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Amelia's POV Prison was nothing like I expected. "Here's your personal details, have a wonderful day, madam." The attendant said as she handed me a plastic bag containing my phone, wallet, and car keys. "Your car is right outside." She said with a smile. She seemed too young to be working in this place, but who was I to judge or complain? "Thank you," I replied, collecting the bag from her. I took out my phone first, powering it on as I walked out of the building. The sun felt wonderful on my skin. A soft morning breeze blew by, ruffling my unruly hair. Maybe the first thing I should do is visit a salon or something. Thankfully, there were no paparazzi waiting to get first hand information about my release. I'm not sure I can handle nosy old men looking for a scoop on me. My phone's battery was at 10%. Maybe I should have asked for a charger or something before I left. I strode over to my car, unlocking it. Before I stepped in, I turned and looked at that building. The pristine banner on the building read Bronston's female penitentiary. It was a dreadful sight. Gray and cold, like death itself. The fences were so high, topped up with electric wires. This place has been my home for the past year. What a mouthful for a prison! I got into my car, the baby pink Lamborghini. I had begged my father to gift me something on my sixteenth birthday. A request he only heeded last year, after a couple of years of begging for nothing. I know my mom left the key behind so I can have a ride out of this hellhole. I started the ignition, pulling down the mirror to get a look at my face. I wore the clothes I had been arrested in. The cream LV dress that I had gotten after being on the waitlist for two months. My hair is in pristine condition over my shoulder. I recalled clearly how my pictures were plastered all over i********: and the blogs. What a fashion statement I made that day! My eyes stared back at me. Big and ocean blue, framed by spider lashes. Long strands of my wavy blond hair fell over my eyes. I raised a hand and brushed them back. My cheeks had sunken in, lacking the vibrant rose color they always had. I looked pale and sickly. People always told me I looked like Barbie. Yeah right. A barbie who has been to prison. I'd be the first of my kind. My phone rang as the engine revved up. I picked it up, my expression turning sour the moment I saw the caller ID. I put the call on speaker, hitting my foot on the gas. "What the heck do you want?" I snapped at the caller, making sure to show my irritation through the phone. "Hello, darling." His voice cooed through the speakers, sending disgusted shivers all over my body. "I'm not your freaking darling. I believe you made that very clear." I hit the brakes at a red light. Tapping the steering wheel, glaring at the red light to turn green. "I heard you're getting out of prison today. I would have come to pick you up, but you know, my darling wife wouldn't allow that." He said with a mocking laugh. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?" "Is she finally out?!" A feminine voice spoke from the background. I recognized that voice. And the last thing I wanted was to hear her again. Or him, for that matter. "Get off my phone." I hissed and ended the call in anger. I felt the rage bubbling inside of me. I never thought that the first person to call me after I had been released would be Christopher. F*cking Christopher! The lights turned green. I hit the gas, speeding down the road. I reminded myself to slow down before I got taken back to prison again. I drove to the nearest convenience store. The moment I stepped out of my car, the looks I got confirmed that the people hadn't forgotten me. They stared, they whispered, and they moved out of the way the closer I got. The men especially looked at me with wide eyes of fascination and horror. I ignored them all, walking over to the front door. Inside the store, a sappy pop song was playing. I picked out a few items, a charger being the top priority. As I shopped, I ran down the possible actions I could take now. I could go back home, or I could rent out a hotel. One thing was for sure: I didn't want to ever go back and look at those traitors. I picked up the items I needed and went over to the cash register. The cashier girl looked at me, her eyes went wide. She turned and looked at the TV behind her. The newscaster was talking about Amelia Jenkins, who had recently been released from Bronston Penitentiary. "Yup. That's me." I said with a forced smile. "Now, can you kindly scan these? I don't have much time." I saw a flash of fear in her eyes. "O-of course....I'll do t-that." I rolled my eyes. Is this the kind of reaction I'll have to suffer from now on? Again, I felt a sparse anger toward Christopher. If I could, I'd burn him in hell myself. "Your total is twenty-five fifty!" She said in a high-pitched voice. I took out two twenties and dropped it for her. "Have a nice day." I grabbed the plastic bag full of my items and walked away. Getting back to my car, my phone was flat dead. I plugged in the car charger and waited for it to power up. I ate a potato chip and drank a disgusting-tasting soda. My phone got up to twenty percent. I unplugged it, scrolling through my contact list. I barely had any girlfriends, my entire life was dedicated to Christopher. A very stupid thing to do. I was starting to regret that now. A contact caught my attention. Simply labeled as "dance partner". I dialed the number and waited as it rang. They picked up on the first ring. "Amelia?" A rich male voice said. I paused, trying to remember where I had heard that voice before. He sounded so familiar. "How have you been?" I asked. I didn't want to ask him his name since he clearly knew mine. "You don't recall, do you?" He said with a chuckle. "That's correct." "It's Aaron, we danced at Shirley's sometime last year, for the whole season?" Shirley's. Aaron. Oh. Ohhhh. "I remember you now," I said, a small smile forming on my face. I quickly wiped it off my face. "Are you free today?" I went straight to the point. He hesitated a bit before he replied. "Oh, yes. I'll send you an address." "That's lovely, I'll see you there." I ended the call. Aaron, my dance partner. To be quite honest, I wasn't even sure I remembered what he looked like. But I remember the fun I had at Shirley's during the dance season. It was the most fun I had in a very long time. I need that fun right now. More than anything. My phone dinged with a text message. It was from our head butler, Charlie. "Welcome back, Miss. Shall I prepare your room?" The text read. I ignored it. I ate another bag of potato chips. Aaron texted the address. I crumpled the bag of chips and started the car.
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