8 - The walking dead

1309 Words
Greyson She hates me. The little wolf hates me. But everyone hates me, who wouldn’t? I’m the Grim reaper, I’m Death incarnate. Yet it bothered me to see hate in her otherwise sparkly blue eyes, so much so that I tried to justify myself in her eyes. And if the last time we spoke Sophia showed she fears me, today she defied me again, tried to rile me up and even anger me. “She’s giving up, Master.” Blaze casually lifts his whiskered face up from licking his bits. I eye the demon with unconcealed disgust. “Just what do you think you are doing, you vile, useless creature.” I spit out. “If you keep me as a cat, I’ll keep doing what cats do. Master.” He purrs with narrowed eyes, sounding unhappy. “Oh, right.” I wave my hand and he’s instantly in his preferred form, looking more demonic and less… domesticated. I’ve summoned him again, to remind him that he is to shadow Sophia, not stay put and sleep on her plush bed when she tells him to. I needed to remind him that despite his appearance, he is not her pet. “As I was saying, Sophia’s giving up. I think you succeeded in making her reconsider defying you. How to put it… she wishes she did die that night.” I listen to what Blaze is telling me, and I’m once more, surprised to see that I’m not happy with that. I don’t want her to give up. I was starting to enjoy this little game that we have been playing, these visits where I watch her pretend not to notice I’m there, ignoring me, yet acting very conscious of my presence. I was even starting to convince myself that she enjoys the game as well. “Wanna hear her latest brilliant idea?” Blaze snickers. “Do tell.” “Now she hasn’t announced it to anyone yet, because the loss of her parents is still rather fresh, but she decided that she is going to look for her mate, kill two birds with one stone, as she put it.” The demon reports. I look at him, unable to say anything. A strong urge to kill whoever is her soulmate comes to mind. Since I remain quiet, the demon continues. “She’ll visit her friends' packs and try to find out who wants to kill her, but this time she’ll do everything to meet as many unmated wolves as possible, to maximise her chances of finding her fated mate.” “Why?” I find myself growling out the one worded question. “She wants to produce an heir for her pack. You know, if Death finally catches up to her.” My ears protest at the sound of the demon laughing. “It is an idiotic plan.” I announce, before materialising myself in the wolf’s bedroom, demon cat in tow. The latter mews loudly as it suddenly drops on the bed, morphed into the form that allows him to pleasure himself and still be socially acceptable. Do I regret making him a cat? I do, greatly, but it’s too late now. Sophia shoots up in bed, clearly startled by her pet’s antics. She reaches for Blaze before her shoulders tense and turns to look exactly at the spot I’m standing in. I almost feel like smiling. Almost. She huffs and lays back down under the covers, turning her back to me. So we’re back to ignoring me, are we? Blaze’s head shoots up and he looks at me, most likely cursing my existence. I smirk and he disappears with another loud meow. I don’t need him here for this, he’s become insolent enough. Another huff, this time filled with a lot of annoyance due to the disappearance of the cat, comes from Sophia, having the opposite effect of what she intended. Abandoning all logic, I approach the bed and without thinking about it twice, I lower myself onto the sheets that smell like… purity. I chuckle as I’m standing on my side, face to face with a seething Sophia, our noses just inches apart. Our lips also, but I chose not to focus on that. “What are you?” I whisper the question. She huffs again. This seems to be the noise of choice when it comes to me. “The walking dead.” She then decides to give me an answer which unexpectedly sparks a bark of laughter to come from deep within my chest. Sophia I wake up with the sound of bustling around the packhouse. Peering at the clock on my nightstand, I see it's nearly noon. Instantly on my feet, rushing to the bathroom to make myself presentable, I curse the fact that I overslept. Truthfully, this is the first night I’ve managed to actually get some deep, restful sleep since I’ve been attacked. Unsure if my latest encounter with the Reaper has been real or not, I find myself wanting to repeat it. Alas, today I’m leaving to visit Deena and see where she stands, and if she might have had anything to do with the plot to murder me. As much as I wish for none of my friends to be involved, I also want to find out the coward that’s plotting to kill me and kill him first. I hurry to my office and call Alana in. It’s not long before she arrives, a large coffee in hand for me and a smaller one for her. I smile at my Beta. She knows me so well. “Thanks.” I relieve her of the precious cup. “Don’t mention it.” She laughs at the lustful gaze I throw at that cup. “So, you finally got some sleep?” She asks. “What gave it away?” I chuckle, taking a long sip of the delicious dark liquid. It scalds my tongue and for a brief moment I wish for something cold to soothe me. I dismiss that shameful thought quickly, because let's face it, there is one being in particular that could do just that with his mere presence, silently praying that the blush that’s decorating my cheeks will make my friend think it’s from the heat of the coffee. “Other than being lunchtime when you crawled out of your lair? You look… better, rested.” She smiles fondly. “I am. I’ve pulled my head out of my ass and I’ve decided to look for my mate.” I announce without dragging it further. “Excuse me?” Alana draws back a little, clearly shocked. She chokes on her words, or maybe the sip she just took of her coffee, and blinks a few times. At least she didn't spit the liquid out. Though that would have been funny. “You? Looking for your mate? Alright, who are you and what have you done with my Alpha?” She demands, but I laugh and wave her mock concern off. “I’m serious, Alana. Losing mom and dad, and going through that attack has opened my eyes to the fact that I’ve been selfish all this time. If anything happens to me, there is no one to take over the pack, and it’ll be a cold day in Hell before I let some random Alpha wannabe get his claws onto Sirius pack, tarnishing my family’s legacy.” Alana remained quiet for a few moments before breaking into a smile and coming round the desk to hug me. "I'm happy for you, Sophie. I can't wait to see who our new Luna will be." She grins cheekily. "Ha! Funny!" I say, wondering about that myself. It's no secret I don't plan on transforming into a good little Luna and handing over my pack to my mate.
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