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AMELIA POV After Nina confirmed that Aaron was going to meet me tomorrow, I relaxed a bit. “Did you mention that I was going to see him tomorrow?“ “I didn't talk to him directly. I spoke to his secretary, and she assured me she was going to put it on his schedule for tomorrow.“ “Okay. Give me everything we have on this case.“ “The file is all we have so far. It's a new case.“ “I see.“ “Will that be all, Miss Jenkins?“ “Yes, Nina.“ Deciding that I would take it up tomorrow, I set the file aside and approved some cases my lawyers were working on. I made some notes to tell the lawyers how to improve each case. I glanced through my calendar and noticed that I would have the opportunity to talk to the other lawyers on Friday. My father usually holds a meeting at the end of every week so they can discuss the cases they've handled during the week and also allocate new cases to lawyers who are free. I see no reason to not continue that tradition. That would also be a good time to introduce myself to them. The rest of the day went fast enough, and like that, my first day at the firm came to an end. Cara was at my beck and call; she was ready to drive me home. “Where to, boss?“ She asked as she slid into the car. “Take me back to the mansion.“ I said. I should look into getting my own space before the end of the month. “Pick me up by seven sharp tomorrow.“ “Yes, boss.“ On entering the house to see my father before going to my own wing of the mansion, Cecilia was the first person I encountered. I didn't bother to hide my displeasure at seeing her. “Well well well,” she sneered. “If it isn't, miss the ex-convict back from her first day at work.“ “At least some of us understand the concept of working for the things we have.“ “Yes, unfortunate people like you have to work. My husband has more than enough for me to live on. I don't need to grub around in an office.“ “Enjoy it while it lasts, Cecilia.“ I told her before brushing past her. I didn't wait to hear her response. That night, I tossed and turned in bed at the injustice that was done to me. Cécilia was the nail that hammered my coffin. It was her testimony that sent me to jail. Christopher must have promised her marriage. Since she was always after everything I had, I'm sure she didn't hesitate to take the opportunity that was presented to her. The only reason that little b*tch was still with Christopher was because of his money, I doubt Cecilia was capable of loving anyone other than herself. She would stay with you as long as her interest was being served. That was her weak point, and I was going to explore it. Let's see how well she tolerates Christopher after his money and affluence are stripped away. The thought of Cecilia and Christopher begging me to spare their pathetic lives lulled me to sleep. ****** The next morning, I went into my office early. I could hear the whispers that trailed me as I went, but I didn't mind them. They were going to respect me soon enough, and I was going to make sure of it. A few minutes before I would be leaving to see Aaron, one of my father's old partners barged into my office. “Amelia.“ “Mr Brown. To what do I owe this pleasure?“ I said drily. I didn't offer him a seat, nor did I rise to greet him. “I heard you step in for your father.“ “Meaning you weren't at the office yesterday.“ “Yes. I had a little something going on.“ “Did you notify HR that you wouldn't be able to make it to the office yesterday?“ He looked uncomfortable by my question. “Why should I report every little thing I do?“ “This is a new administration, and I will not tolerate any nonchalant attitude from you or anyone else. Jenkins' is a top-tier firm, and I'll make sure we maintain that position. Do you understand?“ “Yes.“ He was glaring, but I honestly wasn't interested in his games. “It's Miss Jenkins to you. I'm not your daughter.“ “Yes, Miss Jenkins.“ “Is that all?“ He must have thought it would be easy to get into my good graces so he could do as he liked in the office. He was my father's friend, and he let him get away with little, like this. Which was why he could get into my office without making any appointments. “Yes, Miss Jenkins.“ I stood up and picked up my bag. “You can see yourself out, Mr. Brown. I have a lunch meeting to attend." Because of his delay, I got to the restaurant late. I entered, and I noticed that it wasn't the same crowd I was used to. This restaurant was more chic. The people here were more classy and elegant. They were having discussions, and not a single one of them was on their phone except the man I was meeting. He noticed my presence and dropped his phone in his suit pocket. “Amelia, hi.“ He stood up and pulled out my chair. My eyes trailed appreciatively down his figure. I was still blown away by his appearance. I reminded myself to rein in my emotions, as he was a taken man. “Hi, Aaron.“ He took his seat across from me and gave me a small smile. “You look beautiful.“ “Thank you.“ His eyes were warm and sincere. “I'm sorry for coming here late. Have you been waiting for long?“ “No, I just got here too.“ “I see.“ The waiter interrupted us and gave us the menu. I chose a safe drink to get me started. “So,” his attention was back to me once the waiter left us. “I was very surprised to hear that you wanted to meet.“ “Why is that?“ I know what he was talking about. The way we left things the last time we saw each other was awkward and weird. “You know, you just left abruptly that night.“ “Yeah, I know. I didn't think we would meet again so soon, but we have business to discuss.“ “Yeah. I was surprised to learn that your firm was in charge of my legal affairs.“ “Yes. Yours is actually the first case I'll be taking.“ “Why? You didn't just graduate, did you?“ He teased. “No.” I laughed awkwardly. “I've been out of town, and I just came back to take over my family's business.“ “Yes, that's true. You mentioned that you just came back.“ He requested that we hold off the business talk until after we had lunch, and I obliged. We had a small talk, and I wanted to ask him about his girlfriend, but I chickened out. In my mind, I already decided that I was going to use him in my plot to get back at Christopher and Cecilia. I didn't feel bad about it because he was also going to get the justice he deserves.
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