Chapter 29

696 Words

I quickly uploaded the photo of the food and grinned as people began to like and comment. I looked up and caught him staring at me. He guiltily smiled. I didn't want to miss the moment, so I quickly snapped a photo of him. "What was that?" He exclaimed. I looked at the photo and yelped in happiness. I caught him on camera smiling! He looked so handsome with his dark hair tickling his shoulders, the light making his face look absolutely dashing, and the innocent smile making him look so scrumptious. Yum. "I can't not have a picture of my mate on my phone." I explained, showing it to him for a second before setting it up as my lock screen. Even if he did neglect me again the next week, I'd have this picture of him to remember him by. He frowned, as if thinking thoughtfully. He nodded careful

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