Book 2 - Chapter 17

2458 Words

Derek Of all the things for me to forget. My date with Kelly. Goddess help me. Kelly showed up almost immediately after Valerie left saying she had made it to the palace and was told I was working at my office today. Of course, Kelly was stupidly understanding that I "had a work emergency" according to my Delta Matt, and was more than willing to meet me here. And because we were too far to link and my phone was dead, I never got the notice until she came strolling in. So, being the massive d**k that I was, I told her lunch was on the way and I appreciated her going out of her way to meet me here instead. And being an even bigger d**k, I acted like Valerie meant nothing to me in front of Kelly, and took her lunch from her. My only saving grace was that I linked Jeff as soon as Kelly arri

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