Book 2 - Chapter 16

2302 Words

Derek My neck was killing me from my back-to-back flights. I sat at my desk early Wednesday morning trying to get caught up on something, anything. I was happy to have the peace and quiet and be distraction free for the moment. I found that working with Valerie across the hall from me made it harder and harder to focus. Dean wanted me to claim her in the worst way. I did too, but I had to resist. It was for the better. "How dare you!" Dina growled, flying into my office. Dina worked in the daycare and, therefore, was almost always the first person to work each day. I gave her credit too, she would drive back and forth every day just so she could see her mate, Matt. Even if it was only for an hour because of their odd schedules. "Good morning Dina, how can I help you?" I asked with a

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