Chapter 40 - New Priorities

4423 Words

*Before we begin I just wanted to say that Im so grateful that you are reading and supporting me. I really want to do justice to this series, the characters and you as the reader, so I have been doing some research and trying to get my accuracy concerning BD& SD, S&M and Tech/Hack Lingo. I am also trying to brush up on some of my vocab for the more colorful and sexy bits to follow in this story and series, so I thank you for your patience as I try to up my writing game with this story as well as create something truly entertaining for you. Im sorry about the gaps in posting. But I will be updating this even if it doesn't happen every week I will not abandon this work and I hope you stay with me as this series expands and gets better and better.  Chapter  40 - New Priorities   [Meet me

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