Chapter 17

1023 Words

Joan Knight Blinking wearily, I turned to look out the window€it looked to be about 10 or 11 in the morning? I felt my stomach grumble in hunger and I groaned, slumping my head back into the pillow. The past 12 hours have been nothing but stressful. I had killed an Alpha in a fight that was not meant to end in death. The rules clearly stated that. My father had discussed with me earlier hat we might be receiving messages from the tribunal soon. I'd have to read up of the laws of The Claiming. Wearily, I looked to my left and my breath hitched. Diana was fast asleep, her right hand curled around mine and her head burrowed into the pillow by my shoulder. She looked so peaceful asleep, and I did not want to wake her. Waking her would subject her to the nightmare that I had selfishly brought

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