Chapter 20: What has yet to Come

1780 Words
2 hours later Velo’s POV Boss has arrived in Yoru’s room earlier. Astra’s atmosphere has drastically changed since the last time I saw him. It was a familiar feeling of loneliness and isolation. Could it be the same feeling of uneasiness I felt when I saw Astra for the first time after four years? You have come a long way, Astra; just to go back to the old you, you have changed in such a short yet long period of time. Before, I could understand why you did, but now I can’t; why? Just before this incident happened, life was finding its way back to you, and now, as you enter, the sorrowful feeling and coldness, to me, seem to consume you. You seem dead. You’re not the Astra I know; just like I remember what I told Nubes, I never got to see you again even though I did. I can’t find the Astra I had played with that innocence and cheerful smile of yours, but now that Astra was slowly coming back, slowly building its way up again to just and just all at once vanish again. It’s already 2 hours after the operation had ended. We had to leave in a while since the doctor said visitation is only until 9 p.m. only one can remain and watch over Yoru. Astra seemed tired and sleepy, so I volunteered. “Astra, go get some rest. I’ll take care of Yoru for you,” I said, but Astra didn’t respond. He seems to be preoccupied with something, something he stares on the floor of this cold hospital room, his eyes are visible tired his skin is beginning to be pale again at the lack of sleep. What are you doing these past few days, overthinking? Man, I’m so puzzled to find a valid reason why he suddenly changed, and just looking at him, ugh, he’s not even in good condition to be awake. “There has got to be something bothering him, or is he plotting something,” I whispered to myself, but I’m not going to know unless I ask. “Boss, come on, go with the gang. I’ll be fine,” I insisted “Boss Velo can take care of Yoru. You don’t have to worry,” Chico said energetically, trying to stir the melancholic vibe away from Astra. But that didn’t even make him move. Not even the slightest expression smothered on his face at this point. Chico looked at me, worried “Boss, come on, you have to go home” Chico tries to comfort Astra as he pulls Astra by his arm in an attempt to get him to stand from the chair he was sitting in. “Home?...where is even my home?” Astra… “We’re your home boss,” Chico stated, smiling at Astra “Huh! Home? do you seriously call that home?” “You don’t even know or understand me, so how do you call yourselves my home?...” Astra stated scoffingly but at the same time very tired and empty. “I don’t know where to go anymore. I’m so lost.” “You just need some sleep, boss.” “Boss, come on, please go home,” Chico pleaded, noticeably troubled at the way Astra was acting. “I don’t have someone to go home to.” “Don’t be like that boss; you have us, hahaha so come on,” Chico persisting Astra jokingly as he pats Astra’s back, “Get off of me!” “Can’t you see that I don’t want to go!” “I want to stay here!” “SO, FOR FVCK SAKE, LEAVE ME ALONE! His action shocked us. Astra was clearly angry or frustrated at something I would say, as he shouted on Chico’s face, who was now appalled at what was happening. However, he still tried to reach out to him, assuming that Astra was just tired and frustrated about what had happened. He tried to reach his hands on to him, but Astra furiously slapped it away. “Astra!” I called to his name, attempting to put him back to his senses, but Chico just looked at me and smiled, saying he’ll take care of this. In all of this, Chico still believed that Astra was not doing this on purpose. I was too, but Astra continued with his actions as he aggressively pushed Chico’s hands away; it revealed to us bloody hands, his blood dripping from his arms to the floor. It was evident that he was hiding this under his jacket the whole time, the bloodstain on his gray t-shirt as he breathed heavily for the lack of energy to move. “Didn’t you tell me that a nurse had taken care of it before we go here?” Chico protested “Ha..hahahahah!” “Boss, please stop this” “Boss, please get that taken care of” Chico still cared, but Astra… “I don’t want to. I don’t care as long as neither of Yoru and Salvy is waking up. I will continue to shed blood here until I die!” he didn’t care. “YOU ARE ALL WEAKLINGS HAHAHAHHA” he cracks up, laughing like a madman “CAN’T YOU ALL SEE I DON’T FEEL ANYTHING NOW!” Astra showed us his hand and clutched it with his fingers. Not even a sign of pain plastered on his face, so is it true, Astra is it real you’re going numb? “SEE?! SEE! HAHAHA, LOOK AT IT!” He was losing his mind; the constant pain and misery had got the best of him “Astra” “Boss” Chico and I called “Astra, that Astra this!” “ASTRA! ASTRA! ASTRA, WHAT?!!” “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EVEN GUYS WANT” “CAN’T YOU ALL LIVE YOUR LIVES BY YOURSELF” “OH!! HAHAHAHAHA THAT’S RIGHT, YOU TWO ARE MORONS! COULDN’T EVEN HADLE YOURSELF” “YOU’LL JUST DIE OUT THERE!” “HAHAHAHAHA, MORONS!” Chico was the one who was hurting from all of this. It was the first time Astra ever snapped at us, especially at him. He has somewhat find Astra treats him like a little brother. Chico looks up to him so much so to hear precisely the things you don’t want to hear from the person you least expected was like shattering your heart into pieces. The only thing Chico wanted to do was return that feeling of compassion Astra showed him, but why is that hard for you to take it, Astra why are you pushing us away. Chico teared up as Astra misled him of what to do anymore. “FINE! IT’S THAT WHAT YOU WANTED!” Chico was already sobbing “What a baby you really are, Chico. If only I didn’t bring you to the gang, I won’t be having any trouble now.” , “Ha…” broken just like the sound of a glass falling from a table shattering on the ground, an insensitive yet straightforward move that leaves you into pieces. “Re-re-peat what you just sa-aid,...ha... no but..” Astra… all this time huh, he really looks up to you “You’re such a nuisance,” Astra stated with a glare. Chico couldn’t hold the pain anymore as tears came bursting out with the deep shock he was in from Astra’s words. “WE ARE JUST CARING FOR YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU’LL TREAT US?!” “LIKE A WORTHLESS SCUMBAGS LIKE WE MEAN NOTHING TO YOU, HUH!” “WHAT WAS ALL OF THAT?!” “DOES EVERYTHING MEANS NOTHING TO YOU?!” “I HATE YOU!” “I HATE YOUR SHITS!” “I’M DONE WITH YOUR SHITS!” “YOU’RE SELFISH AND RUDE. I CAN’T BELIEVE I EVEN LOOKED UP TO YOU!” “NUBES WAS RIGHT! YOU’RE A SELFISH, WORTHLESS PIECE OF s**t” “YOU HEAR ME, WORTHLESS PIECE OF s**t!” Chico snapped as well. He could no longer hold his feelings as he ran, barging out the door slamming it after him “Ha…” Astra gasps like suddenly it felt hard to breathe. I don’t really know. He seemed struck with Chico’s words for him, but he had done it worse. His eyes soften but after that. That’s all to it. His expression becomes more and more empty and heavy “That’s not true, right?” “Astra, why did you do that,” I asked because I still believed this was just a show his putting up. “Do what tell him the truth?” “Come on, Astra, we both know that’s not how you see Chico.” “You don’t know it. you don’t even know anything.” “Bullshit! Astra, then why did you do that?!” “YOU DON’T GIVE A s**t AT WHAT I DO AS FAR AS I KNOW I’M THE BOSS HERE!” “WELL, I DON’T TAKE A HAUGHTY FOR A BOSS!” “YOU’RE FULL OF CRAP, ASTRA PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!” “LEAVE ME FVCKING ALONE, i***t!” “ASTRA” “I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE! I JUST WANT TO SEE YORU, SO LEAVE ME ALONE!” He let himself fell flat on the floor like he couldn’t do anything anymore hopeless; I walk towards the door while talking to Astra “I… leave. I’ll just let a nurse see that cut of yours.” “Do what you want.” “Hey, Astra…” he didn’t reply, but I knew he was listening “We are just here. We will help you make it,” I said, hoping that it might maybe absorb into his brains “What if we don’t.” “Then you won’t fall alone.” “hmm...I won’t let that happened.” “Astra?” “You know Chico really didn’t mean those words, right?” “I deserved that, didn’t I?” “Don’t you think, Velo?” “Well, I’m not exactly happy for the action and words you expressed.” “But Astra” “But I did it. I wanted Chico to hate me, so leave now.” “Astra, what are you saying?...” “LEAVE, I SAID! BEFORE I EVEN SHOT MYSELF” What was he… *(c***s the gun)* “Don’t look back” I heard him c**k the gun. He’s serious, and at this point, I believe that he knows what he is doing, so I leave and just informed a nurse about his condition to cure his cut “Astra, what is happening to you.”
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