Chapter 16

837 Words

his son." Queen Robin softly said. I let the Queen lead me across the palace. Once in a while we'd spot a courtier, servant or guard that she would greet. They'd try not to stare at my bracelet and my mark, but ultimately failed. Feeling self-conscious, I put on Jon's jacket again. I made a mental note to ask Jon for a tour later. I was pretty good with directions, but the Lightwing seemed to be a maze. "The dead Alpha, did you know him well?" Queen Robin gently asked as we walked across a richly carpeted floor. I gulped, not expecting the question. "No. I was actually prepared to fight him." I replied. The Queen nodded softly. "Don't say this to anyone, God knows my son might face the tribunal, but I'm glad that happened. If it meant my son could bring home a mate. How old are you, sweeth

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