Chapter: 18. Guilt and confession..

1483 Words
With a deep breath, Amara stood up and made her way downstairs. She found Maya in the kitchen with a few others, chopping vegetables for the pack members breakfast, with a focused expression. The smell of stew simmering on the stove filled the air, and for a moment, Amara allowed herself to be comforted by the homey, familiar scent. “Maya?” she said softly, stepping into the room. Maya looked up, her face breaking into a warm smile. “Amara! Hey, you’re up early. Didn’t expect to see you out and about after last night.” She set down the knife, her smile fading slightly as she studied Amara’s face. “You okay? You look like you’ve got something on your mind.” Amara nodded, but her throat tightened with nerves. She wasn’t sure how to start, how to explain what she was feeling. “I… I need to talk to you,” she said quietly, glancing around to make sure no one else was nearby. “About Darius… and last night.” Maya’s eyebrows lifted slightly, and she motioned for Amara to sit down at the small kitchen table. “Okay,” she said, her voice gentle but curious. “What’s going on?” Amara took a seat, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her sleeve. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “Last night, after the battle, Darius stayed with me,” she began, her voice shaky. “I was having nightmares, and he was there, and… one thing led to another, and we almost…” Maya’s eyes widened slightly, but she kept her expression neutral, her focus fully on Amara. “You almost mated,” she finished for her, her tone understanding. Amara nodded, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. “Yes… but then I panicked. I had these flashes of when I was in the dungeon… when Killian—” Her voice broke, and she looked down, swallowing hard. “I pushed Darius away. I didn’t mean to. It just… happened.” Maya reached out, placing a comforting hand over Amara’s. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said softly. “It makes sense that you’d react like that, given what you went through. There’s no shame in it.” “But I feel like I’ve hurt him,” Amara admitted, her voice trembling. “He’s been so patient with me, so understanding, and I keep leading him to these moments and then stopping. I feel like I owe it to him… to be with him, you know? After everything he’s done for me.” Maya’s expression softened, and she gave Amara’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Listen, Amara,” she said carefully, “you don’t owe him anything in that way. Darius isn’t the kind of guy who would expect something like that in return for his kindness. He cares about you. He’s doing all of this because he wants you to feel safe and to heal.” Amara felt a sting of guilt mixed with relief at Maya’s words. “I know, but… he’s done so much for me. He welcomed me into his pack when he didn’t have to. He stood by me when I told him I was Killian’s mate. He’s been so good to me, and I feel like I’m just… taking advantage of his kindness.” Maya shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips. “That’s not how he sees it, Amara. Trust me. Darius doesn’t do things expecting something in return. He does them because he cares—about you, about this pack. He sees you for who you are, not who you were with Killian.” “But what if he gets tired of waiting?” Amara asked, her voice filled with uncertainty. “What if he starts to think I’m not worth it?” Maya chuckled softly, a knowing look in her eyes. “You underestimate him. Darius isn’t going anywhere. He’s got his own reasons for sticking by you, and I think it goes a lot deeper than just being your Alpha.” Amara looked down, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions. She wanted to believe that Darius would never leave, that he would always be there, but the fear was still there, lurking in the back of her mind. “I just don’t want to keep hurting him,” she whispered. “I don’t want to keep making him wait.” “Then talk to him,” Maya suggested gently. “Tell him how you’re feeling. Be honest about your fears and where you are right now. If there’s one thing I know about Darius, it’s that he appreciates honesty. He’d rather know what’s going on in your head than be left guessing.” Amara nodded slowly, taking in Maya’s words. She knew she needed to talk to Darius, to explain why she had pulled away, why she was still so scared. She couldn’t keep hiding behind her fear. If she wanted to move forward—if she wanted to build something real with Darius—she had to be honest with him. “Thank you, Maya,” she said softly, a small, grateful smile tugging at her lips. “I needed to hear that.” Maya squeezed her hand again, her eyes warm and encouraging. “Anytime,” she said. “Just remember, you’re stronger than you think, Amara. And you’ve got people here who care about you. Lean on us when you need to. Especially Darius.” Amara took a deep breath, feeling a bit lighter. She wasn’t sure what would happen when she talked to Darius, but she knew she had to try. She had to face her fears, both for herself and for the man who had stood by her through everything. “I’ll talk to him,” she said, her voice filled with determination. “I’ll make things right.” Maya smiled, her eyes gleaming with support. “I know you will,” she said. “And remember, you don’t owe anyone anything. You’re enough just as you are.” Amara nodded, her heart a little steadier. She would talk to Darius. She would be honest. And she would take it one step at a time, knowing that, no matter what, she wasn’t alone. With a newfound resolve, she got up from the table, ready to find Darius and start the conversation that could change everything. Amara wandered through the halls of the Nightshade Packhouse, her heart heavy with uncertainty. After her conversation with Maya, she felt more determined to talk to Darius, to clear the air about what had happened between them the previous night. She couldn’t shake the guilt that gnawed at her for pulling him into such a heated moment, only to push him away. She knew she needed to be honest with him, to explain why she had panicked. She made her way outside, following the path that led to the training grounds. It was still early morning, and the cool breeze rustled through the trees, carrying the fresh scent of pine and dew. The sound of wolves sparring and the rhythmic thud of fists hitting punching bags echoed through the clearing. She spotted Darius immediately. His tall, muscular form was hard to miss, his body glistening with sweat under the morning sun as he went through his training routine. He moved with a fluid grace that belied his size, his punches powerful and precise as he struck at the target. He was sparring with Lucas, his beta, who was struggling to keep up with his Alpha’s relentless pace. Darius was a force to be reckoned with, his focus and determination clear in every movement. Amara hesitated at the edge of the clearing, watching him for a moment. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him—strong, confident, and in control. She felt a rush of affection mixed with guilt. Darius had been nothing but patient and supportive, and she felt like she had let him down. Gathering her courage, she stepped forward, moving closer to where Darius and Lucas were training. Lucas caught sight of her first and nodded to Darius, who paused mid-strike, his eyes following Lucas’s gaze to where Amara stood. A small smile tugged at Darius’s lips as he saw her, and he stepped back, lowering his fists. “Amara,” he greeted, his voice warm. “What brings you out here so early?” She returned his smile, though it was tinged with nervousness. “I needed to talk to you,” she said softly, her eyes meeting his. “About… last night.” Darius’s expression softened, and he nodded, signaling to Lucas that they were done for now. Lucas gave Amara a friendly nod before moving off to join the other pack members training nearby, leaving them alone.
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