Chapter 5

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Finally it's time Monday and you know what that means, school. Well that was a sad sarcastic statement. I wish weekends was only 5 days and weeks days 2 days. I sluggishly carried myself to the bathroom to have a nice bath. After I was done scrubbing my body clean, I left the bathroom. I decided to wear the usual my favorite big black hoodie with jeans and black boots to complete my looks. For my hair I left it as a rough ponytail. For makeup well I decided to go with my naked face because I wasn't feeling like putting any makeup on. I was still feeling down. I went to the kitchen and had just a little cornflakes which I bought when I got my salary. It's a fast food for me to eat. I ate it looking around my house. It's so quiet and so lonely. I continued eating enjoying the silence After I had finished eating, I left my house and walked slowly to school. I wasn't able to connect to Sun as she was also feeling down too. She just hide herself not wanting to talk about it. I just hopes she recovers from it fast because I missed her a lot. Going to school without talking to her was so boring. I finally arrived the hell hole, school. When I entered I was surprised because I was actually the only one walking through the school hall. No single student was there which is very weird. I have never seen the school hall this empty. ‘Whats going on?’ I thought to myself. ‘Or was it a free school day that I wasn't aware of?’ I sniffed the hall and I was sure I could smell perfumes in the air. People were in the school. But where are they? Well I just walked slowly to my class and sat there waiting for either the teacher or student to enter. I fixed my earpiece into my phone and played a music. I put them on and absorb into the sweet melody of the song playing. Another thing I love so much in this world except for Sun was music. It was my calming comfort. My escape. My peace. Music was everything to me. I don't think I can ever function without it. I placed my head on the desk closing my eyes as I continued listening to my music. I don't know how much time had passed. All of a sudden I felt a strong pull on my hoodie making me stand up. I was startled at first. I didn't understand what was happening. I turned to see the arrogant jerk oh sorry our alpha to be behind me looking so angry. What's his deal? I thought. “Good morning” I greeted not forgetting to bow in respect. I don't have time for his drama this morning. I just want to be off his neck because seeing him alone is causing my heart to ache thanks to the mate bond. “Omega I'm going to just ask you once. What the hell are you doing here or have you lost your respect again?” he asked. What's with him and referring me as Omega? I thought rolling my eyes internally. No way will I do that for him to see, can't afford to be punished. But hold up what does he mean by that? I actually bowed not like I forgot or something so what respect is he looking for again. “Sorry but I actually showed you respect when greeting you.” I said looking at him in confusion. “Who is talking about your f*****g respect? When everyone came to welcome me in respect you decided to sit here doing nothing. That's an act of disrespect and for that you are going to be punished.” he said. Wait a minute, what did he just say? I will be punished for not going to welcome him. Like I don't get how was I supposed to know he will be coming to school today? How was I supposed to know that there will be a grand welcome for him? And what I was disrespectful for not going to welcome him? Who the hell does he thinks he is? “Excuse me with all due respect, I actually had no idea you will be coming today and I also didn't know that there will be a grand welcome for you. So I wasn't disrespectful in any way.” I said to him. The people who stood behind him began to murmur. What's their deal? “And you expect me to believe that bullshit. You must be stupid for that.” he said. I didn't know what exactly came over me or will I say Sun because the next thing that happened was unexpected and not intentional. I growled or no scratch that Sun growled at him. Now I knew that was a huge sign of disrespect growling at your alpha but I don't blame her. Her mate just called her stupid. She had every right to be angry. “Did you just growl at me?” he asked looking at me with so much anger in his eyes. Well I guess I'm in trouble. I didn't say a word so not to add fuel into the fire. “I asked you a question, did you just growl at me?” he asked walking towards me. I didn't say a word and I also didn't move an inch as he came close to me. Even when he stood right in front of me, I still stood my ground. The next thing I knew was his hand around my neck choking the life out of me. I tried to remove his hand but he was very strong. I looked at my classmates who were all standing behind him with my teary eyes hoping they will help me but non of them moved an inch. They all stood there watching as I was almost slipping into unconsciousness. I was about to shut my eyes when he left my throat. I knelt on the floor coughing as I tried to breath. Tears were flowing down my face. “Now stand up and go and clean the whole school. That's your punishment for being disrespectful. And the next time something like this happens, I will do worst. Now leave.” he ordered. I stood up almost falling back on the floor but I controlled myself. I carried my bag and walked out of the class quietly. That means no school for me today. I did as he ordered. I swept the whole school compound which was large. I was able to finsh after lunch break. I slowly went back to class as I attended the remaining classes left. Although I wasn't feeling strong. I was feeling body pains everywhere but I swallowed it in. No one cares if I was in pains or not. Finally it was time to go home. I was the first to leave class after the bell rang. I ran out of the school premises. There was no way I will stay another minute there. I didn't want to meet that jerk again. I went to work. I know I'm in pains and all but I need the money to live. I entered to see Mr Drew already sitting on the counter. “Good afternoon Mr Drew.” I greeted. “Afternoon Rosie. How was school today?” he asked. “Well eventful and yours.” I didn't want to tell him exactly what happened to me. “Well business is going well.” he answered. I went to change my clothes. I began my work. I was still feeling sore all over my body and I was also very hungry since I missed lunch and I only eat a light food in the morning. But I continued my work. I had no idea that Mr Drew noticed. “Rosie come here for a second.” he called out. I walked to him wondering why he was calling for me. “Yes sir.” “Are you okay? I noticed your walking so slow and you have been rubbing some parts of your body. Is something the matter? Or are you hurt somewhere?” he asked looking at me with concern on his face. “I'm fine sir.” I lied. “Rosie you shouldn't lie to me. I know for the fact that you are lying to me. Tell me the truth will you.” he said. There is no way I can lie to him because no matter what, he always finds out that I'm lying to him. I decided to tell him about my punishment and how I was in pains. “So if I didn't notice, you would have worked yourself to death is that it? Go and change your clothes. There is no way I will let you work in this condition. You are going home to rest.” he said. “But sir....” I started. “No buts. Just go change and start going home. I'm not letting you stay here. I'm giving you a day break but if you didn't recover tomorrow don't come back till you are healed and stronger.” he said. I didn't know how to thank him. He is really a kind man. He is one of the few people who cares about me. “Thank you Mr Drew. Really thank you for everything. I'm truly grateful.” I thanked almost crying. “Don't thank me Rosie. You are too young to go through all this thing. Fate is just so harsh to you. Make sure when you reach home you have a both bath and you rest so you can be stronger or else you will be in so much pain. If you were a normal werewolf or you had a mate you would have healed faster.” I gave him a sad smile. I went to change my clothes. When I came out of the changing room, he was standing there waiting for me with a box wrapped. “Here take this. I'm sure you must be hungry. Make sure you eat something okay.” he said. “Thank you so much Mr Drew. I don't know how to thank you enough.” I said as I collected the box. It sure was heavy. I said my farewell and thanked him again before leaving. I began to walk home. I began to think about that jerk attitude. I haven't done anything bad to him so why does he hate me so much? Was it my fault that I was an Omega? Even I don't like being one but I have no other choice. Why can't he understand that? Well whatever he decides to do with me, I will stand strong. I will never back down because I am Rosie White. I may be an omega but I'm not weak.
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