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Raven peeled off her soaking wet cut off shorts and the white panties she wore beneath them. She was soaked to the bone, her hair still dripping all over the place. She picked up the towel she saw on the heap of stuff in the trailer and tried to dry off as much as she could. She removed her bikini top and pulled Liam’s white t-shirt over her head and let the fabric fall down around her. He wasn’t kidding when he said it might be a bit big on her. She could fit at least two more of her inside this shirt. It was baggy and hung down to the middle of her thigh. If she wrapped a belt about her waist she could wear it as a dress. She pulled her wet hair free from the collar of the t-shirt and let it fall down her back. She then hung her wet clothes over the counter hoping they would dry quickly. She did not feel too comfortable wearing Liam’s clothes. She turned when she heard Liam coming back into the trailer. He was topless, only a pair of well fitted blue jeans that had seen better days. The wide bare span of his chest and muscled abs drew her attention. It was so hard not to admire him. Her eyes mover farther up and her gaze met his. She noticed she had not been the only one taking in the sights. Liam’s eyes had raked over her, mentally undressing her. She suddenly felt nude before him despite the t-shirt she wore. He moved toward her coming into the trailer and Raven instinctively retreated backing into the counter behind her. She had nowhere to go. Liam came right up to her. His eyes locked with hers as he stared down at her. He leaned in to her, his body pressing against hers and her breath caught in her chest. Was he going to kiss her? “These will dry faster in the sun.” He whispered his lips inches from hers. Liam reached for her wet clothes and took them from the counter behind her and then stepped back giving her space. She should feel relieved but oddly she felt abandoned and disappointed. Liam held in one hand her shorts and top. In the other he held up her white lace panties. He grinned as he inspected them. Raven’s jaw dropped as she saw him handling her delicates and ogling them. She reached up and snatched them back from him and held them behind her back. “I would thank you not to do that.” She snapped. Liam smirked with a seductively brazen gleam in his dark eyes and he fixed her with a hard stare. “If those are in your hands it leaves a man to wonder just what is under the shirt.” “Nothing!” She snapped defensively. He gave a little satisfied purr and smiled. “That was just what I was thinking.” He said moving toward her once more and pinning her back against the counter. “That is not what I meant.” She growled. “This is completely inappropriate.” She scolded. “That is what makes it so exciting.” He whispered his lips hovering over hers. He didn’t touch her in any way, but his closeness was just as bad. Like a powerful magnet she felt drawn to him. She wanted his kiss, she knew she should resist. Every part of her was screaming for her to resist but she could feel herself surrendering as his lips came closer. His warm breath on her skin. Their lips met and it was like lightning jolted thorough her entire body from his kiss. Fire spread from their lips down to her very core. His tongue probed her lips and they parted giving herself over to his kiss. His tongue swept her mouth deepening his kiss making her head spin with desire. Raven dropped her panties and laced her arms around Liam’s neck pressing herself fully against him returning his kiss with a fierce desire of her own. It had been so long since she had been kissed with such passion she was lost to the moment. Liam dropped the clothes he had been holding his hands went to her waist and he held her close, his strong arms wrapped tightly around her. He was so strong and yet gentle at the same time. Kissing Liam was like a drug, she felt an instant high, an unexplained euphoria she desperately did not wish to end. Raven felt Liam’s hands pulling up the back of the shirt she wore. Her rational brain told her she should stop him, then she felt his strong hands cup her bare bottom and lift her up off her feet and the objection was lost. Her legs wrapped around his waist and Liam carried Raven to the bed where he followed her down, wedged snugly between her legs. His mouth left hers and moved over her neck sucking and nibbling, leaving a trail of hot kisses. His hands roamed over her body cupping her breast and sliding down over her sides. She shuddered when his hand slid along her thighs and down to her knees pulling her legs tightly around him. His fingers slid up the inside of her leg and caressed the soft folds of her womanhood. She flinched as if his touch burned from the shock of feeling any man other than Dawson touch her. A sudden pain of guilt stabbed her in the heart. She couldn’t do this. “No.” She whispered as Liam stroked her, making her shamelessly wet. “Stop, please stop.” She begged. Moving her hand downward to stop his tender torment. “What was that?” He asked with a wicked grin and he pushed two long fingers deep inside her and begun to thrust them in and out. The sensation sent her mind reeling. Her eyes closed against the pleasure and her back arched, thrusting her hips forward to take more of what he offered her. “Did you say something about stopping?” He asked nibbling on her ear lobe. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” She pleaded as she felt her climax building. Liam pushed the shirt up farther and moved down his mouth closed over one breast and Raven quivered with delight. She felt his tongue play over the tout n****e until it was rock hard and then he began to nibble and suckle at her breast like a greedy babe while his hand manipulated her sensitive tissue and brought her to the heights of ecstasy. Raven panted heavily as she struggled to catch her breath as her body relaxed form the glorious climax she had just enjoyed. Liam sat back on his knees between her legs gazing lustfully down at her. She could she him straining against his close fitted jeans. She realized he had given her release and not himself. Only now that her mind was no longer clouded she felt conflicted once more. She shouldn’t be doing this. Liam reached down and unzipped his jeans pushing them down his powerful legs and freeing his erection. It was rock hard and shot straight up against his flat belly, jetting up from a patch of dark curls. The sight was breathtaking and she felt that spot between her legs ache to be filled. Liam made no move to enter her. He must have sensed her conflict. He sat seated back on his knees and staring down at her laying nude and ravaged before him. Raven watched as Liam reached down his hand cupped his heavy testicles and the other hand firmly closed around the base of his p***s. His heated gaze was locked on hers as she watched his hand skillfully move all the way up the long shaft to the head and back to the base. She bit her bottom lip with desire as she watched Liam pleasure himself. His hand began to move faster, his grip tightened, and she heard him moan as his face twisted with pleasure. He looked so incredible in the throes of passion she longed to feel him inside her. She was so wet and the throbbing between her legs was driving her mad. Raven sat up pulling the t-shirt off. She pushed Liam’s hands aside and climbed into his lap. His hands instantly went to her hips and hers to his shoulders. Raven lowered herself onto his massive erection impaling herself on Liam and both groaned with satisfaction. He filled her so completely she thought she might die. Raven began to move up and down on Liam until he was almost out and then coming down hard and taking him in completely. Each time sending an intense pleasure through them both. Liam held her hips tightly and guided her motion forcing her to ride him hard and fast. His mouth suckled at her breast, first one and then the other, until she came hard, her muscles tightening around him so much she could hardly move. Liam shook with the force of his own climax and he held Raven tight against him as they rocked back and forth waiting for the rapture to fade. Raven lay her head on his shoulder feeling content and weak. His arms still tight around her as they sat silently on the bed together. Guilt consumed Raven as she thought about what they had just done. She was getting married in six weeks and she had just betrayed her fiancé with his brother. She was a horrible person. A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought about the gravity of what she had done. She felt Liam’s hold tighten and his hand stroked her back as if trying to console her. It was as if he could feel her guilt even though he could not see her tears. She now understood Dawson better. How easy it was too get caught up in the moment, in someone you shouldn’t. It certainly didn’t excuse anything but at least now she understood. She felt wracked with guilt and her stomached turned. She was a terrible person for having done what she just did. She needed to leave. Perhaps everyone else had been right when they said things would be better off if Liam did not attend the wedding after all. She had changed her mind about convincing him to come. Raven pulled away from Liam and wiped the tears from her eyes. She silently climbed from the bed and picked up her still wet clothes and quickly dressed. She needed to leave, to get as far away from Liam as she could. Liam pulled his jeans up and sat on the edge of the bed watching her. “Raven, are you ok?” He spoke softly, reaching out for her. She swatted his hand away as she tied her top on. She did not want him to touch her. He had touched her far too much as it was. “Please, don’t be so upset.” Why shouldn’t she be upset? She had just betrayed everything she believed in. Dressed Raven went outside with Liam right behind her. She found Maggie sitting with Steve and she tapped her friend on the shoulder. “We are leaving now.” She demanded making it clear that this was not up for negotiation. Maggie looked at Raven questioningly but rose to her feet compliantly. They gathered up their things and tossed them in the trunk of Raven’s car. Liam stopped her from reaching the driver’s door as he stood in the way his hand touching her arm caressing her bare skin so softly. She wanted to shove him away and scream at him, but it wasn’t his fault, not entirely. She had been just as culpable for what had occurred between them as he had been. All she wanted was to flee, why could he not just let her? “Don’t go.” He pleaded softly. “Not like this. Let’s talk about this.” “There is nothing to talk about.” She said pushing him aside so she could open her door. “I will not bother you anymore.” Raven climbed into her car and shut the door. She started the engine and pulled out quickly. Leaving Liam and her betrayal behind her. *** Liam stood there watching her car drive out of sight. He groaned inwardly and cursed himself. He had expected this whole thing to go easy and satisfy his desire for vengeances, but there had been nothing easy about it and satisfaction was the farthest thing from what he felt. Guilt, self-loathing, and remorse; he honestly didn’t understand how Dawson could do this sort of thing over and over. You had to be a real callous jerk not to feel horrible afterward. The worst of it was he knew how hard Raven was taking it. How badly she was beating herself up over it. He had been so bent on getting his revenge on Dawson he had not stopped to think about how it might affect her emotionally. Sure, she would be better off without Dawson, but that is not what she believed. She was taking this whole thing really hard. “What did you do to her?” Steve asked surprised by the abrupt departure. “Everything was going so good and then gone.” Liam glared at Steve, he didn’t need more hassle on top of his guilt. He felt bad enough without worrying about Steve’s ruined evening. “What happened?” “I think I just got out of having to go to the wedding.” He sighed. He should have felt happier about that. All he really felt was the desire to go after her and make sure she was ok. There was just one problem, Liam had no clue where Raven lived. Then again, he did have their invitations sitting at home and they had a return address on them. Perhaps he could track her down that way. First things first he had to clear down and go home. That would take a while and hopefully by the time he found her Raven will have had the chance to have cooled off. Then he could talk to her rationally. “I’m heading home.” He said heading toward his trailer. “You too? What is with all the party pooping all of a sudden?” Steve complained. “I’m sorry. I will make it up to you. I will get you Maggie’s phone number.” He promised.
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