SACRED LOVE // 53 2/2

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SACRED LOVE : 53 2/2 The curtains flew aside and Zal didn’t hesitate to steal a glance at her. With her legs folded, she sat there on the couch. Blanket on the floor, She sighed as the silence had continued to fill up the room until she glanced up at Zal. Finally He stared at her with no hesitation as she looked away from him to look at uncle. Sighing once again, she hummed. “I-I.. u-unde-” She paused, annoyed by the way her stutters worsened and she glanced at Zal only to make him look away in no seconds. Gulping down the lump, he freaked out inside himself about how the hell she knew he was staring at her. “U-Underst-stood.” she nodded patiently making uncle gulp while fidgeting with his fingers. “B-But, T…there-” “Yes, Ms. Li. I..I get it.” As uncle cut her off, Zal’s gaze turned into a glare when he averted to him. “What do you get?” he mumbled, making Uncle glance up at him before rolling his eyes. “Will you please cooperate? We are trying to-” “We??” His exclamation echoed and the room went silent. Her head hesitantly turned around and her eyes met his. His pout slowly off his face as he blinked, feeling her gaze brighter than it usually used to be. Her gaze threw arrows to his heart and he didn’t budge but felt the heart being stabbed by every arrow that started to feel good when it was stabbed. Lips closing, he realized that she's not only gaping but Giving a hint that he should stop lashing out at his uncle. Gulping, he looked away as she slowly blinked and looked away after making sure he really closed his mouth. How dare she.. He mumbled under his breath making her look at him for a second while keeping the strands behind her ear. Glancing back at her, he acted as if he didn’t just say that by making her look back at uncle who continued to glare back at Zal but then when he realized she was looking at him, he stopped. Giving out a ‘hehe’ giggle, he rubbed his neck making her stay still but as seconds passed by, her cheeks turned red and soon a soft laugh escaped her lips. Hand against her mouth, her hair fell on the sides of her face as her soft laugh made uncle blush in embarrassment once again. “Stop laughing, it’s not fun..” Uncle mumbled blushing as Zal tried his best to not laugh along but as a small whimper left his mouth, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. Laughing softly, she glanced at Zal when he gently handed the water glass. “It will hurt your throat.” Her laugh slowly lowered its volume as she realized what he meant. Still laughing, Zal hit his uncle’s shoulder making her look down at the glass in her hand then him. His laugh that sounded like music to her ears, she bit her lip feeling her heart skipping a beat the second his eyes fell on her here and there. Fingers slightly tightening its grip around the glass, she felt her body being vibrated with everything he did. The way he looked at her, the way he laughed, even the way he was so gentle towards her. The way he always handles the glass of water at the right time she actually needs always freaks her heart out. The beat echoes in her own ears like the drums and she could not help but fear he might hear. Sipping on water, she hesitantly gaped up at him and she didn't regret it. Eight away, her eyes fell on his hands. They were not the slender ones but soft and the veins that trailed up till under his shirt sleeves really made her but her lip constantly. His manly self has not scared her at least once like others but she has always been safer when he's there. Smiling to herself, she glanced up at both of them. Watching them argue and act like a child but then laugh together made her cheeks turn pink in sudden comfort she received in a type of way. But then she realized the main matter they have been discussing. Zal soon noticed the silence from her and glanced at her only to realize she's again dozing off in thoughts. Blinking, he gaped at her within his lips leaving a deep exhale. Her lips that trembled and her eyes which were dropped down the floor, she looked too fxcking shy and he didn't expect that to turn him on like that. Groaning mentally, his hands intertwined tight as he felt his palms sweating. Feeling the itch against his neck, everything told him how nervous she can make him by just breathing with those cute nostrils. Not going to forget about the soft lips that part every time a thought runs over her mind. A small smile, he felt his heart skip a beat when a small smile escaped her lips for no reason. Eyes glancing down at her hands which fidgeted with the glass he handed over a while ago, his eyes glued to her ring finger which was empty. Looking so pale and beautiful, her hands caught his eyes the second they landed over them. The finger which used to have a ring really brought happiness somewhere around the deep corner of his heart. He couldn't help but notice how nervous and shy she's feeling at the moment. Biting his lip, he felt her biting her lip without letting anyone see the way she does it. Pushing the lips in, she licked them as they got dry for some reason that Zal could not find. Biting his own Lip, he couldn't resist the urge to kiss those rosy cheeks. Screwing at himself is not helping either and it's frustrating him how she even managed to do a lot to him just by sitting there like a good girl. Dumbass, she is a good girl. You're the one baddy here. He bit his lip, suppressing the blushy—smile from forming on his face. Zal in his own world of adoration, Cia in her own world of mixed thoughts, They both didn't pay attention to the babbling uncle. The uncle, who was actually trying to solve the problem without any distraction. As uncle rubbed his face, His eyes widened within a bulb lighting up above his head. "That's right!" His loud exclamation got their both attention this time but uncle didn't notice the little distraction they both had while he talked a lot, god knows what. "If the curse has to affect the people then it can affect them in any way but the food!" He grinned, making them glance at him, not understanding a bit of what he was actually saying. But then, Uncle sighed in defeat. "Okay that's not gonna solve anything…" Uncle's head hung low as zal sighed aloud. “It’s not as if there is a way. I’m going to-” Zal got cut off when uncle’s head shot up with multiple bulbs lighting up above his head. “We can’t ruin the cursed flower but-” Zal rolled his eyes as the frustration started to get the best of him. “It’s not cursed! It’s poisonous and you people don’t like agreeing to that.” Zal mumbled aloud, making Uncle look at him. “Mrs. Xin told me it’s not. She never lies!” Zal scoffed, making uncle more furious but then, he brushed the anger off his mind. Zal, let me speak.” He stated within his eyes falling onto Cia. Cia concentrated upon uncle making zal notice her eyes that had a spark of concentration. Watching her sit there like a student in front of the professor, she looked too cute to ignore. Aweing at Cia, he didn’t pay attention to what uncle was about to say but when he realized that he was explaining something to her, he turned his attention and ears all over the uncle. “We can’t change the curse but we can replace it!” His exclamation made Zal freeze while Cia blinked. Cia looked nowhere as she started to give it a thought while Zal blinked. The flower… As far as I remember, it cannot be found like the normal ones. Zal looked up at his uncle before leaning forward from sitting straight. “But, It’s not something we can find in the markets, right?” Actually, what Zal said makes sense. The pair of flowers they add in the cake for its strong fragrance and flavor not only costs a lot but is rare to find in the Valencia town. Valencia… The flower itself is named Vacien, In a symbolic way, it represents a curse. A curse that took her life the very moment… “Zal! We can get it!” Zal looked up—snapping out of the thought that almost made tears form in his eyes—as his uncle clapped his hands in realization. “I heard that the flowers have been growing till the Sylvia Mountains! If we-” Zal’s gaze turned cold as soon as he heard her name. Sylvia. Her name is enough for his heart to burn in flames of anger and pain. “No.” He kept his hand in front. “I am not going to go there.” He didn’t realize that she was right there, sitting in front of him. As she stared at him, she could not help but feel strange due to how rude he sounded for a second. “But, Zal-” “I said we can't! Why can't you understand that?” He stood up making uncle stand up from the chair along with him. “Zal, listen I-” Zal gritted his teeth as his hand balled into a fist of anger. Trying his best to control the anger that started to build up in his body, he almost raised his voice when vut the uncle off. “I said, I won't! And it is also dangerous to go there. No matter what, it's a no.” He stated with his finger pointed at uncle, making him gulp. Not aware of Cia staring at him with no expression plastered on her face, Zal noticed his hand that balled into fist. she blinked watching him stand there with his fist being pushed inside his pants. Body trembling that she can barely notice, she glanced up at him before Uncle held his head in frustration. “There is no other way, Zal. We are going to let-” When Uncle started to panic, Zal’s gaze averted to Cia and Cia looked away, brushing her hair strands behind her ear. Acting as if she didn’t even look at him nor glanced at him, she hesitantly glanced after he looked at uncle. “Popo, Enough.” he stated within his fingers rubbing his temple. Cia looked up at him when he gently took her blanket. Gently placing it beside her, he still continued to look at uncle. Realizing that her dress went up her knees, she slowly yet gently took the edge of the blanket before covering her lap. A small smile unconsciously formed on her lips before her fingers traced the threads of the blanket. “Neither I nor Cia, We are not going to accept this. If they want this to be called off, i-” He was about to spell it, the thoughts that were suffocating when his words were cut off by her gentle yet soft voice which made his heart thump against his chest. “I d-do.” Uncle blinked, once again he blinked before pushing zal aside. “What did you say!?” Uncle exclaimed as Cia glanced up at Zal. Their eyes met and her lips seemed to part when his gaze held such a gentle care to her heart which made her feel a lot at once. “I-I a-accept i-i-i-it” Sweating, she pushed the hair strands behind her ear feeling his gaze never leaving her body. “Cia, It’s not safe!” Cia looked at zal once again. She stood up, making Uncle awe in an instant. Fidgeting with her fingers, Zal almost bit his lip while his eyes unconsciously landed on her chest. The faintly visible strap of a lace brace which slipped down her shoulder really started to tempt the s**t out of him. “I d-don’t want t-to give-u-up.” Zal’s eyes widened when she said it. She sounded too confident that his cheeks flushed in admiration. Her childish exhale after what she said made him almost faint right there due to the sped up beat of his heart which almost echoed aloud in the library as a whole. “I w-wanna d-d-do it!”
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