1377 Words
ZAIRA I watched with an open mouth as Alpha Thyre’s body fell to the floor, and Kane stood over the body with Alpha Thyre’s head in his hand. I had just watched Alpha Thyre get beheaded in only a matter of seconds by my mate. “Find something to put on,” Kane said to me, using his head to nod at the closet, where dresses and shirts were arranged in.” I picked out one of the shirts and put them over my head. I looked at Kane, my head whirling as blood covered most of his face, but it didn’t seem to faze him. “Come with me,” he commanded, walking out of the backroom, where we found the Alphas who were still in wait for me. They all stood up, their eyes widened as they saw Alpha Thyre’s head in Kane’s hand. “What do you think you’re doing? What did you do?!” They challenged him, but they never moved from where they stood to approach him. Some of them were already taking steps back. Kane ignored their questions and turned to me as he said: “Which one of them was he getting you prepared for?” I pointed my hand in Alpha Riley’s direction, and his eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare touch me, son of Alpha Leo. Remember that you are not your father’s only heir. I will have you killed if you—” Alpha Riley’s threats were caught off by Kane as he threw the head of Alpha Thyre at Alpha Riley’s face as he spoke. The other Alphas stepped away from the head as it rolled onto the ground. “We have heard stories about you and that uncontrollable anger of yours,” one of the Alphas said. “We know you’re hard to appease when you lose your temper, but – pray tell – what reason is there to fight for an Omega? They are made to serve us.” This seemed to get Kane even more frustrated as he walked towards the Alpha and made to hit him when the other Alphas rushed forward and held him back so he couldn’t reach him. Kane, being the reckless person he had always been, fought and pushed his way through the crowd of Alphas until he got to his target and punched him straight in the face. Before anyone could hold him back once again, he headed for Alpha Riley and attacked him, pushing him against a wall and punching him with all his might. I stepped back from the chaos in lack of idea of what to do about the situation. The Alphas started to scatter and file out of the building when they realized that Kane was almost impossible to pin down. If anyone touched him, he would punch or claw at them without thinking twice about it. When they were all gone, leaving just Alpha Riley to his fate, Kane tossed him aside after punching him to his satisfaction and fill. Alpha Riley gasped for air, choking and reaching up to his neck as he started to cough aggressively. “If you manage to survive this,” Kane said to him, “tell the others that they had tried to mess with my mate. If there is any more ring like this one, I will find it and burn it to the ground.” He looked at me with a raised brow and nodded for the door. “Let’s go,” he said, walking out of the door as I followed behind him. “Thank you,” I finally said, breaking the silence between us as we headed back to the pack. He didn’t respond, he simply kept walking as if the last thing on his mind was to engage in a conversation with me about anything at all. I started to regret being mated to Kane, of all people. I went to the same pack school as him and his brothers, and I never got along with any of them. They all seemed to have an arrogant air about them and being here with Kane confirmed it as he refused to even glance in my direction. I wondered if he was a bit disgusted by me over what he had seen, but I expected him to know that it was not something I had control over, and it was against my will in the first place. “Tomorrow is the new moon festival, and you’re expected; as an Omega; to help out with the plans for the ceremony,” he reminded me, almost stunning me with his nonchalance. “I can’t go now,” I spoke, looking down at the ground. “I don’t feel so good. Maybe I can go tomorrow—” “I’m not telling you to go now, or even tomorrow. You can always skip it, and I’ll stand in for you.” I raised my eyebrows, taken aback by his offer. “I have a penthouse not too far from here. If you would like, I could take you there for you to freshen up, get something to eat, and sleep for the night. Would you like that?” “Yes, thank you,” I replied, and we switched routes as we went towards his penthouse. By the time we got there, it was late at night, and I was tired and hungry. Kane led me into his room and opened the door to the bathroom. “You can take a shower in here.” “When you’re done, pick out something you’ll be comfortable in from the closet,” he instructed as he pointed towards the closet, heading for the exit. “I’ll go find you something to eat.” “Thank you,” I muttered, walking into the bathroom and stripping as I turned the shower on. After I had scrubbed the memories and the dirty feeling off myself, I found myself finding something that could at least fit me in Kane’s closet, but the only things I could find were shirts that barely covered my thighs and shirts that didn’t fit me at the waist. I settled for wearing one of the shirts. Just as I wore it and closed the closet doors, Kane walked in with a tray in his hands. “Come on,” he said, walking towards the bed and setting the table over the bedside table. “Unfortunately, I don’t stock up the fridge here since I’m not here a lot, so the only thing I could make was French toast.” I looked down at the tray to see the toasts he had made, smiling at the bowl of carefully cut-up pieces of fruit and the glass of orange juice to go with it. “Do you like it?” He asked as soon as I took my first bite of the French toast. I nodded, unable to reveal to him that my mouth was watering, and it was taking everything in me not to shove it all in my mouth. When I was done and he took a shower to rid himself of the blood, he offered to let me lay in the bed alone while he went over to the desk by the window, but I insisted on not letting him go. If anything, the warmth of my mate was what I needed after what I had just been put through. He wrapped his arms around me, and we both smiled at each other. “Thank you for—” “If you thank me one more time, I will rip my own head off,” he protested, causing me to laugh. We spent a few seconds staring each other down as I wondered if he was thinking what I was thinking. The moment he glanced at my lips and back into my eyes, I confirmed that he really was thinking the same thing. I leaned forward at the same time that he did, and he raised his brows as he asked: “Are you sure about this?” “I am,” I answered with a confirming nod. In one second, our lips locked as if we had been waiting for that moment our whole lives.
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