SACRED LOVE // 53 1/2

3241 Words
SACRED LOVE : 53 1/2 Continuing ; Last night events flooded back into his mind like the strong waves of the sea. It was night time already at 1 o'clock when they picked up the bottle only to drop it on the table after emptying a minimum half of it. Sighing, Yang gaped at the shining stars along with Zal but then Zal's gaze dropped nowhere. As her small fingers keeping the hair strands behind her ears got back to his mind, a smile formed on his face. The wind blew his hair away from his forehead as he looked ethereal for a second while sitting there upon the wall base. As he sat upon the edge of the rooftop, he knew that all that got in his mind was her. God, Cia...Will you ever get out of my mind? Blinking, he felt his body relaxing within her name being spelling inside his mind. It's not even been months and he's already feeling she got closer than ever. His feet swung in the air while the cold wind welcomed his smile more often. Closing his eyes, the thought of her in a wedding dress---waiting for a groom---whom would be him really made him shudder in an unknown feeling he never felt inside. As his body churned and vibrated, he tilted his head before a sigh left his lips. "Ahh, it's good." He breathed out. Yang glanced at him. Looking back at the sky, Yang breathed out heavily before nodding. "It is." He said aloud making Zal chuckle while glancing at him then back at the sky as usual. "What about the.. engagement?" Yang's sudden question surprised and also startled Zal. Turning his head to Yang, he slowly looked away. "What...about the engagement?" He scratched the back of his neck. Yang chuckled before taking a gulp of beer. "What about the engagement, you say.." he mumbled but then sighed. "you sure you are down for it?" His eyes met Zal's and soon Zal blinked. As he looked away, he didn't know what or how to form the words right there and then. "I..." He bit his lip as he sighed deeply. "I don't know." Whether to say that he's sure about marrying a young girl or he's sure about his own feelings towards her, he chooses to not know for now. Rubbing his face, he felt the air being too suffocating. "No matter what you do, Zal. This marriage is going to be done and you're going to accept it with all your might." Sighing, he had uncle's words his mind like a roller coaster until a hiss from his own uncle's throat echoed. Rolling his eyes, he looked up. "This is not time for your pranks, dumbass-" he looked aside and Yang was nowhere to be found. Looking around then behind himself, Zal frowned as Yang continued to tie the shoelaces. "Yang?" He mumbled as he got off the edge. "Where..-" "yes, Mrs. Wang, Thanks!" Yang spoke through his phone before he gave Zal a glance. As he stood up, His hand fell on Zal’s shoulder. Pushing the phone inside his pockets. “I gotta go Zal,” And zal wondered, where? Hesitantly nodding, he soon heard Yang speak again. This time, he didn't talk about where he is going but about zal. “I.. Will meet you in engagement” His words surprised Zal. “What?” Yang grinned as he walked out of the rooftop while Zal stood there with body frozen like ice. “What do you mean?” He continued to speak whe Yang walked downstairs, still able to hear what zal was yelling off. “I told you I-I don’t know, D-Dumbass!” he blushed as he yelled in anger with his fist tightening. Scratching the back of his neck within his cheeks flushing red, he groaned. As the rooftop’s door slammed close, Zal sighed deep before he leaned against the rooftop’s wall. Taking out the cigarette, he looked down at his fingers which held the lighter. As he placed the cigarette between his lips, he looked at the garden below. As an exhale left his nostrils, he sucked the cigarette within the lighter slowly lit up the edge of the cigarette. A satisfied groan along with a loud enough—exhale, Zal threw his head back while his elbows laid on the wall. As the smoke escaped the corner of his lips and the nostrils, his body sunk into the thickness of the strong wind that surrounded his warm body. As he pushed back hbis hair strands, his lips left out a shivering sigh and then once again, his eyes opened wide when a wince that sounded almost like his uncle’s startled him. Frowning, he looked around. There was no one there to sound as familiar as his uncle nor stranger. Confused if he is either drunk or if it's true that he really did hear his uncle, he scratched his head and his uncle’s voice faintly reached his ears. Eyes widening, his feet took to the edge and his eyes landed right on his uncle's head. Standing on the balcony. He scanned him and the lady who stood beside him. His eyes softly yet drunkenly narrowed when he realized it was none other than his mom wearing a blanket around her shoulders. As he bent his head down as soon as the uncle glanced up, he cussed under his own breath. fxck, that was close. He breathed out heavily as he thought before he slowly raised his head to look at them and then he immediately dropped himself down the wall. Sitting while his back was against the rooftop wall, his face palmed himself as his mind metally screamed at himself. “Mrs. Xin, I don't think this is a good idea.” Zal frowned. They can’t see me up here? He realized what prevented them from seeing him up on the rooftop before he rolled his eyes, facepalming himself. God, Let’s get the fxck out of- “Cia doesn’t have to know that…” He froze. Dead confused about what the fxck they meant, he turned his head aside as the sigh from his uncle echoed after. “There’s cursed ingredients.” Eyes wide, he turned around in an instant as those words left his mother’s mouth. “What-” whispering to himself, his words were cutted off in between by his uncle’s exclamation. “But, Mrs. Xin, She is going to get in trouble for that-” Mrs. Xin kept her hand in-front making uncle softly frown. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t harm anybody. Just the smell will make it nauseous for the guests.” Zal’s hand gripped the wall with a tight grip in anger as he furiously stared at his mom’s back. “What do you mean, Mrs. Xin? Was it poisonous!?” Mrs. Xin sighed deeply after the seconds of silence suffocated the uncle and also Zal who was watching her from above. “Kind of, Now i want you to just spread the poison that can spread itself till the feet of Mr. Franziska.” Her eyebrows unconsciously raised in the proud feeling that heaved her shoulders. Not in a fxcking hell that’s gonna happen. He thought as the furious him stayed still while she continued. “I know that this can bring a lot of chaos in the party but You must take care of it!” she stated sternly and Uncle hesitantly nodded while Zal grit his teeth in the anger that can blast anytime sooner or later. I need to talk to uncle. He immediately walked off from the rooftop within his steps speeding up its pace. As soon as he reached the library foor, he didn’t know what to do. Continuing his steps towards downstairs where the Giant halls of kitchen were there. Rubbing his forehead, he immediately froze when the hall door’s which were right in front of him started to open. Eyes widening, he got a glimpse of his mom’s presence and soon the doors were wide open. Mrs. Xin rubbed her neck lazily before her eyes averted up only to see the empty hallway towards the stairs. Sighing, she looked at him making the uncle gulp and bow. “May I take care of this, Please leave Mrs Xin. It’s already past twelve” He mumbled, making her hum in agreement. “Alright then,” she yawned as uncle almost rolled his eyes but when his eyes stuck somewhere specifically, his heart almost dropped making him gasp aloud. Mrs. Xin turned around with her eyebrows raising in confusion. “What’s wrong?” she mumbled making him close his mouth with his hand before shaking his head at her. “N-Nothing, Mrs. Xin! I hope you have a glorious night!” as he said, she eyed him in annoyance and soon she walked away. “Whatever” she mumbled before another yawn left her lips. He gulped as he watched her walk upstairs. Sighing in relief, Uncle didn’t have the peace for seconds when he cussed under his breath. “What are you doing here!?” he whispered, making zal walk towards him from behind the pillar he hid. “You really knew I was there, didn't you?” Zal immediately started to lash out and uncle’s eyes widened in sudden dominance his child showed upon him. “You are yelling at me?” He didn’t know that without even knowing himself, he changed the subject making Zal roll his eyes. As Zal tapped his feet on the floor, Uncle took out the keys before locking the heavy doors. As Zal looked at his uncle, he rolled his eyes in annoyance. Looking back at uncle once again, he immediately exclaimed with annoyance visible in his tone. “What are you even doing!?” His uncle hesitantly Looked behind him before he sighed in anger. “Aish, keep your voice low~!” he whined making Zal scoff. “It’s not like i have not heard anything, Popo,” He paused as he turned to his uncle with rage in every word he spoke. “I heard everything!” And that’s when his mouth was covered by uncle’s hand within uncle cursing aloud. “Ah fxcking shut up already! She might hear you!” He took Zal's hand as he tried to take him away when Zal took back his uncle’s hand and immediately dragged him upstairs, making him continuously plead to let him go. Shorter than Zal, His uncle looked like a small potato and his small head peeked at Zal's shoulder here and then within his whispers loudening. As he slammed open the library, Uncle of his whined like a child within his eyes glancing around in horror before Zal let his hand go. “Now, tell me. What the fxck were you all planning!?” he yelled in low tone as uncle almost sobbed in frustration. “Popo-” “Zal?” His eyes blinked slowly as if the time had been kept on 0.8x. Head hesitantly turning around, his eyes found her. Right there with a book in her hands. The thick blanket she wrapped around herself had already slipped off and her pale knees weakened his own. Eyes trailing up, he could see the strap of the lace bra she was wearing. But as soon as his eyes trailed up into her eyes, she unconsciously pulled up the gown sleeves till her collarbone. Gulping, she looked at uncle before at him. Her fingers slowly pushed the strands behind her ear as his eyes landed on her lips. Not wearing any makeup, she looked so ethereal that he wished it was not a dream that he has been living in for a long time. He wished it was not a dream, that she actually spelled his name without a stutter that broke it apart. Why does it have to be me that has to suffer? Look at her, ready to be tam- His shoulders went stiff as soon as he realized how much his own thoughts flustered him. As he blushed in an instant, he brushed them off but when her hand shook his elbow hesitantly, he knew how adorably short she was and how sexy that just looked for his eyes. Looking down into her eyes, He completely forgot that his uncle was right there. “Z-Zal?” her cheeks pale pink that wasn’t ordinary like some lipstick or the blush she would rub over her soft cheeks but natural. Tempting him to kiss them right then and there, she blinked blissfully, making him bite his lip before snapping out of his thoughts. Looking away, his hand against his mouth, his cheeks turned red like tomatoes making her blink, not aware of how flustered she got him just by existing. “Z-Zal..” She blushed as she noticed his eyes trailed down her legs a second ago. “W-What?” he nervously mumbled while avoiding her presence with his all might until Uncle broke the silence. “C…Cia Li, is that right?” he blinked as he pointed at her. Turning her gaze onwards, she hesitantly bowed. clapped his hands as soon as she hesitantly nodded, he looked at zal with his eyes sparkling. “Oh my, my my my! Zal, Come here!” he pulled Zal aside as Zal eyed him with a crooked eyebrow. Glancing back at Cia, he managed to smile, making her turn away before biting her lip and that was accidentally noticed by him since the mirror in front showed her reflection. A tap on his shoulder made him hesitantly look away as if he could not and didn't want to take his eyes off her. “Omo, Why didn’t you tell me It’s Li’s young daughter!?” he exclaimed, making Zal frown before he eyed the uncle. Rolling his eyes, he glared at the uncle after making the bright smile on uncle’s face fade away in a swift movement. “What?” he blurted out with no expression on his face making Zal quietly scoff. “Is that a new act you pulled out?” Uncle’s eyes widened before he hit Zal’s shoulder. “What’s with you accusing me for nothing this whole time!? I Can’t take your annoying self anymore, kid.” he poured, making zal chuckle as if he didn’t care about what he said with his hands folded. Uncle groaned in frustration. “What the hell do you mean by looking at me like that!?” Breathless, Uncle exclaimed that came out whispery before Zal looked at him sternly. Leaning closer, he looked into the short uncle’s eyes. “I meant..” he smirked as he paused. “I don’t believe you.” Uncle’s eyes widened in anger before he raised his feet to lash out on him when her soft stutters broke their argument in between. “U-Um, what i-is h-happening?” turning their head towards her, Uncle blushed in embarrassment as her doe eyes stared at them, not understanding a bit of what they were lashing out at each other for. But she is sure that it has something to do with her by how many times they glanced at her between their arguments. And she's more than desperate to know what it is. ____________________________________________________________________________ Yang took out his phone only to call Kai as a small smirk formed on Yang’s lips. “Hello?” Kai’s exhausted voice made Yang speed up his steps towards the entrance of the mansion before he grinned. “Found it.” Kai frowned before glancing back at his mates who were on the floor, exhausted as hell. “Who” with no expression on his face that could make everyone suspect him, he groaned before requesting one of the staff members to bring some water. But as soon as Yang replied, “Mr. Ziwei’s Daughter. She has it.” Kai’s hand froze where it was wiping away the sweat off. His hand pressing the small towel against the crook of his neck, Kai’s eyes sharpened. Gaping at the wall, he suddenly heard his hyung calling him out when he was about to speak. Startled, Kai snapped out of his thoughts before he replied yang. “We will talk about this later.” he hung up the phone in an instant and soon ran towards the mates. Leaving his phone charging, he didn’t notice the glimpse of a man in dark clothes who was glaring right at the back of him. As the knife slipped off his fingers, he caught the edge of it and gaped at the guy who breathed out deep while his hand fanned his shirt with a groan escaping his lips ever so often. “Toy, Come get some drinks!” Toy stopped fanning his shirt and then, his eyes glanced at his hygs. “Oh? Sure!” The man in the dark clothes narrowed his eyes furious;y as if he had seen someone so familiar. Hand clutching tight, his eyes widened when Toy stood up. The mole under his lips made him instantly hide behind the door. Taking out the notes, he scribbled on it before running away from the halls, passing through one of the empty rooms. Locking the door, he made the staff girl who was walking by flinch. Glancing at the side hallway, she frowned in fear. Gulping, she scanned the empty hallway within her body sweating in sudden fear. Curious about what might have made a sound, She took a step forward towards the hallway. Looking at the open doors, she gulped as she peeked at every room she walked by. As thunder stormed, The man glanced up with widening eyes before he looked at the door once again. Stepping back from the door, he looked behind himself only to see glass walls that had no handle to open them. Groaning, He had no time when the door knob was twisted. Looking at the door in shock, he froze there for a mere second before the door swung open. A dry gulp took place in her throat making it hard for her to breathe as her eyes scanned the empty and dark office that had been closed. Looking at the glass walls, the lights that shined out there made her gulp once again when she noticed a shadow against the floor corner that was out of the window. Taking one step toward it, she flinched in terror when a hand landed on her shoulder. “Ahh!-” Her soft scream fainted when she realized it was none other than Toy. “S-Sunbae-nim..” She mumbled before gulping. “What are you doing in a closed office? It’s so dark in here..” he eyed the office as he scratched the back of his neck before he gestured her to go back to the practice room since hyungs were dying to a gulp of cool water. Looking at the glass walls once again, he glanced at the staff girl who almost ran off from there before at the office. Sighing, he slammed it close. As the hands held onto the glass wall’s base from outside as if his life depended on it, he immediately jolted up with his eyes holding a red, teary gaze. It was as if he was not able to control what already had been building up in his body.
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