"Lucia, no!!!" The King angrily shrieked and the heavy rainfalls. Kyte was about to throw a ball of fire when his father stops him to do so. "Don't. You might harm the baby as well," King said in a menacing tone that his attention never leaves his daughter. "But father, she is absorbing the baby's kee," Kole contradicted. "Lucia, I said stop it!!!" King bellowed. But Lucia didn't stop and just glanced at the King with a smirk on her face when the baby began to whine under her arms and then, from black hair, it became red that it turned again to gold. All of them gaped to what they just witnessed while the cry of the baby makes the whole system aroused that everything started shuddering. Baby Xerah then raised her arms and she reached Lucia's hair that suddenly burns. Because of that,