Sacred Love // 40 2/2

1526 Words
SACRED LOVE : 40 2/2 The night came over before he could even realize as they reached home.  With a massive headache,  He had not realized it’s past midnight and he had not eaten anything.  Maybe that is why he has this grumbling stomach of his.  As a yawn left his lips, he rolled his eyes.  God is this forty or fifty eth time I had to yawn? Maybe the pills are taking too much effect?  He wondered while his feet slipped into the slippers before he stood up with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.  Yawning again,  he had himself sigh in annoyance again while he walked out of his room in hopes to find something to eat.  Walking down the aisle of the stairs that were designated with lavender flowers along with the roots of the plants that were up the stairs,  he yawned before ruffling his hair in a dozy feeling that’s not going away.  Deeper down he got, the water flowing in the sink echoed louder within the sneezes of a small baby that he was sure he had not seen this whole day.  Frowning softly, he tilted his head down to notice the pale hands holding one of bowls in hand before taking some of the dish soap that was placed aside.  Humming along, she lowered her sneezes making his back bent with every sneeze she had.  Sighing,  he decided to ignore while his feet landed on the tiles of the ground floor.  As another yawn made out of his lips,  a yelp echoed within his hands holding his stomach in surprise at the vision of her at the sink.  As the bowl dropped in the sink that made her flinch,  he blinked before his body bent within a loud –glass breaking–sound echoed making him hesitantly reach her.  As she felt his hand taking the glass piece away from her hands,  his hand was against his mouth in an instant as he felt his fingers being cutten.  “F-fxc-”  “O-oh no, be quiet-”  She closed his mouth as they both dropped the glass pieces before she hissed,  feeling her fingers being cutten as he pulled her wrist so they could get out of there.  her eyes wide as his other arm—which had cutten fingers—slowly wrapped around her head,  hiding her against his chest while lights slowly turned on.  “What the hell!?”  As the maid’s voice echoed, he laid his body against the door of a random room at the corner of Aisle before he felt it opening.  “W-w-w-wait-!”   Soon, a thud echoed and a breaking moan from his lips was soon cutted off by her hand against his mouth.  Maid’s head shot back to see.  when she found not even a trace of human around, her eyebrow raised in suspension.  Looking around, she sighed after.  “I hope it’s not the ghosts as Mina said”  she mumbled to herself before the cold wind brushed away the box of floor from the cupboard above her head.  As the floor slipped out of the box before landing right onto her head,  her lips let out a scream of fear while no lights turned on. As she closed her eyes while the lights flickered on within,  a scream of maid echoed.  Her eyes opened before she peaked at the gap of the door only to notice the foot of the maid stepping past their room.  Sighing in relief,  she laid her head back feeling herself being relaxed.  “Thank god”  her fluent words made his fingers against her waist clutch with a slight grip that made her eyes shot open with realization hitting her like a drunk truck.  Looking back at what she laid her head on,  she noticed it was none other than the hard surface of his firm chest.  Getting up while he laid rolling his eyes in embarrassment while she brushed her hair back made him slowly get up but then,  As he felt his hand pressed against the floor within his other hand holding hers pulled it down.  Soon, another thud echoed, making him groan while the outside of the room remained silent and the birds chirping at their room window flew away.  — The designated books laid the large shelves all around the corner that would hurt our head if we try to look up to find its end.  Blinking in unison,  her feet slowly flew back and forth while she felt him place the band aid carefully before brushing it slowly.  Hissing slowly,  she looked down at her hand—which was in his hands—making him look up into her eyes.  As her black orbs moved along her fingers,  the cold breeze hit his face ever so softly as he blinks,  admiring how beautiful she looked on the spot.  With no makeup nor any cosmetics,  The normal tint of blush on her face was giving a hint to him to kiss them as long as he could.  Blinking, he brushed the thoughts away when he felt her cold tips of fingers caressing the lines of palms.  As a quiet chuckle left his lips within her eyes averting to look into his before her fingers froze.  Realizing what she was doing,  her fingers were pulled away before she straightened her hair hesitantly.  A small clearing throat to make her look at him,  he extended his hand onto her lap making her startled.  Looking at his palm which was all open to her,  he looked around before looking at her.  “What? You don’t wanna pay back?”  he spoke with a small smile replacing his stern face as her eyes gaped at his pale fingers.  The veiny hand of his was taken into her palms before she took out a cotton.  Pressing against the fingertip of his where the cut was,  he hissed on purpose as she flinched in worry before her head lowered to blow.  Blowing air softly,  she looked up at his face as his admiring smile was replaced by a hiss again making her blow air again without looking up.  Admiring her caressing his hand while she pressed her finger against his palm to calm his nerves,  making him blink while the cold breeze continued to brush away hers as well as his hair away from their faces.  Who knew pain could bring comfort along?  A smile on his face as his fingers slowly were cleaned before she took out the ointment making him sit there.  A moment of silence took place as he looked into her eyes where hers didn’t meet his.  A breathy smile, her gaze fell on his face as his head hung low.  “What?”  her fluent words made him chuckle before looking up.  As his gaze met hers, his stern face made her blink as he spoke.  “What? Do it”  he mumbled as she blinked vigorously.  “Do what?”  she mumbled as her cheeks warmed up feeling the back of his hand against the gown she wore.  Looking around,  zal turned his gaze to her again before eyeing her up and down.  She waited for him to answer as his eyes fell on his hand after.  Signalling her to do what she been,  a grin plastered on his face as soon as her head hung low in an instant.  “How’s your head by the way?”  his hand caressed her hair all of a sudden as she flinched moving away from his hand making him smile again.  “D-don’t”  He raised his eyebrow as he took back his hand.  “I wonder why you didn’t say that last night”  he mumbled under his breath as her head shot up.  He peaked back at her before looking at her as if he’s confused.  “What?”  She shook her head within her eyes glaring through his soul making him gulp slightly leaning forward.  “Mm you doing great”  fist under his chin, he mumbled as she hesitantly looked up at him.  “Really?”  He smiled nodding.  “So great”  her eyes met his as he whispered which got her heart jumbled around in the body of hers while the scar on her neck started to hurt again.  Hissing,  she flinched and let his hand go before keeping it against the scar of hers.  As he leaned to ask what happened,  his eyes squinted in pain as his fingers unconsciously traced the mark on his neck which started to vibrate.  As he hissed unconsciously looking back at her neck,  his eyes wide as he felt the strong wind starting to make their eyes close.  But that’s not going to stop him from realizing that the scar he had has something to do with the scar she has.  As the seconds turned to minutes and… to hours, their eyes never left each other.  He knew it.  He knew it was her the second she walked down those stairs.  He knew it was her who took away all his nights with one and only dream.   
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