SACRED LOVE 10 2/2 2-2

652 Words
{Seoul, South Korea Seoul National University Hospital} "No! I -i-i mean yeah! He's my Brother so Can you please Let me Know!?" Her lips moving vigorously as The Male Receptionist gulped eyeing her up and down. "Damn, what's with those eyes, huh!? Got Poop in your eyes!?" Receptionist flinched as he heard the girl Scream who been beside this Girl he had been admiring. Glaring at her , he tapped upon the keyboard. Turning his gaze towards her again , he smiled. "There, left to right. Third floor!" He said as she smiled. "Thank you!" She said bowing before Lira pulled her away from receptionist. "C'mon Lia!, he's not your grandpa or something, lol" she said as she rolled her eyes making Lia smile out chuckling. "Lira! you never change, will you?" She said as Lira didn't respond instead dragged her towards the lift. Pushing everyone from the way, she pushed her into the lift and walked in hurried. Checking the time, she sighed out loud. Everyone's gaze turning to Lira as she frowned. "what!? Bitchy face ah!?" She yelled as everyone backed away from her making Lia facepalm herself. "I shouldn't have brought you here with me" "Are you sure about this, Chicken?" Lia nodded nervously as they walked further in this long que to reach since there's covid patient's too, they're restricted to Visit patient's without mask and more accessories. Wearing up the mask , Lira groaned in Annoyance. "Fvxking move away you dvmbxss! We need to Reach non-covid patient there!" "Lira!" Lia yelled as she pulled Lira away. One of the securities, looked at her. "Oh hello, Mam. That's why we're sanatizing visitors-" "I don't fxvking c-" "BECAUSE, Listen Ms.Lira listen. Why you can't?" He said smiling softly as Lira Flinched widening her eyes. "you how dare you yell upon me-" "Ms.Lia! The visitor. It's your turn. Please come in!" Lia took a deep breath in before she handed Lira bag where she didn't took it but stepped forward towards the security guy. "You're fxvking over! I'm going to fire you!" "Haha lol stop kidding" he said giggling softly as she was gritting her teeth. "You are Dumbxss!" She looked around Before Noticing bag upon the floor. "And This Chicken! Where's my chicken- oh wait I mean Lia hahaha!" She laughed as Security Pushed her out of Que. "Mam, Your Friend has Went in for visit. You may have to wait. So please follow us" the Women security Guard said as Lira sighs dedeep "K fine lol" she rolls her eyes. . . . . . . Her hands were sweating as she noticed Cops infront of the Door. Whatever I did was wrong but are they really going to forgive me... Only if I'll act that he's my brother- no no no Lia. You don't have anyone and that was printed upon your certificate that you're from orphanage. " I really shouldn't have drunk much ughh" she whined as she walked forward taking those small steps towards ICU room. As her step were froze in between, she widen her eyes. "Excuse me?" She gulped as she moved away letting the person walk pass by. "That's a cop....ugh why I get in trouble!?" She whisper yelled to herself before she was froze in her tracks again. "Room no.32!? W-where's icu-" "yeah..I heard that Patient forgot... he's living here like a Patient. Yeah that ICU boy. Went in coma? Yeah!" Hearing that she bit her lip turning around and walking back towards ICU which she crossed before while dozing off in her own thoughts. "So...I could- oh! Here here. It's it's icu" she said to herself before panicking araround The scarf around her neck was removed as she covered her Sleeveless arms feeling shy. It's a boy... I shouldn't be too free with him. let's begin she thought to herself before pushing the door to walk inside the ICU room.
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