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Amelia's POV I don't know where everything went wrong. I had a happy life. I was young, beautiful, and from a rich, respected family. The Jenkins are the owners of Bronston. My family had built this town, we were practically royalty. I was born not wanting to suffer for anything at all. If I desired it, I had it. Both my parents were alive, they loved me. I used to believe I was the most loved child ever. I went to the best school. I had the best toys. I had the best maids. I traveled to the best spots for vacation. And then, when I was six, there was a crack in my life. My father brought home a seven-year-old girl. He introduced her as Cecelia, my stepsister, a year older than me. And just like that, my perfect life started to crumble. Cecelia competed for everything. Grades, beauty, love, and my father's attention. Just like that, I was dethroned as his little princess. I would cry to my mother, and she'd tell me to be patient. That when we're older, things will get better. The older we got, the more things got worse. She stole the friends I managed to make. She spread hateful rumors about me. I forgave her, consoling myself that she was just going through a phase. Then I met Christopher in my final year of college. We began dating. He asked me to marry him, and I accepted. My father wasn't pleased. He had wanted me to take over the company and continue the legacy of the almighty Jenkins. I wanted to get married to Christopher. I loved him, or so I believed. Maybe that's why my father started to hate me. I drove to the address Aaron had sent to me. It briefly crossed my mind that I was going to the house of a guy I had only danced with a couple of times. As I pulled up to the front gates, I sent my location to Cara. I had met Cara in prison. She was the closest thing to a friend I had. Even though at first she was one of the women who had made my life a pure hell, I don't even know how we got close, but it happened. Sadly, I only knew her for two months, she got released early. She was a bodyguard who had been framed for killing her client. Thankfully, her name was cleared, and she got released. I wasn't so lucky to get my name cleared. She sent a thumbs-up emoji. I exhaled a sigh of relief. Whatever happened, she would show up. I pulled up to the front door. To my surprise, there was a butler waiting outside. The gates opened, and he gestured for me to drive in. I noticed the side eye he gave my car. A pink Lamborghini really does make a statement. I parked in front of the house and got out of the car. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this mansion in front of me. I didn't peg Aaron for a rococo guy, but the house was beautiful. Sitting in the middle of a well-trimmed lawn, surrounded by flower bushes and butterflies. It was like something out of a 16th-century painting. Behind the house, I could see a stretch of wood. "Good day, Miss Jenkins," I heard the butler say as he walked up to me. I turned to him. "I'm here to see Aaron..." I searched my head for his last name. I remember Shirley saying it, it was a very peculiar one. "It's okay, he informed me of your arrival." The butler said with a curt bow. "Please, follow me." I nodded. "Thank you." Was his last name Stonefield? I think there was field in it. I followed behind the butler. The inside of the mansion was even more beautiful. Gold and white, and rustic deep brown. I could count the original paintings and sculptures. He must be a collector. The only person I knew who had this kind of expensive art was my father. Oh right. I didn't want to think of my father right now. "Amelia! What a pleasant surprise!" My eyes popped out when I saw the man who descended the lobby stairs. "Oh my goodness," I gasped, my jaw going slack. I turned to the butler. "Is that...." The butler nodded. "I shall leave you two alone." Aaron made his way over to me with a bright smile on his face. I felt stunned for a few seconds. Perhaps being away had dulled my memory, but I wasn't sure I remembered him this....Striking. His 6"4 tall frame was stacked with defined muscles that I could see even through his clothes. His hair was tied into a high bun, jet black with deep blue highlights. His eyes held my gaze, deep green speckled with flecks of gold. His face was sculpted to perfection, and his jawline could cut marble. It was like a Greek god had come alive, sculpted by the master of masters. Who is this man?! "Amelia," he said, his voice making my stomach fill with butterflies. "I'm glad you came, I hadn't heard from you in a long time now." I couldn't gather my thoughts enough to form a coherent sentence. "Aaron...right?" Goodness! Was that all I could come up with?! He must think I'm such a fool right now. "Come, have you had lunch yet?" His smile was making my knees feel weak. I shook my head. "I hope you like Italian." "Italian is good," I replied, following him as he led the way. What exactly happened in the year I was gone? Was Aaron always this...good? "I tried calling you a lot of times," he said, turning to glance at me over his shoulder. "Your number never went through." "Oh, that's because I was in..." I trailed off. Isn't he aware already? Should I even bother telling him? I sighed softly. "I was out of town for a while," I said. He doesn't need to know. It's not like after today I'll see him again. He stopped and turned to me. "Did you have fun?" "Of course. Lots of fun." I laughed a bit at myself. Oh yes, lots of fun. My body was littered with evidence of that fun. Prison was a lot of fun. "Pardon me," I said, covering my mouth. Heck, even my birth father had refused to see me. Not once did he visit me when I was locked up. He was so quick to buy all the rumors. Aaron's smile returned, throwing me off guard. "I'm glad you're back now. Do you still go to Shirley's?" "I haven't. I just got back today, maybe I'll come around later." He nodded. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea." We had lunch, which was, of course, Italian. We talked about nothing and everything in general. I made sure to not reveal anything about prison. Maybe he wasn't saying anything out of good old fashioned respect. I must have drank too much wine, because at a point I just remembered being very tired. Before I knew it, it was already nighttime. Aaron and I had some wine in the living room, recounting our season of being dance partners. "Who won the season?" I asked. My voice sounded firm for someone who had drank nearly three bottles of wine. "We would have won," Aaron replied. "But instead, it was Jeff and Emma." Jeff and Emma were our close competitors back then. "We just let them win." I replied with a giggle. I got arrested before the final results were announced. I'm sure Aaron would have thought i stopped coming because of family situations, we both hide our family name for each other. If it weren't for that, I'm very sure Aaron and I would have won. "I think I should...." I started to say but was cut off by a new voice. "Aaron? Who is this woman?" I heard a woman's voice. I turned to see a woman standing in the living room, a look of shock plastered on her face. My goodness, she's beautiful! Tall and slender, with long, straight blond hair and turquoise eyes. She looked hurt, her eyes traveling between Aaron and me. Oh s**t. He has a girlfriend!
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