her say when she drops my eyelid and it gets dark again. "What is?" I hear Liana say when she moves closer to where I am. "She reacts to the light and I believe she is about to wake up, it shouldn't be possible yet" I hear the woman say when feet moves around in the room again. "Can't you give her anything to quicken the process?" Liana asks when feet moves back to me. "I can't give her anything that will harm her baby, she has to wake up on her own." the woman says again. Is she talking about me? I can't be pregnant! My mind is trying to process this, I know I'm missing something. I feel it deep down in my gut that there is something important I should remember. A hand comes to my face, and my eyelid is opened when I see the woman look at me again. "She might not want to keep the baby anyway, but if we don't get her away from here she won't have any chances to survive. She has to wake up and that's now," Liana says in a determined voice, and I hear how desperate she sounds. "I have something I can try, but with all the medicine she has been given before, I'm not sure it won't hurt the baby," the woman says, dropping my eyelid and I hear her walk around in the room. "At least she will have a chance to live if we get her away from here, we have to give her that," Liana says when a hand comes to my arm before I feel a sting in it. I know it's a needle and it doesn't take long until I feel my system wake up. It tingles in my body and it feels like I can move my toes. Trying to wiggle them or move my arms, I feel a hand on my eyelid when it's opened and the flashlight is back once again. It's so bright and almost hurts my eyes when I feel her do the same on the other. "She is coming back," I hear the woman say when she drops my eyelid and a hand is placed on my arm. "Kaylee, I need you to wake up! Can you open your eyes for me?" Liana says and I have to focus and try to get them open. I managed to lift them a little bit, and I see her standing to the side, but it's too light in the ceiling so I close them again for a moment to let them adjust before I try again. Lifting my hands I try to get my arm up when I hear some movement in the room before it gets darker and I get to open my eyes again. Seeing they have turned off the lights in the ceiling, I manage to get my eyes open a bit more. "That's good, Kaylee, you have to wake up. Can you look at me?" I hear Liana say and I try to move my head to the side when I see her standing close to me. "How do you feel?" She asks me and when I try to answer her back, I feel how dry I am in my mouth and throat, it's painful to even swallow. I can't form any words or get my tongue to move inside my mouth, my lips feel sore. "Wait, I will get you some water," I hear her say, and walk away from my sight when I hear her doing something before she comes back and places a straw to my lips. "Drink," she says when I start to suck and a cold liquid runs down my throat. I take my time and drink slowly while I feel my throat getting a bit better. "Do you remember what happened to you?" She asks me when she takes the drink away from me. Trying to remember what happened and why I am here, but my mind is blank, I don't remember anything. "No!" I whisper out when she looks at me with concern written on her face. I see her turn her head and look at the other woman before she turns her head back and looks at me. "Kaylee, you have been placed in a sedated state for two weeks. It's natural to feel disoriented and not remember what happened, but what we will tell you is important. You have to listen closely." I hear the other woman say and turn my head her way. Her eyes meet mine and from the way she looks I would say she is a nurse. "Do you remember that day when they forced you away against your will?" she asks me, and I try to remember it. I have small glimpses of a conversation with Liana and Evie, but that's all. "No," I say again when there are several footsteps outside the door and the woman snaps her head that way. "I will try to hold them off for now, but you have to get her up from the bed if we are going to be able to help her now," she says in a stern voice and I instantly understand she is serious about this. "I'll be back soon," the woman says and walks out of the door, leaving us alone in the room. "Kaylee, I'm so sorry about this, but we have to get you up from the bed right now. Your life depends on it," Liana says when I feel her start to peel the blanket off me before she grabs my legs and starts to move them over the edge of the bed. She turns around and grabs a pile of clothes from a chair before she comes back to me and helps me sit up. I have to grab her shoulders when my head starts to spin violently, to the point where I almost faint when I feel her hold her arms around me. "We have to put some clothes on you. here!"She says and lets me go when she takes a pair of pants and starts to help me get them on, before she puts socks and shoes on. I see it's all her clothes when she takes off the shirt I have on and puts a new sweatshirt on me before she helps me stand up on the floor. She holds an arm around me when she helps me button the pants and everything goes so fast. I have a hard time keeping up with what she does, let alone getting my mind to function and take in what's going on. "I'm sorry, but this is the best we can do for now. I have a backpack with clothes for you," she says when the door is opened and the woman comes walking inside. She looks surprised at me when she walks over to where we are. "This shouldn't be possible," she says and looks at me. I don't understand what she means when there are a lot of shouts coming from the hallway and I see them both turn their heads and look that way. "They are about to shift guards, this can be the best and only time to get her out of here. But we need to go now," the woman says to Liana when she hooks her arm in mine. "What's going on?" I ask her when she starts to pull me with her forward. My legs don't carry me and I almost fall to the ground when the other woman comes and holds me up from the other side. "We have to help you get out of here, or you will never be free again," Liana says when they take a step closer to a side door. "I don't understand," I say and just try to make my legs move forward when they get me to the side door before they open it. Liana turns her head and looks at me with sorrow in her eyes. "When they find out you are pregnant, you will be locked up and only kept alive until the baby is born, and they can sell it to the Alpha. They will not care about your life or what's going to happen to you, it all comes down to how much money they can force the Alpha to pay for the child. Do you understand me, Kaylee?" Liana says, and I try to blink several times and get the information in. None of it makes sense to me. How can I be pregnant? I guess she sees my puzzled expression on my face. "You will be used only for the purpose of being an incubator for the baby and maybe another one until they have used you enough. That day you will be killed, so you don't try to go after the baby. Do you understand, Kaylee? If we don't get you out of here now you will be locked up in a room attached to machines for your life support, then they will kill you," she says again and I hear the tone in her voice when I try to wrap my head around it. "Who will?" I ask her when I feel like somehow I already know this. "My mother and father," she says and I get a memory flashing by off her mother's face when they open the door and pull me through it. Hearing several footsteps in the hallway and around the corner they pull me down to what looks like a door. Their hard grip on my arms is what gets me to move forward or I wouldn't be able to take a step by myself. "Hurry, before they come walking around the corner," the woman says when I hear several footsteps walking closer behind us. My heart starts to beat faster and I understand my safety depends on us getting out before they get here. "Who is running in the hall?" I hear a man boom out behind us, and the woman drops my arm and opens the door before she pushes me inside with Liana. We stand inside another hallway and hear him walk closer to the door and my heart is beating hard in my chest.
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