3. Baby Xerah

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Callus showed up again after letting Lucia watched what's happening in the North Kingdom and she was voiceless at what she discovered. "My queen...the child—" he spoke but he was being cut off by her. "You mean my niece, Callus. My niece is the twelfth and last Goddess according to the prophecy," she mentioned and she sneered. "Can you believe that, Callus? I have a niece and unluckily, she is the Goddess of Destruction." She then glared and gritted her teeth just remembering what she saw. "This is the beginning. And for me to be able to get into my younger sister I'd have to deal with her children first. Tell me Callus, where is the eldest son of my younger sister?" "Let me show you," Callus told and he disappeared again. In the mirror, Lucia saw her prey which is the eldest son of her younger sister and she smiled triumphantly because Kyte is in the corner of the North Kingdom together with his army while guarding their territory land. "This is the best day to ambush him. What do you think, Callus? Will I gain a victory against him?" she queried. So with that, the mask showed up again and answers, "My queen, there's no probability he can stand on you. You are powerful than him." "And I will be more powerful once I get his power, next are his two brothers, and for the last, the youngest and only daughter of my younger sister and the king." She evilly laughed because of that. "I don't think so, my queen," he countered not happy for her. "What do you mean, Callus?" she asked then glared at him for contradicting. "Even you get the power of your younger sister's sons and you'll be able to defeat the king and her wife, there's still someone powerful than you and to any other Gods and Goddess," he declared. "What did you say? More powerful than me? And who's that? What is the name of that peasant who dares to compete with me?" She arched her two eyebrows intimidatingly after asking him. "Her name is Xerah, my queen, and she is the youngest and only daughter of your younger sister and King Zarro," he told with amusement in his voice. "Xerah? The child's name, my niece? That baby?" she gaped questioning him and then, she laughed. "You gotta be kidding me, Callus. Hahaha! How could a little human hurt me and be more powerful than me? Yes, we heard from the legendary book that she is the Goddess of Destruction but she's too tiny. That little body can't possess undeniable and powerful powers like mine." "And that is where you are wrong, my queen," he stated seriously. "What?" she stopped laughing and frowned. "Your niece, my queen, the child even she is just a baby now you won't be able to hurt her. And that is because as of now all the Gods and Goddess have their eyes on her. They are deliberating right now since the child born here in the mortal world rather than to them, immortals," he directed. "The Gods and Goddess are all looking at her?" she questioned then she scoffed. "Callus, don't you know? Immortals are not allowed to kill mortals with their own hands so technically if I do something to my niece, They have nothing to do but to just watch. They can't hurt me. And right now, I will end that child before she destroys our planet and be the hindrance to my plans." She gritted her teeth, grunting. In the meantime, the eleven Gods and Goddess are still sitting on their throne while gazing at the bright and shining light in the middle of them which is their Father of all. "Father, if she is your sister then, she must live with us here and not there in the mortal world," Rex spoke huskily. "Are you questioning my decision, my son?" The Father of all asked with the same favor Rex gave. "Apologies, Father. I just...can you enlighten me, Father?" Rex lowered his head apologetically. "Listen to me, my sons and daughter. Ease your mind 'cause everything is under my control. Go to your palace now and fulfill your duties," Father briefly mentioned, and the light disappeared abruptly. And because of that, the eleven Gods and Goddess shared a look. The military of the North Kingdom led by the eldest son named, Kyte Royal, are the night soldiers to keep their surroundings safe and protected from enemies and invaders. It is the middle of the night and all are quiet when all of a sudden the Hungarians attacked and so, the soldiers fight too. Kyte showed his powers as he possessed the power of fire, metal, and speed and he has the advantage since he is the royal prince because all royal blood have multiple powers compared to the normal civilians that have only one power. With his power of fire, he throws fireballs that he also used his speed with a sword in his hands to kill some against their enemies. As one of the princes of the North Kingdom, he has a muscular body compared to his two other brothers that's why he is strongest amongst them. Not until then, Lucia faced her nephew. "Lucia," Kyte mentioned her name huskily like he is a threat. "My dear nephew, didn't your mother teach you how to greet politely?" Lucia chuckles softly. "Stop calling me your nephew! We are no related to each other! You are the elder stepsister of my mother so, we have no connection or whatsoever to one another!" he growled. Then, he started to call his younger brother Kole through his mind saying, "Kole? Kole? Can you hear me?" Meanwhile, Kole, the third son is already sleeping in his room when he heard his name being called making his eyes abruptly open. "Kole, do you hear me? Lucia is here. She attacked us," Kyte continued calling his younger brother while he is trying to free himself but he couldn't. Kole then sat up on the bed. "I can hear you, brother. I'm coming over now." From that, he stood up and suit up before going out in his room. Lucia anyway laughed suddenly hearing her nephew calling for help and say, "Kyte, aren't you the eldest son? Then, why are you calling your younger brother to come and help you? Aren't you strong and brave enough to fight me?" Kyte gaped to what she said that surprised him. "You can hear my thoughts?" "Of course, I do. Duh," she mocked and chuckles insulting him. Then, she became serious, and with her grip, the ground eats him down and only his head is the one to show. "You are not going anywhere, my nephew. Your time has come. I will end you here now." While Kole is about to open the portal through a time when a familiar voice spoke at his back that makes him turned. "Father," Kole told. "And where are you going in the middle of the night, son?" King Zarro asked his youngest son curiously approaching him and stood in front of him. "Father, Lucia attacked Kyte in the woods. They need our help now," Kole mentioned worriedly for his brother. "Then, I'm coming with you," King Zarro announced valiantly. So, Kole opened the portal of time for them to travel in the fastest way while Callus suddenly woke up from sleeping when he saw the future. "Ready to die now, my nephew," Lucia gritted, and with just her hand she tightened more the hold to her nephew who is on the ground. Kyte anyway keeps on grunting because of the pain he is experiencing because slowly his energy is losing which she is absorbing on the other hand. Then, a knife appeared in her hand ready to kill her nephew when she hears a voice in her head. "My queen! My queen! Abort mission! Abort mission!" Callus yelled worriedly and with fright. "Not now, Callus! I'm in the middle of a fight, don't you see?" she argued back talking to him through her mind. "My queen, not now! King Zarro and his son are on their way now! Leave!" Callus commanded hastily. "But you said that I will be successful tonight! You failed me! Ugh!!!" she furiously shouted out of her mind and from that she vanished into thin air disappearing on the site. The Hungarians too disappeared and that's the time King Zarro and Kole arrived. They both looked around to see that all soldiers are in anguish after fighting their enemies then, Kole immediately found his elder brother, Kyte, who's in between the ground. To make Kyte out of the ground, King Zarro smashed the ground and pulled his son upward with his strength to remove him and they brotherly hugged each other dearly. To the palace of Lucia, she is facing the mirror and Callus. "I thought Callus you had everything under your control then, what happened there in the middle of the woods, ha? Answer me!" she angrily asked. "Apologies, my queen," he lowered his face as he sincerely apologized to her. But then, he faced her and says, "But don't be discouraged, my queen, because even if you absorbed the powers of the eldest prince you are still no match to the Goddess of Destruction. You must focus on her most, my queen." With that, she calmed down and sighed, and reply saying, "You're right. I should ready instead to devour hers." The sun has set for it is already twilight whilst, baby Xerah is peacefully sleeping in her crib in a guarded room whereas there are ten guards around to protect her and to keep an eye on her to whatever may happen. Unexpectedly, a gray smoke suddenly appeared, and all the guards fell and that's the time Lucia showed to the side of the crib. She grinned seeing the helpless child peacefully sleeping and so, she carried the child in her arms. "What an adorable child," she complimented when her face changed into an evil witch. She gritted her teeth just gazing at the child and says, "However, you must not live because a Goddess like you will only just give misfortune to everyone and everybody on this entire planet. We don't need you. Nobody will. Farewell, the Goddess of Destruction, my niece." From that, she opened her mouth to begin immersing the child's undeniable and endless powers when suddenly the door swung open and King Zarro walks in. "Lucia?" he scowled at her just seeing her face. "Oh, King Zarro. It's you. How are you?" she casually greeted and smiled at him. He then looked down to her arms where his youngest baby is making him frowned and so he threatened her saying, "What are you doing here? And what are you doing to my daughter? Put her down before I tear you into millions of pieces." "My King, I just want to pay a visit to my niece because I heard about the prophecy and that this child has undeniable and endless powers. And also, I just wanna bow to her for she is the Goddess of Destruction according to prophecy," she told stating the fact. "So, you already heard about it. Don't you dare hurt her, Lucia, or you'll die in my hands, I'm telling you," he furiously said, and because of that thunder flashed through the sky. "Your majesty, we both know that this child will only bring misfortune to you and to the world we are all living because with her powers everything and everyone on this planet will vanish if we didn't kill her first. She is the extinction of our lives that's why I'm here to get rid of her. Don't you want that?" she tried to get his side convincing him. But he seems not to care and he stepped closer towards her gritting his teeth and says, "Yes, I don't want that. That's my daughter. Put her down now, Lucia." While she stepped backward not letting go of the child and glared at him too answering him, "Not until I get her powers and kill her." "Father!" A male voice called. And, Kyte, Kloud, and Kole showed up behind their father. "Wow. What a nice reunion. I'm glad and you all came to witness the death of your youngest sister," she announced smiling wickedly. "Put down our youngest sister, Lucia!" Kyte shouted and with that his hand fired up ready to toast her out if any case. "Leave us alone, Lucia!" Kloud said and the wind in the atmosphere became heavy. "You are not going anywhere, Lucia, not until you let our youngest sister go," Kole mentioned and all the things around them float in the air as he possessed the power of psychic. "You don't scare me." She snickered and she looks down at the child to resume what she is doing. She sipped the child's powerful kee that the hair of the baby turned to red from black which surprised them all. To be continued...
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