Sacred Love // 41 2/2

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SACRED LOVE : 41 2/2  “Try once, you’ll know” breath stuck, her shoulders quivered in the tension that started to freak her out while his grip against her arms were harsh. Her steps backward were followed by his forwarding ones. His warm breath against her lips had her knees go weak before she felt no grip on her arms. Rubbing where he gripped, her eyes wandered around as if she could see him while he stepped behind. Sweat formed on her forehead before she felt her wrist being pulled. Cold water was splashed on her face as she squealed in shock while a soft laugh escaped his lips. “Got Ya!” he exclaimed as she giggled before squealing again. Trying to get the pipe from his hands, she got closer before pulling it to herself. As he backed away covering his face, she turned it on with a laugh echoing around the room. As they both giggled, squealed, laughed and cried in the laughter, the door slamming open had them freeze for a second. His blue orbs had the music that was playing at the background change to the hysteric horror when his blue orbs gazed into his. His smile faded away, the black masked guy’s hand raised. Ji-woo’s eyes squinted while the black masked guy slowly let his fingers slide the mask away from his face. The gentle scar at the corner of his eye was now unhidden while his lips curved up into a small smile. Her eyes blinked before her fingers hovered upon the slider of the pipe. Before he could open his mouth to talk, he felt his eyes being clenched tight closed while the strong wash of water made him bent down to hide his face while she laughed aloud swaying the pipe along with the steps that echoed around while he walked towards her to take the pipe away from her grip. “W-wait! Xiaosi, I swear to god-” she giggled before his hands wrapped around her waist. Ji-woo’s eyes averted away as his hands lowered to take the pipe from her hands but then, his fingers trailing down her visible bra clip made Ji-woo turn away feeling his blood boiling in the flames of jealousy. “Xiao! Give it back! Now!” his demanding tone against her ear, her breath heavy as her fingers let the pipe go. Blinking vigorously, she felt lips tracing the earrings along with the nerve against her neck. As she flinched, her hand against his mouth before she looked into his eyes unconsciously. “W-we are in a cafe, Stop” she said as his eyes never left hers. A peck against her palm, he had her flinch, startled by his actions before he turned the pipe off. “I think we had enough fun, Xiao? Let’s go home?” her eyes blinked as she looked up at his neck. “But the cafe?” his breath got heavy as his eyes gaped at Ji-woo’s back. His lips inched closer as her hand slowly laid against his chest, preventing him from getting any more closer but then his eager lips touched hers. The deeper the peck got, the harder it got for her to breath before her head turned away. “A-Alex-” “Sssh” his finger pulling her bottom lip down as he led her to walk backwards. “You got me crazy here, now you care about cafe?” his words had her eyes soften in the dozy feeling she felt the second his lips trailed up her earlobe. “A-alex, We are in public-” “Let’s get you home, then” he groaned quietly as she bit her lip, laying her head against his chest. “J-ji-woo” A hum from ji-woo made her look up at Alex as his lips met hers to take a peck. “C-can you close the cafe later?” Ji-woo froze, while the bowl in his hands slipped away. “Yes, sure. Have a good night” he politely spoke as she smiled. “Thanks!-”  “Alright, Woman. You’ll go sit in the car while I get some coffee?” he said as she smiled, nodding. As she left the room, Alex’s eyes fell right on Ji-woo who continued his work. “Können wir reden, Kumpel?” ____________________________________________________________________________ As the bright sun rays started to hit the wall of his room, the bedsheets were moved aside as he sat up. As his hand rubbed his neck, his eyes gaped at the balcony that had the curtains fly away from the windy gape. Sighing, he got up to get ready for the early morning coffee. Taking a towel from the chair, he removed the neck pain patches he got on his back last night.  As his eyes blinked, he slammed the door closed making a slam echo aloud.  The warm water ran down his abs while his hand extended to reach the soap. Rubbing his neck while a breathy moan escaped his lips, his face held a relaxing smile after. As he turned on the shower, it echoed aloud while the mirror got fogged by the warm smoke spreading around because of the warm shower he took.  With a hush because of the cold wind, his hands rubbed together before taking out moisturizing cream from the cabinet. Rubbing his face gently, his eyes closed. “H-hao” His eyes shot open as he looked at himself. A soft frozen, his eyes unconsciously falling upon his own scar. His frown faded away as he gaped at. His dark grey eyes widened while the scar was purplish. His eyes blinked as his fingers raised to touch it. As his fingers inched closer, a knock on his bathroom door startled him to death as he leaned against the sink in shock before sighing in annoyance. “Wait a second!”  Opening the door, his eyes averted towards her. “Y-young master, i..” “Yeah, I’m sorry” he said as she stood there. She watched him run out of the room while buttoning hisnupper buttons of the shirt while drying his hair as well. Sighing while tapping her chest, she leaned against the door of the bathroom. “Calm down, Que xian. You are going to be his wife after all. Act cold” she told herself as her cheeks tinted pink in no seconds.  Zal POV Running down the stairs, I reached the eleventh floor, but did I find her? The answer is absolutely No. I thought finding someone like her is easiest since she would be somewhere alone but then, I'm scared she might avoid me like last night.  After I had told her why they brought her here, she had no words to say and I completely agreed to that. I was as surprised and speechless as she was when Mom told me this. But do I have a choice? That’s A No again. Sigh. But, her walking away without giving me a second to explain what I feel about it made me feel the urge to pull her right back and smack her with a kiss on those- wait, where the fxck this going? Shaking my head, I froze on my feet. Breathless, i fxcking had no idea where she was!  Looking around the small kitchen we had met last night, I sighed in defeat before taking a turn to walk another floor down but then, the wind was so strong that it made my sweaty forehead fair in an instant. Feeling my heart skipping a beat, I had no regret when I was pulled by a pale wrist of hers. “What the fxc-” feeling my mouth being closed by a soft hand, I felt the soft—petals–of a rose–that just bloomed in june— fragrance fill my nostrils that almost made me faint right there. Feeling my whole body freezing like ice, my wide eyes met hers. Maybe it’s only the mind that knows it’s her. As my eyes locked with hers, nothing in me felt ashamed to eye her tip to toe. Breathless, her chest rising with every she took that burnt me all along. A breath from her lip hitting ever so soft while her eyes into mine.  God, from where to where had brought her here, looking right into the eyes she has always hesitated to?  How the fxck did I end up having her dominate me?  Her hands which wore a small bracelet along with her hair tied in a well designed bun and not to mention her dress it looked almost as if she just escaped a disney world.  In total, She looked like a queen i fxcking own.
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