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Raven stepped from the shower and turned off the taps. She had hoped a good hot shower would have made her feel better but it had not. All it had done was give her time to think, her traitorous thoughts flashing back to vivid moments in Liam’s arms. His mouth on her body. The sight of him touching himself. She hated herself for being so weak. She walked out into the bedroom and took a red silk night gown from her drawer. It had been one that she had bought to get Dawson’s attention. It had worked well with its low-cut neckline and thin string straps. It draped her body like a glove and was so short it barely covered her bottom. She had put it on the night she bought it and stood in the doorway of the home office while he was on the phone. She had been pleased when she caught his attention right away. He had ended his call quickly and taken her right on the desk. Of course, his attention did not last long but she would take that comforting memory right now. She needed to think of Dawson right now to keep Liam off her mind. She pulled the nightgown on and headed down to the kitchen. Some ice cream and a movie maybe would serve as a good distraction. It was near midnight but she was still too worked up to sleep. Raven dished herself a bowl of ice cream and then sat on the couch with her feet tucked under her bottom. She missed Dawson. Maybe she should call him, just to hear his voice. Raven reached for the cordless phone beside the couch and dialed the number for Dawson’s cell. She would probably wake him but she didn’t care. She would only keep him a few minutes and then let him go back to sleep. Raven held the phone to her ear and listened to the ring. It rang once… twice… three times… and then someone answered. “Hello?” A female voice said. Raven’s voice caught in her throat at the sound of another woman. Was it possible she had dialed the wrong number? “Hello?” The voice said again. When Raven didn’t answer she heard the woman call to someone else. “Hey Dawson, what is wrong with your cellphone?” Her heart broke when she heard his faint voice in the distance as if he were coming from another room. “I told you not to answer it.” Suddenly his voice was on the line. “Hello? Hello? Damn it! I said don’t answer the damn phone.” And the line went dead. He had hung up. She had not dialed the wrong number, and Dawson had not changed. Tears streamed down her cheeks as Raven began to cry. It would only be a matter of time before he checked the caller ID to see who had called him. Any minute now Dawson would be calling her back trying to beg forgiveness and make excuses as he had all the other times. There was a knock at her door and Raven rose from the couch. She could not imagine who would be at her door at this hour. In her emotional state she did not care she just wanted them to go away. She walked over to the door to tell them to leave. Raven opened the door and was stunned into silence to find Liam standing on the other side of the door. He respectfully removed his black hat and nodded hello to her and she still couldn’t believe her eyes. “How…?” She began unable to finish. He seemed to understand her. “Return address on the invitations.” He smiled. Well that made sense, but what didn’t make sense was what he was doing here. “Can I come in?” He asked. “Or shall we stand here for all the neighbours to see?” He asked eyeing her night wear. Suddenly Raven recalled how scantily she was dressed. She had not been expecting company and here recreant phone call had completely distracted her. Raven opened the closet door and removed a trench coat and wrapped it around herself hiding her shame. She tied the belt tight around her waist despite Liam’s amusement. “I hardly think it matters I have seen you in less.” He reminded her. She shot him a nasty glare. “Are you here for any other reason than to torment me?” She asked as the phone began to ring. She held it up and looked at the caller ID. It was Dawson’s cell calling her back as she had expected. Calling to beg and plead with her. She did not answer. “Are you going to answer that?” Liam asked as more tears rolled down her cheeks. “No.” She whimpered. “What do you want?” “Are you crying because of me?” Liam asked coming toward her, his concern was touching but he was not what was breaking her heart at that moment. His gaze fell to the phone. “Are you crying because of someone else?” He asked starting to put the puzzle together. He was brighter than she gave him credit for. She had not had to say a word and he had begun to figure out exactly what had happened. “Is that Dawson calling?” He asked taking the phone from her and looking at the caller ID which read Dawson’s cell. “Did you tell him what happened? Is that why you are crying?” He asked reading her reaction. Raven sobbed and sat down on the bottom of the steps her hands wiping away her tears. She shook her head no and tried to explain. “I called him… I wanted to talk…but he wasn’t alone…” She sobbed harder, the look in Liam’s dark eyes told her he needed no further explanation to understand. “Why does he always do this?” She cried when the ringing stopped. “He promised, he swore he had changed, and like a fool I believed him.” She hung her head in shame, she was so stupid. He would never change. Maggie had been right. Liam crouched in front of her and captured her chin between her fingers and tilted her face upward to look her in the eye. “You are not a fool. He is the fool for not realizing the good thing he has in you.” He said. She smiled as she looked into his kind eyes. “Why couldn’t I have ended up with a decent guy like you?” She sighed. “No, I had to go fall in love with a selfish womanizer.” The phone started to ring once more and Raven groaned. He would not stop calling until she answered. Raven held out her hand. “He will not stop until I pick up.” She sighed. “I should probably talk to him.” Liam looked at the phone in his hand and got an evil grin on his handsome face. “You want to get even with him?” He asked. She looked at him wondering just how she could get even with Dawson, then Liam answered the phone and she almost died. “Hello?” He said and waited for a reaction. “Oh, hey Dawson? … Yeah long time? … Sure, she is here, but she will have to call you back you called at a bad time she was just showing me this sexy little red number…” Liam held the phone away from his ear and Raven could hear Dawson scream from where she was seated. She couldn’t make out exactly what he was ranting but she could imagine none of it was nice from the look on Liam’s face as he held the phone back to his ear. “Now come on, is that any way to talk when we haven’t spoken in years. Not very hospitable of you.” Liam scolded his brother. She could hear Dawson yelling again and Liam grinned. “Sucks when the shoes on the other foot doesn’t it jackass?” Liam growled and hung up while Dawson was still ranting. Raven stared at him with her mouth agape. She could not believe he had just done that. He had told Dawson about them. She jumped up and stared at him. “What did you do that for?” He tossed the phone into the living room and it landed on the couch and rolled across the cushions. He shrugged. “It needed to be done. It was time he learned how it felt.” “He may never speak to me again.” She said moving to go get the phone. She had to call him back and explain. “Who cares?” “I do.” She said pushing past him. Liam grabbed her arm. “You don’t need him. You could do so much better.” He told her. “Quit wasting your life on this loser.” “He is your brother.” She reminded him. “Exactly.” He said. “So, I know what I’m talking about.” “He loves me.” She said. “Is that why another woman answers his phone?” He snapped the truth stinging her heart once more. “I love him.” She whispered, turning her eyes to the floor ashamed to admit that she needed him more than he did her. Liam gently pulled her into his arms and brushed his lips over her ear sending shivers through her body as his hand untied the belt of her coat and let it fall open exposing her to his full view. His hand moved sensuously over her curves and Raven sucked in an excited breath. “Let’s go to bed.” He said softly sending quivers through her body. “I should really call…” She tried to say but Liam’s mouth claimed hers in a demanding kiss that stopped her thoughts short and she soon forgot what it was she had wanted to do. He pulled the trench coat she wore off and dropped it to the ground, and kicked off his boots. Desire flared deep inside Raven like a fire had been lit in her belly. She hungrily returned his kiss. She wanted him desperately and now there was no reason she couldn’t have him. She quickly fumbled with the buttons of his shirt and pulled them open. Raven yanked his shirt down off his shoulders and down his arms. She pulled it tight once more around his narrow waist trapping his arms playfully as she kissed him. Liam smiled and Raven placed a trail of kisses down over his neck and shoulders. She backed him up against the wall and released his shirt letting it fall to the floor. His hands came up and he made short work of his belt and pants zipper. His jeans met his shirt on the floor and Liam wrapped his arms around Raven lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he started to carry her up the stairs. Raven’s lips found his and she kissed him passionately, with such need it almost frightened her. Her fingers laced in his dark hair. He stumbled all the way up the stairs. Bumping into the wall and falling to his knees once as he shed his boxers on the way up. They barely made it to the top of the staircase when Liam laid her back against the floor and drove himself deep inside her. Raven’s hand moved over his muscled back, her fingers digging into his flesh as he thrust into her. His hands caressed her, his mouth worshiped her body as he took her right there on the floor. It was so primal, so exciting she thought she might lose her mind. Raven bucked and rocked against Liam, moving with him. Her hands exploring his glorious body as he manipulated hers. She could hardly stand the building pleasure and when she could bear no more, when the rapture consumed them both she screamed out with ecstasy. They both lay motionless for a moment panting hard. Liam’s head rested on her chest and she ran her fingers through his hair. He looked up at her bracing his weight on his arms as he smiled at her. “Not quite the bed but close enough.” He grinned. She couldn’t help but laugh. “Good to see you in better spirits.” He said kissing her. “I’m not even close to done with you. I’m just getting started.” He said standing up and helping her to her feet. The promise in his eyes made Raven tremble with delight, by now Dawson would have abandoned her for his cellphone or some reports. Liam was much more attentive. It amazed her how very different two brothers could be. She held his hand and happily led him to the bedroom. She pushed the door open and went inside. They paused at the foot of the bed and Liam reached down and lifted the silky nightgown up over her head. Raven did not resist him. He dropped the garment to the floor and softly caressed her breast with his knuckles. His face nuzzled hers as he breathed her in. “You are so beautiful.” He whispered. “You smell so good.” His praise made her knees weak. She nuzzled against him savoring the way he felt, the hardness of his body, the very male scent that flooded her senses. The slightest touch, the gentlest caress caused her to tremble. She watched his lips curve with amusement. “You must be starved for attention sweetheart.” He had no idea. She felt like someone who had just crawled across a desert with not but a few drops of water to finally find an oasis. He lifted her into his arms and placed her softly onto the bed, stretching out beside her. Liam kissed her sweetly and paused when he saw the picture of her and Dawson on the nightstand. He reached over and tipped the picture face down so neither of them had to see it and then he smiled at her. “That is better.” She had to agree. This was a lot easier without the reminder. That night she lost herself in Liam’s arms. Gave herself over to the bliss he offered her. Liam was so tender, so attentive, such a generous lover; the hours faded away. They made love until the sun rose, until there was no more strength in their bodies and they both collapsed to the mattress. As she lay weak and sated she could not have been more satisfied. She felt Liam’s body wrap around hers as they slipped in to contented slumber.
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