Sacred Love // 11

1676 Words
Sacred Love : 11 Upon the Dreamy hills, Dinner party was held. Time : 2:40 a.m // It was the time, when everyone was too tired to be awake and laying upon their comfy beds. The dinner that was held has completed where the mansion was dead quite. The near deep strong waterfalls splashing down into the river was echoing around the moutain. After taking strong alcohol, Kai was led to sleep inone of guest rooms since there's 402 Rooms in this big mansion. 240 Master bedrooms , 102 Single bedrooms. And the other 60 bedrooms were linked together. As explainable, there's 60 bedrooms and every two bedrooms were linked as one. To understand well, believe there's totally 30 Linked bedrooms haha. Bài and Feng unfortunately got the linked bedrooms where they were happy since they think it's really comfortable to sleep without any concerns. But Yang felt more relief to get the single bedroom so he could sleep as much as he can without anyone waking him up on morning. Mean while... There's so much going on inside this dead quiet mansion. "Are You crazy!?" Toy's voice echoing aloud as Zal stepped upon the rock. Closing his eyes as the cold Breeze from the waterfalls were sending chills down his spine. His muscles shivering as he sighed. "For fvxk sake! You'll listen to me for now." Toy said as he frowned. No response was given from Zal as Toy gritted his teeth, pulling Zal down from the edge of Hill. he grabbed his collar. "What you wanna do , Zal!? What!?" He yelled as Zal didn't even took a second to think before speaking up. "I'm doing nothing to her, Toy... Nothing" Toy's eyes widened but then, his muscles loosening as his face was softening. "Zal, I'm not talking about anyone." He said as he held Zal's cheek. "I'm talking about You. You and your life I'm I'm I don't know why you're doing this..." Toy looked down as tears forming in his eyes. Zal Frowned as he stepped back. "What you talking about, Toy?" Toy sighed deep turning away from Zal. "You know, uncle is Angry" he said as Zal sighed back turning away from Toy not responding not giving a reaction either. "Zal-" Toy's words were cut off in between by Zal "It's my decision. You can't just interfere like that!" Zal said gritting his teeth. Toy turned to him as his eyes reddened. "Fxvk you!" Zal stumbled backward as Jungkook pushed him crying aloud. "Fvxking snitch! we're family! How could you say I can't interfere!" Zal sighed as Toy cried turning away in instant. Zal gritted his teeth as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I don't know, Toy. I don't know! I just can't get her out of my mind and and-" "Do you like her?" Zal was froze in his words as those words fell out of Toy's mouth. Toy Turned towards Zal as His eyes were gazing straight into his. Tears streaming down Toys's cheeks as he sniffed stepping closer. "I'm gonna ask again, Zal" he kept his hands in his pant pockets as Zal was still froze with widen eyes. "Do you like her?" He looks up as Zal was still not answering it. Tears formed in Zal's eyes as he wasn't moving his muscles. He didn't knew how to answer that new question. So many questions he heard in his whole life but, something like this, he never. His hand clutching the Alcohol bottle as Toy's Hands holding his collar, shaking Zal as he blinked looking up. "Like her or not !? Speak up, Zal!!" "I don't know!" Zal spoke up raising his voice. Toy got startled. As higher the mountains are, the water falls are falling down with such a strong Breeze making Zal's shirt fly in air as his hair is messy ruffling. For some reason, the Water Falls and the way it's strongly fallin down was echoing around more louder than before. how much higher this moutains are infront of this mansion and the way waterfalls are so strong, this view so beautiful but, zal's heart is not in a mood to realise it. Toy's hand falling over zal's cheek in instant as toy's eyes are burning with furious anger. "You wanna be a fxvking pervert!?" Zal gritted his teeth turning away from Toy. "I can't say anything right now, Toy! Just leave me-" "she's a minor , Zal!" He yelled as he turned Zal towards himself. "I know! Are you serious, Toy?" Zal said as his posture frozet there. The strongest wind was shaking their bodies away slightly as Toy gritted his teeth. Sitting on a bench, he looked away from Zal making Zal look down. "just just do whatever you want, Zal. I can't atatleast- "I'll find myself" he said as Toy froze in his words. Turning his head towards him , a frown formed upon his face. "what do you mean?" Toy said as he just watched Zal smile closing his eyes feeling the strong wind. "Did you ever felt your body about to Freeze in death when just..." His words fainting slowly but then forming out again. ".... even if they just glances at you?" He said as Toy's frown was replaced by calm face. "I felt it, Toy" he turned to Toy as he sighed nodding. "I know. Zal, just-" "I don't even knew.." he held Toy's shoulders making him look into his eyes. "I didn't even knew that I would get this much addicted that I can't even even" he looked down as his breath getting heave. Toy's eyes softening as Toy kept his hand upon Zal's shoulder. "Even..breath when I can't see her.." he breathed out before Toy hugged him. "Z-zal please stop crying. I know I know. I understand" zal sighed hugging him back. Toy tightened his arms making Zal pat his back. . . . . . . . . . . A Strong slaps was echoing around the Guest Hall repeatedly as Cia's cheek fell aside making a man step infront of her to stop Kira from raising her hand again. Her eyes staring at her furiously, Cia looked down as Kira gritted her teeth looking up. "are you serious!? Stop" Sehun's voice was lower than usual as he held Cia's hand tight while standing infront of her. "Move, Sehun." Kira said moving aside to reach Cia before Sehun moved Where Kira Moved trying to stop her. "Kira, fxvking stop! She's a Kid , are you Crazy!?" He whispered as he held her wrist which was raised against Cia again. Cia stumbled back as Sehun stepped back trying to control Kira. Her body isn't even moving one muscle. Those bruised Knees and Wrist are expressing how much pain she felt but still- "I don't believe this, Sehun. Fxvking stop accusing your brother for 'her' faults!" She pointed at Cia as she shivered under Kira's strong gaze making Sehun glance at Cia. "Cia go to your bedroo-" "no. Never. She need some lesson!" Kira said as she gritted her teeth until Sehun frowned. "Kira what the Fxvk!? I already said it's His fault. Not hers! She did nothing-" "oh, yeah!? Then who the fxçk said her to go into the store room!? And stutter and seduce people like like A Slu-" "Kira!" Kira was froze between words as A deep Loud voice echoed behind them. . . . . . 5 mins ago. " Ah why you're in my room!?" Jin said with widen eyes as his mom Smiled wiggling her eyebrows. "Ay Jin, stop. It's your sister!" Jin frowned looking at her sister who's Boiling with same anger as him. "Look, mom. I'm not-" "I already told you" she glared at Nina (Jin's sister) making jin groan in Annoyance. "In my age, everyone's sleeping with their wives! Me? Oh nvm. I got this stubborn sister!" He said before her hand slapped his thigh making him squeal in pain. "What the f-" "ah ah, stop the word in your mouth there. There's child here" his mom said as Jin's eyes Averted towards Nina who's looking at both of them like a kid. "Eh, she's child? Wow.. great actor I see" he pulled her hair Strands making her start crying in no seconds. His mom pouted before hitting his head making Nina laugh out in instant. Jin glared before getting up from the bed. "Where you going?" His mom said as Jin took his glasses and book with phone and iPod's. "Look mom, she gonna watch some corn so I need to get some fresh air haha" he said smirking as Nina Threw the pillow at him. "Pervert! I'm not like you!" She said before he slam the door close walking away towards the stairs. Walking down stairs, his fingers about to plug in the iPod's until, he heard a strong slap from a far making him frown. Tilting his head, he heard Kira's voice where his curiosity got its peak level making him step towards where it's coming from. "What's happening dude.." he breathed out hearing Kira's word's. "Move Sehun" Jin frowned as he heard Sehun's voice. "Sehun.? What the heck?" He was Scratching the back of his neck before his hand pushed the door open since it's been open slightly for a long time. He stepped in but the fight hasn't stopped where he widen his eyes noticing Cia's Presence behind Sehun. Why the heck she's here? Are they Hitting this kid!? This KID!? He frowned as his eyes boiling with anger until Kira's voice was what took his concerntrate from Cia's Skin where the bruise's were notic- eable. "oh, yeah!? Then who the f**k said her to go into the store room!? And stutter and seduce people like like A Slu-" his anger got its best peak level as the nerves are popping out of his skin. "KIRA!" He yelled as he gritted his teeth making her freeze in her own words.
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