Chapter : 19. Finding the strength..

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Darius turned his full attention to Amara, his eyes gentle and understanding. “You don’t need to apologize for anything, Amara,” he said before she could even start. “I understand why you reacted the way you did. You don’t have to explain yourself.” Amara felt a lump in her throat at his words. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “But I feel like I led you on,” she confessed, her voice trembling. “I wanted to be close to you, and then I panicked and pushed you away. I’m sorry if I hurt you, Darius. You’ve been so patient with me, and I feel like I’m just… taking advantage of your kindness.” Darius shook his head, his smile reassuring. “You haven’t hurt me, Amara. And you’re not taking advantage of anything,” he said firmly. “I’m here because I care about you, not because I expect anything in return. I’m willing to wait as long as it takes—for eternity, if I have to.” Darius’s words sent a warmth spreading through her chest, and she felt her eyes sting with unshed tears. She hadn’t realized just how much she needed to hear that—how much she needed to know that he wasn’t going to give up on her. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you.” Darius’s smile widened, his eyes filled with a mix of warmth and amusement. “I think we both deserve a little happiness after everything we’ve been through,” he said softly. “And I’m not going anywhere.” Amara felt a surge of gratitude and something deeper—something that made her heart flutter. She had been so afraid of her past, of what it would mean for her future, but here was Darius, standing by her side, offering her a chance to start anew. “Maybe we can take things slow,” she said, her lips curving into a tentative smile. “One step at a time?” Darius nodded, his smile turning playful. “I like the sound of that,” he said. Then, his expression shifted, a thoughtful glint in his eyes. “Actually, I’ve been thinking… would you be interested in learning some basic defense skills? Just to protect yourself if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation again.” Amara blinked, surprised by the suggestion. “You want me to train with you?” she asked, unsure. He nodded, his gaze steady. “I think it would be good for you. You’ve been through a lot, and I want you to feel safe—really safe. Learning to defend yourself could help with that. Plus, it might help you feel more in control.” She considered his words, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She had spent so long feeling powerless, always depending on others to protect her. Maybe it was time she took some of that power back. “Okay,” she agreed, a hint of determination in her voice. “Teach me.” Darius’s smile widened, and he took a step back, motioning for her to join him on the training mat. “Let’s start with some basics,” he said. “We’ll work on stance and balance first.” Amara stepped onto the mat, her nerves fading as she focused on the task at hand. Darius showed her how to position her feet, how to distribute her weight, and how to hold her hands up in a defensive stance. His movements were fluid and controlled, and he patiently guided her through each step, his hands gentle as he adjusted her posture. “Keep your knees slightly bent,” he instructed, his voice low and steady. “That way, you’re ready to move in any direction.” She followed his guidance, trying to mirror his stance. She felt awkward at first, but Darius was encouraging, offering her small tips and corrections. She could feel his gaze on her, warm and attentive, and it gave her a strange sense of comfort. “Good,” he said with a nod. “Now, let’s try some basic punches.” He demonstrated a simple jab, his fist striking the air with precision. “It’s all about control,” he explained. “Aim with your shoulders, not just your arms. Try to keep your movements sharp and focused.” Amara took a deep breath and tried to mimic his movement. Her first attempt was clumsy, her punch lacking the power and control that Darius had. But he was patient, offering her guidance and encouragement, his hands gently adjusting her stance. “Try again,” he said softly. “This time, relax your shoulders. Don’t overthink it—just feel the movement.” She nodded, taking another deep breath. She focused on his words, on the feel of her body moving, and she tried again. This time, her punch was more solid, more controlled. She could feel the difference, and a small smile of satisfaction tugged at her lips. “Much better,” Darius said, his eyes lighting up with approval. “You’re a quick learner.” Amara felt a flicker of pride at his praise, and she tried again, each punch becoming more confident, more focused. She could feel her body responding, her muscles loosening up, and she found herself getting into a rhythm. For the first time in a long while, she felt a sense of control—a sense of strength that had been missing for so long. They continued like that for a while, Darius guiding her through different punches and blocks, his voice steady and reassuring. The training was challenging, but it was also invigorating, and Amara found herself enjoying it more than she had expected. After a particularly well-executed punch, Darius grinned, his eyes filled with warmth and pride. “You’re doing great,” he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “I knew you had it in you.” Amara felt a rush of warmth at his words, her heart fluttering in her chest. She hadn’t realized how much his approval meant to her, how much she wanted to make him proud. “Thank you,” she said, her smile growing. “I feel… stronger, I guess. More in control.” Darius nodded, his smile softening. “That’s the idea,” he said. “You’ve got more strength in you than you realize, Amara. You just need to trust yourself.” They continued training, their movements becoming more fluid, more natural. Amara could feel the tension between them easing, replaced by something deeper—something that pulled them closer together. With every touch, every word of encouragement, she felt her walls crumbling, her heart opening up to him in ways she hadn’t expected. At one point, Darius moved behind her, his hands gently guiding her arms into a defensive position. She could feel his breath on her neck, warm and steady, and her heart skipped a beat. She glanced back at him, and their eyes met, a spark of something unspoken passing between them. “Like this?” she asked softly, her voice barely a whisper. “Just like that,” he murmured, his lips close to her ear. “You’re doing great.” His closeness, his touch—it all sent a shiver down her spine, but this time it wasn’t fear. It was something else entirely. She turned to face him, her breath hitching as she looked up into his eyes, her pulse quickening. “Darius,” she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and longing. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to say, what she wanted to do. But she knew she didn’t want this moment to end. He looked down at her, his eyes soft and warm, filled with a depth of emotion that took her breath away. “Amara,” he said quietly, his voice low and tender. “I’m here. Whatever you need.” For a moment, they stood there, the world around them fading into the background. She could feel his heartbeat against her, steady and strong, and she realized how much she needed him—how much she wanted him. She hadn’t expected to feel this way, to let herself care this deeply. But here she was, standing in his arms, feeling more alive than she had in years. “Thank you,” she whispered, leaning into him, her hands resting on his chest. “For everything.” Darius’s arms tightened around her, pulling her closer, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Anytime,” he murmured, his lips brushing against her skin. “I’m not going anywhere.” And in that moment, Amara felt something shift inside her—something that told her that maybe, just maybe, she was finally ready to let herself love again. The days that followed Amara's decision to start training with Darius brought a sense of routine and purpose that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Each morning, she found herself waking up with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, knowing that she would be spending more time with Darius—learning from him, growing closer to him. Their training sessions became a daily ritual. Darius was patient and encouraging, pushing her just enough to help her build confidence without overwhelming her. He was always there with a steady hand, a reassuring smile, and gentle guidance that made her feel safe. And with each passing day, their bond deepened, the spark between them growing brighter.
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