Sacred Love // 25

2011 Words
Sacred Love : 25 Professor's hands trembling as he could hear the bangs continuing with the scratching sounds. Zal walked closer towards the door behind the professor before professor stoped him by stepping infront of him. "No. You're not going in there, do you?" professor said as his hand slowly trailed to the table beside him. As his hand reached the key box, Kai Snatched it away making Professor look at him with widen eyes. His attention turned towards Kai as Kai threw the key box towards Zal making him catch it in one second. Zal turned away as Professor held his wrist trying to stop but he pushed the professor's hand away. The professor tried to explain with his mumbling before yelling out the words. "They're not normal to get out of there!" Zal turned around frowning before stepping closer to him. "What you're saying, Prof. Lorté" he said as Professor nodded. "Yes." He said as Kai looked at zal as zal looked back at him. Sweat dripping both their foreheads as Professor looked at zal in hope. Zal looked back and forth at Kai and door. "I have no choice" he breathed out walking towards the door to open it when professor yelled out trying to stop him. "Zal, No!" Kai stopped professor. "Zal, They're not normal! Their power is increasin-" " look, I have no fuckin idea what you're talking about but they need to get out of here, alright!?" Zal loud voice echoed as he stopped in his tracks trying to control his anger. He looked at professor as professor mumbled the words that aren't enough loud to reach their ears. Zal opened his mouth to speak when a loud bang echoed. Everyone froze there as the lab started to shake. Professor hurried towards the Door as he snatched the key box from Zal. Zal looked at the door as Kai walked behind Zal. The big door which was attached with strong Steel bars Turned asides showing the back wall of the room with a big Hole. Professor stumbled backward as he could see them running out of the underground. Zal and Kai looked at the patient's as Kai turned zal around. "Zizi street!" Zal frowned as Kai closed his eyes in frustration. "This Underground gate is connected to Zizi street, zal! That means-" Zal hurried out of the lab as Kai got cut off. Kai looked at professor before running out of there while yelling. "Lorté, We'll be back with them! I proaaaaah!" Zal pulled him as Kai Screamed out. _____________________________________________ The class getting empty as the student's start leaving slowly. Lia packed her bags before walking out of her class. Her steps towards her locker fastened before she opened it and took out her phone. "Bye, Lia!" She turned around before waving bye while smiling. "Bye!" She said as she slammed close the locker. Checking her things, she didn't look up walking in front. Her head bumped against his chest as she stumbled back before he held her hand preventing her from falling. His eyes met hers as she blinked vigorously trying to get out of his grip. She removed his hand before bowing. "I'm sorry" she said as she walked past him before he held her hand again. She froze feeling his grip tightening. Turning her head around, she looked at him. "what are you doing?" He stared at her without responding as seconds passed by. She sighed before trying to get out of his grip when he pulls her closer making her head bump against his chest again. Her eyes looked up widening as his hands held her hands behind her back. His lips an inch away from hers as his breath fanning her cheek making her heart beat more fast. "Jung-eon let me GO-" she yelled in the end before he spoke out cutting her off. "You hate me that much?" She looked at him as he spoke out while his breath was heave. "What's with you, today?" She spoke out while frowning. He sighed before licking his lips. His eyes trailed up into hers as she felt her heart beating more fast than before. "I missed you, can't you see?" His hand took hers keeping it against his chest. "It's beating fast" she looked up at him. and then her hand which was against his chest. "I missed you so much, Lia. Please let's get to where we are before?" As soon as those words left his mouth, she pushed him away as kept her hand against her chest trying to breathe well. "You have the audacity to ask me to get back to where you used me for everything and left me in middle of the street!?" Her voice got louder as he stepped forward immediately. "I know it's my fault, Lia. Why you are not understanding that?" Tears formed in her eyes making her look away in anger. "I'm not like other girls you played with so" she stepped closer as she pointed at his chest. "Go. Try. To. Convince. THEM" She poked his chest away as she said the words one by one making him stumble back. She turned away as he held her hand again. "You-" "fsxcking don't let me warn you again, Jung-eon" he looked up as his eyes softened before letting her hand go. She walked away as he stood there. "You changed me Lia.." his face got pale as those breathy words left his mouth. His knees hit the floor as the books fell on the ground. His hands held his hair as tears fell down his eyes. _____________________________________________ Their car stopped infront of the Zizi street's Gate. Their breath heavy as they looked around hoping that the patients didn't cross the gate. "Shxt!" Zal kicked the car as Kai mumbled out in frustration. "I can't believe they broke the gate-" Zal pushed him away. "who the fxçk told you to give the room key to sister's in the asylum!?" Kai frowned. "Are you fxcking crazy!? I can't just carry it all the way to office!?" He yelled out in anger as zal looked at him with widen eyes. "You don't have wardrobe in home, sir!?" He said out loud as Kai rolled his eyes. "Oh c'mon! There are kids in fxcking house-" "so!?" Zal yelled out as Kai's eyes widen while staring at him. "you- are you serious right now?" Kai said as Zal took out the cigarette while glaring at him. Hissing, he took the lighter out from his pocket. "You're dead meat for sure" Kai rolled his eyes. "Shut the fxçk up dude" Kai said as Kai held his collar making him look at Kai and eye him up and down. His eyes landed on the hands that holding his collar making Kai look into his eyes Almsot glaring in anger. A small shruggy smile appearing on his lips but then, a loud bang. Kai's eyes snapped aside to look at the alley. The women Screams got louder as Zal slapped Kai's grip on his collar away. Zal and Kai ran towards the alley as they heard the noises around which indicating they are still here around the alley. As they ran into the alley, their steps froze in between. Zal's eyes widen as glanced aside at kai. "Shxt, what do we do?" Kai cussed under his breath ad zal looked infront. The sharp unfamiliar claws of the patient were against a women's throat. She was struggling to even take a breath. Zal took out his phone as The patients growled in anger. The cafes and stores are closed from inside while people started to run away from the street until one of the patient growled aloud pushing one of the claws deep into the people that ran behind him. "Fxcking s**t no! No!" He yelled I'm anger. "you mf's" Kai sighed deep. "Keep them down" he said as patient's looked at him with those white eyes. "I said, keep them down!!" He demanded aloud as one of the patient trembled and kept the glass knife on the ground. Kai sighed in relief until A thud was heard. Looking up, ....his eyes widens as he flew into the air keeping his claws infront. "N-n-" "No!" Zal pulled him away from that way before getting aside from the patient's way. "what do we do!?" He repeated the words as his heart beat raising. Zal sighed as the sweat forming on his forehead. "Ambulance" He breathed out as Kai looked at him. "What!?" He yelled as Zal rolled his eyes. "I just called emergency ambulance!" Kai turned to him. "Are you fxcking crazy, sir!?" He shook his head. "We have to knock them out" he spoke as Kai shook his head with frustration. "No no no f*****g no okay! We can't! They have claws! Do you even understand that!?" He held Zal's collar before they both heard a whimper. Looking aside, their eyes noticed her. The women in the wheel chair. His claws almsot cutting through her throat as she tried to not make a move. Her eyes sharp, h er expression looked so stern. Her arms trying to move while her legs froze laying there. Her clothes looked like she's from ancient times of china. She was young. "Oh no" zal walked infront to reach her but then, Kai pulled him back. "are you fxcking crazy Zal!? No!" "What the fxçk!? She's in danger!" He groaned as Kai held his arm tight. "Zal you'll get hurt-" "but there's someone in trouble!" He pointed at her as she glanced at him. His eyes met hers as she felt her heart beating fast. Her eyes looked at the patient that keeping claws against her throat. His eyes glistening with the light she never thought could exist. She frowned looking around herself. Her eyes froze where a man was Hiding in the corner while still looking at her. Her assistant. She sighed quiet in relief. She tried to move her wheelchair when a growl escaped the patient's mouth. She gulped slightly before she heard another groan from the patient's. She looked up. Her eyes looked at their face. The sweat dripping down their bodies as they groaned and growled in pain. Sweat forming on her forehead as she noticed it herself. She looked at Zal and Kai hoping they would look back when Zal's eyes fell on her. She was surprised by how concerned he looked. "H-hey-" a growl left patient's mouth as the claws slightly touched her throat making her wince. Zal stepped out of the side road as Kai pulled him back again. "let me go. She have something to say" Kai shook his head disapproved. "Fuxcking let me go!" He pushed Kai away as he stepped out of there watching the patient's growl as their knees bending vigorously. Their eyes rolling back as the claws started to decrease it's length immediately. He ran towards her as she looked at him, feeling her heart beat raising. "I-i-" his claws were pushed away from her as the patient growled deepened against her shoulder making the blood drip out. A yelp left her lips as she yelled in pain. Zal's hand pushing the claws away afar as the patient growled holding Zal's hand, which was trying to move the wheel chair away. The skin started to rip off as he groaned aloud in pain, before picking her up in his arms making her gasp. Her eyes looked at his face in amusement as he walked towards the road side. The alley was long, but his arms aren't tired. The blood started to drip from his and her arm as seconds passed before the sun rays started to get low heat. The patient's are growling aloud again as Kai Panicked looking around. Walking infront of zal, he tried to not look behind but they are running. Crawling towards them until a gunshot was heard. They looked up only to notice him. One knee on the floor as his hands aimed the gun towards the patient's. "Yang!?"
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