Chapter Sixteen

902 Words

Did I hear that right? Did the schools Bad Boy just say he liked me? There's no way! I'm not his type! He likes beautiful girls, not someone like me. This has to be a joke, I know the girls he likes and they're not me. "What about Megan?" I said to myself after he was nowhere in sight. "What about her?" Someone asked from behind me. I jumped and turned, seeing Lewis standing there with a frown. "I thought she was his girlfriend." "Was." "What happened? They were cute together." Lewis' frown deepened. "No they weren't. She was too uptight and controlling, she wasn't his type." Come to think of it, he did say that he doesn't like girls who are like that. But then why did he date her? You know what they say, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Well, appear he did. "Lewis! I was

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