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ZAIRA Kane’s lips were as soft as the word itself, and his touch was even softer. He moved with caution as if a part of him was worried that if he made the wrong moves, he would break me. I kissed him every passion that was left inside of me; like a child that had been begging to be taken somewhere and after being taken, was savouring every bit of it because I knew that it would end whether I liked it or not. “Zaira,” he mumbled against my lips, and I hummed in response. “Are you really sure you want to do this right now? You can always stop. I saw what happened to you—” ‘’And you helped me get out of it before it got worse,” I reminded him. “Don’t worry about me. I’m sure about what I want, and I want you. Unless you don’t want to, and that’s fine with me.” “Of course I want this,” he chuckled. “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself when you think you know what you’re doing, and…” “Again, you don’t have to worry about me,” I encouraged. We resumed the fiery kiss, and I gasped as his hands found their way underneath the shirt I was wearing, travelling along my waist and cupping one of my breasts. I pushed myself up against him, wrapping one leg around him, eliciting a moan from him. He flipped us around, now fully on top of me as his hand slipped down from my breast and down into my folds, causing my insides to rupture into flames as I moaned against his lips. “Kane,” I moaned aloud as he placed thousands of kisses against my neck, carefully taking my shirt off and sitting up so that he could fully take in my body with his eyes. “You’re so f*****g gorgeous,” he commented, leaning close and kissing me again. “Oh, goddess,” I gasped as he slipped his index finger into me and pumped quickly but intentionally. I whimpered at the emptiness when his hand got out of me, but it didn’t last very long as he unbuckled his belt and pushed into me. I held on to his biceps to keep myself grounded as I took all of him in. All the air in my lungs was immediately squeezed out of me as he stayed inside of me for a while, just staring at me. Then, he pulled back and started to go at a steady pace that drove me insane. With each pound of our bodies against each other’s, I felt my sanity and control dissolving into the air little by little, until I was nothing but a complete mess, moaning his name out loud. As I started to climb through to my climax, I felt my legs jerk as he slowed his pace teasingly and smirked at me. “Please, Kane,” I begged desperately, my voice barely above a whisper. I didn’t know just how desperate I was to forget everything that had happened to me, and I sure as hell had not thought of just how perfect it would be if Kane helped me through it. “What do you want?” he went further to tease me, rubbing his thumb over my lower lip as he went in and out of me so dangerously slow that I almost considered taking charge. “I want you to make me c*m,” I admitted in a loud moan, screaming in perfect bliss as he lost all sense of his own control and lost himself inside of me, going fast and no longer treating me like he would break me. It was as if he wanted me to break this time; as if it was his mission now. “Oh, my god!” I whimpered, my back arching as my arms snaked around his neck when I finally reached my climax and came undone with him coming right after me. We slumped against each other, giving each other sloppy and hungry kisses and locking our hands around each other until we got exhausted and fell asleep in each other’s warm hands. ~ I was setting tablecloths atop tables the next morning as everyone prepared for the new moon festival. I had managed to convince Kane to let me go and perform my duties even when he had begged me to stay with him until later, promising to cover up for me if anyone asked. Aside from the fact that I was an Omega and it was my duty to prepare the venue for the ceremony, I genuinely liked and enjoyed every new moon festival, so I liked to partake in the preparations. It was one of the few times that I got along with other people in the pack who were just like me when I got to see them smile while they worked because they genuinely enjoyed it. “Zaira!” I turned around immediately I heard the sound of my mother’s voice. I rushed towards her, enveloping her in a hug and sighing in relief. If Kane hadn’t found me and gotten me out of the midst of those Alphas, I wondered if I would ever have the opportunity to see my mother again. “I have been looking for you everywhere since last night! I heard there was an invasion and I immediately panicked. Goodness, young lady.” She dramatically held her chest for the dramatic effect. “I lost track of time at a friend’s house, so I decided to sleep there,” I lied through my teeth, not making eye contact as I said it – she could always tell when I was lying if I ever made eye contact while telling her the lie. “Next time, you better tell me so I don’t have to go around looking for you like someone going crazy.” She took the tablecloth from me and used her head to gesture at Alpha Leo’s house. “You’re on laundry duty. Go see if anyone in the house needs their laundry done.” With a sigh, I walked into the Alpha’s house, where I went from room to room, asking if they needed any of their laundry done. “I already got my laundry done yesterday,” Alpha Leo informed me when I asked him. Damon and Zade, the third and last sons of the Alpha were not in their rooms, leaving me to his second son – Ares. I knocked on Ares’s door, praying to the Moon Goddess that he didn’t have any laundry to be done. There was no reply from the other side, so I started to hope that he was not in his room, just like his brothers. “Ares?” I called out to him, knocking once more. I twisted the door knob and decided to walk in. As soon as I opened the door and took sight of Ares, my jaw dropped to the ground. “Oh, my goodness!” I exclaimed, throwing my head to the side but not fast enough to get rid of the image that had just been embedded in my head – he had been watching a graphic porn movie on his TV screen, jerking off to it. “What are you doing here?” He demanded, and I turned to see that he had thrown on his shorts. I looked up at him to tell him what I was there for, but my eyes immediately widened when the same feeling that had festered in my chest with Kane last night started all over again with Ares. It couldn’t be… I was mated to two of the Alpha’s sons.
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