Sacred Love 34 1/2

1796 Words
SACRED LOVE : 34 1/2 The water running down in the sink was echoing as her hands slowly splashed the water on her face. Her cheeks punk, as the water is warm enough to relieve her stressed muscles. As she took some water in her mouth before spitting them out, a sigh left her lips. Her eyes glanced up towards her own reflection in front of her eyes. Her cheeks puffy, she felt her bruise fading away slowly since it's been already more than weeks ever since she was slapped by kira. Her fingers traced the bruise before looking down at the sink. Turning off the tap, she wiped her face with the scarf. As her eyes glanced up again, her gaze fell upon her neck. The little scar on her neck made her blink. As she let the scarf lay on her shoulder, she eyed her face up and down while she traced the scar. No pain was felt as she sighed staring at it. It started to itch as she scratched the scar gently before taking the corner of her scarf. As she wiped her cheeks, she looked around for her small purse. As she took out the sunscreen, she applied some, feeling her cheeks getting rough rashes. As she concentrated on applying the ointment, the thunder stormed slowly which was unheard by her ears. Her scar started to glitch which she didn't find out about. As it started to glow with a slight hue of red, her eyes closed as she smiled, breathing in deep. Her lips left a small whimper as she rubbed her neck feeling the itch increasing. Her skin rashing up as she looked up into the mirror. Her skin pale red as her body started to vibrate. As she felt the tears welling up in her eyes, her body flinched while a thud echoed. A glitch occurred within every move she made to cover her skin with the scarf and jacket. Her fingers clenched onto her purse tight as she walked out of the washroom. Walking in front, her eyes landed on zal. His back against the wall while his folded arms slowly unfolded noticing her presence. “Let's go? We are alread-” his words paused as her head bumped. A hard surface against her temple as she looked up stepping away. His eyes were blue as she froze while she blinked, feeling his eyes gazing into hers. His hand scratched the back of his neck while he bowed. Zal walked towards her in an instant. “Are you okay?” his breathy tone didn't budge her away from the blue eyes that are glued to hers. As he bowed, his eyes trailing down. The scarf slowly lost the grip against her shoulders as it slipped down. Her hair fell on her shoulders as his eyes froze upon her scar. His eyes lightened up with spark as he stared at it. His hand clutching the bag he held. His mask slowly slipped down his nose as his thoughts were disturbed by Zal’s voice. “Excuse me” his stern voice echoed as he glanced up towards him. A soft chuckle left his lips as soon as he stood up straight. “Oh I'm sorry, i was in a hurry-” “you dropped your file” Zal spoke as he smiled gently. The guy with the mask on, took it before bowing. “Thank you” he politely said before walking off but his eyes glanced back for once. His eyes gazed at the mark as he walked off. “Cia” he spoke as cia blinked, staring at the guy who walked off from there. Her body flinched as his fingers slowly trailed up her arms along with the scarf he pulled up, wrapping around her shoulders. “K-Ken-” her eyes trembled as his name slipped out of her mouth. As soon as she glanced at him,while those words echoed in his ears, his body froze. his fingers let go of the Scarf hesitantly, he moved away, walking out of the washroom corner while his head hung low. Her eyes blinked as she wrapped the scarf around her shoulders. The way his eyes froze into hers awhile ago made her bite her lip in anticipation. “God, w-why did i think a-about h-him?” she mumbled to herself as she walked out of the washroom. . . . . . . . . . . . . Her eyes looked around the tables that were placed in the Restaurant. Her eyes slowly trailed aside towards the section where it is the balcony one. A small smile appeared upon her lips as she stared through the glass wall. Her hand hesitantly raised as it slowly laid against the glass wall, which was as cold as her hand was. A glance towards the board which said ‘Private section’ she bit her lip, hoping he had taken that. As she looked around inside in hope, a voice echoed aloud which was cold and stern and also absolutely his. And it echoed as if it was inside. Inside the hall she was standing in. “Yeah, no problem.” His stern voice echoed again as her head turned aside. Noticing him at the corner of the hall. His shirt was unbuttoned as his shirt was loose giving out a school guy vibe. She slowly walked towards the table while her eyes softened gazing at the balcony section. She felt childish but no regression. She sighed as a quiet whine left her lips while she sat down in front of him—who had no idea why she's down all of a sudden. His eyes closed as he sensed her looking somewhere while he's sitting right in front of her. Damn, seriously. He licked his lips as he continued speaking with his secretary about the submitted files. “And the Paris executives? Have you discussed the share profit?” he said as he kept a hand aside in front of the waiter who just walked towards with a gentle bow. “Good eve-” he paused in his greetings as he sighed, rolling his eyes before bowing again. “Yeah. sure. No problem” he kept his phone before sighing aoud. Looking aside, he noticed the waiter. “Yeah, ahem” he cleared his throat as he looked towards cia making her look at him unknowingly. “Yes, sir, mam. What will be the order?” Zal rolled his eyes as he leaned back against the seat. His hand rubbing his face in annoyance. “What’s your order, Ms. Beautiful?” his hand rubbed his face down as his eyes landed on the guy. Waiter’s eyes trailing down her covered neck as Zal's back leaned forward while his blood boiling. “I-i-” his hand against the headboard of her seat as he leaned down, opening the menu in front of her. “May you choose or..” his eyes trailing down her face as he licked his lips. “May I recommend” Zal’s eyes closed as his hands intertwined in front of his face. His thumb against his temple. Eye brows clenched together as his face was filled with boiling blood. “Back the fxck off” his words made Cia flinch with a slight surprise while the waiter turned towards him. “What-” “I said, back the fxck off.” his eyes opened as they glared deep into the waiter’s. Another waiter gulped as he looked towards the waiter from zal. “Can’t you see, I'm taking the order?” he mumbled in annoyance as Zal glared. “And i must recommend you to take your hand fxck out of her seat” The waiter gulped as he walked away in an instant. Cia looked at him as she fidgeted with the threads of her jacket. “You s-should not have y-yelled at h-him like that” he patiently listened as she stuttered between her words before his anger increased its heat. He gritted his teeth quietly as his hand balled into a fist. “What do you want me to do? Kiss him?” His harsh words made her flinch as he threw the menu in front of her. He’s not going to eat? Her eyes softened as she glanced at the menu while he sat there rubbing his temple. “Cmon, I don't have time, women” his words made her look up. His actions were showing nothing but the fact that was—he was annoyed by her. “Y-you not going to-” he's losing patience as he spoke before she could complete her sentence. “No. i'm not hungry” his voice came out as rude as it can be. His harsh tone made her frown. What’s with t-this man? “W-why?” her voice was heavy as if she was about to cry. “What?” his eyes knitted together as he frowned. “W-why?” she asked as her hand clutched her dress tight. “Because I’m not fxckin hungry” he breathed out in frustration as she bit her lip looking down. “D-did something-” his eyes closed in anger as her looking into someone’s eyes came back to his mind. “Cia, don’t make me repeat” his own warning tone surprised him as his heart beat raised. Cia leaned forward with the intention to speak when he spoke again, “oh, You want me to call him back? You want to order him?” he said and his words sounded so eager as if he was waiting to speak it out. As she tried to speak, her knuckles turned pale as she gripped the table corner tightly. Her body ached while she stood up. His eyes shot up as she took her purse before walking towards the path where it leads to entrance. He stood up as his hand reached hers. His body eagered as he held her wrist which was chilling cold. Pulling her back, her head almost bumped against his arm. Her body was shivering which scared him most in an instant. His eyes blinked as he took a second to calm himself down. “Cia, don't do this. Come, Let’s e-” her eyes looked up into his eyes as his eyes widened watching her cheeks getting stained by warm tears which were flowing down with no pause. “i-i lost a-appetite” she mumbled as she yanked her hand away, walking out of there as he stood feeling his body freezing like an ice. His hand against the back of his head as he groaned. Fxck! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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