Chapter 28: Can you hear me?

2569 Words
“I wish you’ll wake up anytime soon and see these flowers I’ve got you...” “They hold a special meaning.” “just like you to me.” “special” __________ Chico’s POV Alright, time to go back to Salvy. I can’t wait to put these flowers and sit idle in his room as I can finally talk to him. “Oh, I forgot” I should also tidy up the room so that Camille and Reed don’t have to worry about it anymore. “La” “ la” “La la la la” “LAAAA!!! SHAKA SHAKA AHHH!!! LAHHHhhh….ohhhh s**t!” I muttered as my eyes quickly traced my surroundings, looking back at people who were staring at me confusedly “Shhh!” they all shushed at me *(gulps)* Ah hehe, I think I’m going to leave this place right here right now “Sir?” hmm, yes? I didn’t reply, but I hesitantly turned my head to the voice that called me “Quiet down a little, sir.” the staff in the lobby said, scrunching her nose. Hehe? She’s so cute. Hey shush!, what am I thinking?! “Hehe, sorry miss, I will,” I replied as I hurriedly made my presence begone. I was just humming to my favorite song that was merrily playing in my head as I got caught in the moment and unconsciously hummed the best part. Man good thing people here are still not kicking us out. We’re causing so much trouble and noise, especially those three. “Ooop going up” I rode the elevator from the first floor as I was too lazy to climb the staircase, and this would be much faster, or in reality, I’m just trying to hide my face from people. So I’m lucky that no one got in here with me, just me alone, standing casually and roaming my eyes on the elevator as the red dot “ding” and turned into a green one. “Ohh, already here?” The door slides open as I step out “Well, that was fast.” Better get back there and deliver this bread to Coco.” Strolling, I walk past the hall where Yoru’s room is, as Salvy’s room is just two halls away from Yoru’s; I couldn’t help but stare at his door room and wonder what’s happening inside. I want to walk towards it, but I fight the urge not to go in that direction. As I say, this is for the best, isn’t it? I hastily withdraw my gaze and act like I haven’t noticed anything as I also drive away from the thoughts that are already forming in my head. “Gosh darn it.” just don’t think about them for now, Chico; you’re here to clear your head, right? “To take care of Salvy, not for someone who doesn’t appreciate you” see! You need to chill, dude. “Whoo, okay, breathe” just let him be for now. Let yourself be for now “This is for the better,” I whispered to myself as I continued wandering, but why does it feel heavy like something was pulling me back to that hall? Something just felt different, I mean, like something’s wrong. “No” “Noo” “Come on, Chico, you’re almost there” I’m pretty sure Velo is handling the situation there jusssst right. I mean, he’s not the person who loses his temper that easily right? “Right….?” I asked myself, damn; my gut tells me different I think I’m going to be sick *(imagining a riot starting)* “Arghh glablabublah,” I shake my head vigorously, concentrating my attention on something else as I fight hard with myself, feeling the veins in my head are going to pop out. “Coooomeeee!!!.... onnnn!... just!!!...oneee!!! More!!! Hall!!!” why can’t I carry my legs!? Come on, legs workkkk!! Work! Arghhh!! I yell internally as I hit my legs with all the force I can give “Come..ihhh..oon!” I screeched as I lifted my legs to walk. Why do I sound like a mom giving birth? “Don’t look back.” Wait...wait, I stopped for a while as a child with his mother pointed at me, and the mother quickly slapped the kid’s hand. Now I see people looking at me. I wondered why people I passed by were glancing at me strangely. Why are they staring at me? What’s wrong with my face? Damn this; people just can’t mind their own business. “Hey, son,” an old man approaches me. “Yes!?” holy sh! I’m sorry, it was just the pressure “AHHH!” The geezer jumps away, shuddering as he grips onto his chest; oh!!! I said after I came into a realization, I think I scared him “Oh, sorry, sir. What can I help you with?” I asked “I almost had a heart attack,” the geezer asserted “Don’t! Do! that! You scared me, kiddo” The old man calmed down as he approached me again “I just want to see if you are okay.” huh, why? Does it look like I’m sick? Just so you know, old man, I’m a healthy boy! “What do you mean, sir? I’m absolutely fine.” What’s up with older people bugging me in the hospital? “Sure doesn’t look like it to me” uh! what, why?! “Do you need to use the toilet? I can accompany you, kid” eww, p*****t, no thank you, sir “You look like your holding in a dump.” what?! Is this what he’s talking about? “Or like having a hard time letting out a s**t” what the fvck, sir?! Is that really how I look like “Does your stomach hurt? Can I help you with anything?” yeah, right, you can help me hide my disgraced face, thanks, old hog, as if you didn’t hurt my feelings. Hmm( :( ) no wonder people are staring at me in a weird way hays I just look down and continue to walk “Hey, young man, are you fine?” I could continue pouting and whimpering here like a dog “Yeah yeah, nothing to worry about, old man. I feel wonderful!! Hahaha,” I bend my head down as if I’m full of misery, someone depressed or someone who lost hope carrying the weight of the world in my shoulder because of this feeling of embarrassment. Does that how I really look like? Good grief, I’m going to be ashamed for my whole life. I continued to make my way to Salvy as my steps each carried the shame a while ago, looking like someone was having a hard time taking a crap; geez, that geezer! A few minutes or so, I stop in my tracks as I raise my head up “Oh!!! I made it well maybe that’s a blessing beats me, I guess” I carefully opened the door as I slid in and shook the bag of bread I brought Coco. “Arf arf!” “Hi girl, I’m back. Thanks for looking out for Salvy,” I said as I threw her a piece of bread and the dog excitingly caught it right on the spot. “Hahaha, you’re really are Astra’s dog, aren’t you? He always has his eyes on his target, too” I pet her head as she goes and rests in the corner and munch on her food. “Look at these flowers. Wait here, guys, I’ll just fetch you some water” I entered the bathroom and added water on the vase as I fixed the flowers to give them pleasant vibes, and then I placed it on the table beside Salvy’s bed and the other flower. “Alright, all set,” I said while my hands were in my hips, proud of what I’d done. “Ahhh-aah,” a yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched my arms up into the sky and brought a chair near Salvy’s bed as I rested my head on the top of my palm where my arm lies on the side of Salvy. I gazed at him as it all sank into me the terrible situation he might have experienced. My eyes examined the bruises in his face to his hands how his screams of pain and Astra’s sleepless nights all make sense now. Maybe now I understand why he can’t bring himself to see you or even step foot in this room. “He blames everything on himself, hm?” I grinned, realizing I had made the mistake of misunderstanding his feelings. Don’t you think so, too, Coco? I glanced at the dog, who was busy chewing her food, and I smiled at her as I made my decision. Well, here goes nothing. “Hey bud,” I smiled as I spoke to Salvy again. Well, technically, like I was chatting with him. I clasped his arm in the palm of my hands as I looked at him. A prolonged look that gives me time to remember the emotions I don’t want to recall “Salvy…” No, I shouldn’t pity you. You’re strong, and you fight well Salvy I just want to talk to you normally again “Hey... bud, how are you.” “Has it been tough?" "I’m sure it is. Why did I even bother to ask that just seeing you in this bed unconscious is the only proof I need." "I wish everything will just…." "Ya’know... POOFF! And magically, everything will be okay." I know you can hear me, right? "But that's not how it works, isn't it?" I looked at him as if I was waiting for him to answer me or even just nod his head, but what did I expect “Ha..who am I kidding?” "Yeah…" "You" “You and I have gone through a lot lately, but I can’t help to be worried about you in this situation.” “I don’t want to involve you in this crazy week,” “How do I even tell you this.” this thing that is hard to explain “How can I tell a sleeping person all these things?...” will I bring you justice in that? “How could you understand?” the things that will change once you wake up “How could I even explain all of this to you, Salvy?” An action that will only crush you “I pretty sure the one you want to see when you wake up is..” “Is him right?” of course, your eyes don’t lie. It can’t deceive me but his... “Sorry, he’s not here with me right now.” “You..” “You know Astra and me right now...” In Chico’s mind (Flashback of Astra’s Dialogues and Chico’s present Dialogues) Astra: “OH!! HAHAHAHAHA THAT’S RIGHT, YOU TWO ARE MORONS! COULDN’T EVEN HANDLE YOURSELF” ___________ Chico: “Hahaha... it’s just that, uhm” ___________ Astra: “YOU’LL JUST DIE OUT THERE!” “HAHAHAHAHA, MORONS!” __________ Chico: “He…” __________ Astra: “What a baby you really are, Chico. If only I didn’t bring you to the gang, I won’t be having any trouble now.” , __________ Chico: “He-e…” (“Re-re-peat what you just sa-aid,...ha... no but..”) __________ Astra: “You’re such a nuisance,” __________ (End of Flashback) “He changed Salvy….” tears tumble down my tired eyes, so clumsily just fall without any warning. “He said mean stuff, and I did too. We hurt each other with our words,” or maybe just his words hurt me. "Hahaha, look at me. I'm so silly, am I Salvy? I’m really a cry baby." do you think I’m a nuisance too? Am I trouble for you too, Salvy? “But..” "It’s just that." "Me and boss…." "Right now" "We are not on good terms." "You'll probably laugh at me when you see my crying face." "I’m so ugly when I cry," I said, weeping and giggling at the same time as I continuously wiped the tears from my eyes. "Hahahaa, you see….” “You’re not like me,” “Yoru or Velo.” you’re truly different “You’re not like anybody, Salvy.” “you’re the only one" "The only one who made him like that" "I’m sorry I can’t bring him here to you." "I’," I muttered, sobbing in the middle of every word "Hmmm hmmm," Coco cried as she brushed her head in my lap, “yeh girl, your right....” I should not be this emotional "Hahaha...but Salvy. Coco and I will just be here by your side," we promised as I embraced Coco tightly as if I were squeezing him. It pains me it still does, and crying is the only thing I can do "Sa-lvy Salvy bri-bring him back" yes, such a selfish request for someone to let someone obliged the burden, but those are mere words you can’t hear me, can’t you? You’ll wake up clueless about him just shutting you How could I even bear to see that day befall on you, huh?! Anger fills me inside, but what?! what can I do? What is the right thing to do!? To not get you hurt… I don’t know "Wa-wa-ke up already," I uttered pitifully, begging you to wake up, but deep down, the thought of if I wanted you to or not tore my feeling apart. “W-wa-wake up Salvy” was all I wanted. You are all he needs. I’m sure by now everyone knows that when you’re with him. He smiled. He’s happy and full of life. I can see that Salvy. I’m not blind. “You’re t-the only one,” the only one who can bring him back to us but do I still wish for you to open your eyes and day by day realize that he leave you and what if he’ll never come back? Do I want you to wake up and just suffer, be ripped with the pain I-I can’t watch you like that, Salvy, so tell me, what should I do? What will I reply when you ask me where is he? Will you even want to see our faces again, Salvy? THE ONE WHO CAUSES YOU THIS PAIN!? h-m-m..we didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sure the boss didn’t too, but I don’t want you to wake up and feel this same pain in my heart “I know he’s important to you too.” but We just want you well, Salvy… Soft sobs and pearly white droplets of tears escaped my eyes and my mouth as I proceeded to cry for an hour, allowing all the emotion just to take me in and let it out. I need to let my feelings out: frustration, guilt, sadness, and worries. I just need to let it all out, and then maybe the cloudy thoughts and judgments will disappear or be clear. Just a rest; that’s what we all need. “A rest”
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