Sacred Love // 24

2099 Words
Sacred Love // 24        The car was parked right infront of asylum   as they stepped out of the car immediately opening the gates.   They walked in as zal locked the car before pushing the keys inside his pant pocket.   The security opened the doors of the wall as they ran inside in hurry.   Kai looked aside noticing the patients who are getting pushed inside the asylum.        "Sister!" Kai yelled noticing Harriné.    The sister's looked at him before their eyes softened in worriness.   "everything is back to normal. Child helped us to find them around"   Kai stood infront of them as he coughed since he ran so fast to reach them.   He looked up smiling before he looked at Harriné.   "So everything is fine now-"   his smile was wide until Harriné looked at him with teary eyes.    "B-but" her breaking voice made the sister's sigh.   "But? But what?" He stepped forward towards her as she looked down trying her best to not cry.   "It's Nothin child, she's just not in her right mind-"   "But what? What happened!?"   He said as he held her shoulders gently before she bursted out in tears.    "L-lorrainé went to f-find three or f-four-"   He hugged her immediately as his hand laid on her hair caressing it.   "N-no no don't think like that, Harriné. Don't"   he said as she cried aloud making sister's look away.   "I'm sure she's fine, okay?"   He mumbled as the kids stared at them hugging each other tight.   His eyes glanced at Zal,       noticing him walking towards the back yard of the building.    His eyes frowned before Harriné held his shirt with her shaking hands making him look back at her.   "B-but it's already been f-four- hours-" he hugged her again     as he felt his heart beating so fast feeling the tense rising up.   Her warm cheeks laid on his upper chest while he hugged her tight.   Breaking the hug, he held her shoulders gently. "Look at me"   he said as Harriné looked at him with teary eyes.   "I'll find her. I will. Trust me-"  He said softening asshe cried out falling   Almsot on her knees before he held her up gently.   "She's already gone"   One of the young kid spoke as Kai looked at her.   "You don't even know what you're-"   "I know everything."   He sighed looking away as she stared right at him.   "Red Flag. They're red flag for this-"   "Kid why don't you go.... Go somewhere hm?"   He said as he eyed her up and down  while comforting Harriné.   She got up before walking into the asylum.   But before she coukd enter, she turned her head around.   Her eyes sharp as she stared at him while he looked at harriné, making sure she's calming down.   "They're more powerful now, red flags. Claws strong"   She murmured under her breath as she turned away slowly continuing her steps towards the front.   Kai looked around noticing the kids sitting in playground.   "Why are they out?" He asked confused as Sister's smiled.   "The patient's aren't as easy as they used to be, Child"   Kai frowned letting harriné go.   "What do you mean?" He asked as one of them spoke out.   "They got stronger"   Kai frowned stepping forward to speak out until he heard Zal's voice.   "Kai! Get here!"    Kai nodded to sister's before bowing.   He ran towards back yard as his breath got heave instant.   "What-" his words are pused in his throat.   His body froze as Zal stood there infront of him looking up at the building.   "What the fxçk .." his eyes trialed up toward the Room upstairs.   "That doesn't look normal, Kai"   He spoke as he turned to Kai.   Kai nodded in agreement   as he sat on ground feeling his breath getting heave again.   His hand landed on the grass but then,     he felt the mud making him frown turning his head to look at his hand.   He frowned as he seen a print on the land   which absolutely looked like some animal digged with its claws.   "Claws..? There's no pets in neighborhood I think?"   He whispered to himself as Zal looked at him.   Kneeling down, he held Kai's shoulder as Kai looked at him in instant.   "Professor Lortè"     . . . . . . .            The door was slammed open,   as the people entering the museum including four black shoes    which had the mark of roots making The Recep- tionist look at them.   Glancing up, the face of Zal and Kai was revealed as they pushed the mask to cover their face.   Zal's eyes glared at the Middle aged man as he gulped nodding.   "Marshall!" His voice came out weak as Kai rolled his eyes.   "Five minutes!"   The Foreign people looking at them as Zal looked down while sweat forming on his forehead.   Kai looked at him.   Kai's hand took Zal's keeping it in his Coat's pocket    making Zal take his hand away before looking at him.   A sight left their both lips as Zal looked at Kai.,   "I'm so sure that mf's are here"                A moan escaped her lips as his hands held her hair while his lips devoured hers with hunger.   "Marshall Now!" A grunt left his lips as she flinched breaking the kiss.   "I think he needs you there" she said as she tried to get out of his grip    before he pinned her hands above her head.   His lips pressed against her collarbone,   as she sighed aloud feeling him lift her up against the wall.   A bang echoed as she gasped feeling his aggresive grip around her waist.   "f-fxck Your boss yelling-" his hands held her waist slamming her body against the wall   making her flinch and Yelp in surprise.   the light from outside shined through the hole they made making him cuss under his breath.   She looked back at him from the wall before giggling   making him look away while scratching the back of his neck.   His cheeks turning pale pink   "you broke the door"   she giggles kissing his cheek as he rolled his eyes.   "stop-"   bang!    The door slammed open as the Middle aged man got startled    by Marshall pushing him aside walking forward.   "What's the matter?"   The old men looked back at him before the girl walked out of the cabin clearing her throat.   The middle aged man looked at the gigirl   Eyeing her up and down, he yelled out    "hey stop right there!" The girl froze before turning around.   Bowing hesitantly, she giggled.   "Y-yes..?" "Aren't you supposed to be in Càfe!?"   She nodded hesitantly again.   "yes, father but-"   "Look, I'm not a Stupid who couldn't figure out why you're in the same room as him"   he gritted his teeth holding her arm with tight grip.   His eyes trailed down her neck as his eyes landed somewhere they shouldn't.   "don't forget who's baby you are"   his eyes trailed up her figure    making her struggle to get out of his grip before looking up at Marshall   who's staring right at her while his hand balling into a fist.   His eyes glared, gritting his teeth he yelled out   "I thought I'm needed here! Am I wrong!?"   He yelled as the middle aged man looked at her for a second before letting her go.   "go" she looked at him with teary eyes.   "Go and take care of càfe."    He said turning around making her look at him with emotionless teary eyes.   Her body froze there not even having any energy to stand still.   Her eyes looked up at Marshall as she bit her lip trying her best to not cry.     His eyes stared right at her as he bit his lip while his hand clutched his pocket in anger.     Walking in a long lane of museum's back door,   the middle aged man looked at Marshall who's trying to fix up the key in the box.   "Aye how much time will you take!?" His hands laid on his hips as Marshall looked up.   His eyes glared before looking down at the box.   "look there" he gestured to see at a wall.   Kai and Zal looked there before looking back at Marshall.   "That's the door" he said struggling to move the key in the box's keyhole.   "This is the key" he slammed box on the pillar they stood at as soon as the key moved vigorously.   The box got fixed in pillar before it moved clockwards.   "Woah" Kai said surprised.   "Is this how it works?" Marshall looked at them wiping his sweat away.   "sometimes" he said walking towards the wall as the floor started to shake.   Zal yelped in surprise before holding Kai's hand making him roll his eyes.   "Bruh it's just the wall is breaking apart" Marshall looked at them before smirking.   "I guess not" he said before pressing the buzzer making the wall move a bit before freezing.   Zal looked at it before looking at Marshall.   "What you doin even-"   his words got cut off by his hand holding the wall before he clutched the wall surface in his hand making everyone's eyes widen   as he moved the curtains away making Kai step back.   "What the f-" Kai got startled.   He was beyond stressed and now it's getting to it's peak level    making him look at the wall which was now transformed into two white pale curtains.     Marshall chuckled as he glanced at Kai.   "Get in" he said as Zal looked at Kai before walking behind him   as Kai followed Zal slowly processing what happened awhile ago.            The man looked at The group of Receptionist, Marshall and two men standing infront of a wall   while walking forward towards it making him frown slightly.   "I didn't know there's some crazy persons here" he breathed out walking away.   His eyes glanced back once again surprised that they're not there anymore.   He looked around but there was no hint of them anywhere around   as he shrugged slightly totally not giving a Fxvk about it.   "Well, i'mma get the sexy paint for my wife I supposed to get. No drama Carl, no drama"   he said walking away while talking to himself.      . . . . . . . .      The lane wasn't getting to an end as they walked through it sighing aloud in annoyance.   "Ay how much time it will take?" Marshall looked at middle aged man   before balling his hand into a fist.   "it will take enough time so you may can fuc-" Kai patted his shoulder as he looked at Kai before nodding.   Kai smiled pulling him to walk as he wrapped his arm around Marshall.   "you two knew each other?" Kai looked at zal as zal breathed out   feeling his body sweat due to the hotness around.   "Yup!" He looked at Marshall giving out a breathy smile.   "Met here when I-"   "oh" Zal spoke not letting him finish the sentance.   Kai hummed before looking at the middle aged man.   Trailing his eyes down to the tag on hid chest, he frowned.   "You're...Tota?" Middle aged man smiled.   "didn't know?" Marshall paused as they all paused the conversation before looking in front.   "We're here" he sighed as he turned around towards Kai and Zal.   "This is it" zal and Kai bowed awkwardly as Middle aged man rolled his eyes.   "whatever, let's go" he said walking forward until Zal spoke.   "You can go back" Middle aged man chuckled.   "yeh Marshall, you need to take care of the museum."   Marshall turned around about to step forward when Kai turned around.   "not you." Middle aged man looked back at them.   Kai looked at the man.   "You. Go back" he stated as Middle aged man gulped nodding hesitantly.   "Oh-ohk" he spoke walking backwards as Kai pulled Marshall with him.   Zal walked behind them sighing in frustration.     The steel bars moved aside as the door of wood opened with a loud up.   The steps hurried inside as Zal took of his long black jacket before taking off his mask.   He looked aside as he caught the Professor.   "Professor."   He mumbled as Kai looked up from his hands which he freeing from gloves.   The professor looked at them froze in his own words.   "Zal? What the hell you doing here!? I told you to never come here-"   "where are they?" He stepped forward as Professor frowned.   His body moved slow as he was old enough to be not able to walk on his own    unless he had that stick in his hand, he have now.   "Who are 'here?" His shaken voice spoke out.   "professor Lortè, we know they are here-"   a loud bang echoed around as Professor startled looking around.     "What's that?" Kai's eyes darkening as he balled his hand into a fist.
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