Sacred Love // 43 1/2

1346 Words
SACRED LOVE : 43 1/2  Sitting there, he sighed as she blinked. “S-so you're telling me we n-need to pass t-this-” “Yes, It is like a test or something like that” he scrunched up his nose as she wiped away the tears. His breath quickened before he took out another tissue. Handing it while she didn’t notice and kept rubbing her nose with her hand, a sigh left his lips before his fingers shivered within her face turned while the grip under her grin loosened in tense. Whipping away the tears gently, he nibbled on his lips in the tense that started to surround them. Blinking vigorously as he booped her nose with tissue, she chuckled as he smiled breathily. “T-tickles” she spoke before moving her head away as he watched her giggle. As she glanced up from her lap, she noticed his eyes that were gazing into hers before his hand on hers slowly took a hold of hers. Blinking while the blush started to crept up on her cheeks, she felt his face inching closer within his lips and parted that caught her attention. As her eyes fell on his lips, she closed her lips in the sudden temptation he built up in her. Before he could caress her hair with his fingers, the loud voice of his mom’s had them flinch. Slipping from the table, she ran over the door before biting her nails. He sighed in annoyance before looking away. “God, seriously!” he forced a smile as Cia called him over with a whisper. “H-how now!? Y-your mom is a-at the-” “I-It’s- ah seriously, it’s fine” he calmed her down before looking at the door. As a small sound echoed, Cia frowned before their eyes widened. The knob turned aside before she pushed him. Forcibly pinning him against the bookshelf, he panicked as she pushed him and hushed him in tense. As his hand dropped a book, the door opened where Cia trembled in fear. Finger on her lips, she tried to calm Zal down before he felt the book shelf moving. “I-i c-can’t- w-w-w-wait, what the hell-” his whispers were cutted off when the bookshelf swung. The same books themselves were on the shelf that were on the other side as well. She realized the bookshelf just swapped side-to-side where he was in the door behind the bookshelf now. Blinking in the messed up realization, she stared at the bookshelf with a book in her hand that just dropped a while ago. Gulping down the lump in her throat, she froze like ice.  “Cia!” Her shoulders being shaken had her flinching before looking back at Mrs. Xin who stood behind with a frown on her face. “God, I know that novel is popular but, I’m calling you dear” she spoke as Cia hesitantly laughed while keeping the hair strands behind her ear. “S-sorry Mrs. X-xin, What w-were you s-saying?” she said, gulping as Mrs. Xin chuckled.  “I forgot about it, and however!” As she held the shoulders of the cia, Cia blinked vigorously while Mrs. Xin smiled. “You are ready for everything” she cupped Cia’s cheek which made Cia shiver slightly. A nervous smile formed on her smile before glancing at the bookshelf.  I hope He is not in any trouble  she thought as she gulped. “Cia?” Mrs. Xin spoke before finding her eyes stuck to the book again. Thank god, she was too young or else it would have been hard for me to get rid of her. Mrs. Xin thought as she stared at Cia within her eyes squinting in annoyance. “Mrs. Xin!” As the maid behind exclaimed, Mrs. Xin and cia turned around, startled. “Ah Minu, You startled me!” The young Male’s eyes fell over her as he froze within his breath stuck. Eyes blinking, he eyed her up and down before his eyes fell over her arms. “Yah! I’m talking to you!” Mrs. Xin rolled her eyes in annoyance before he looked over at Mrs. Xin before glancing back at her while she still looked over at the bookshelf. “Mrs. Xin, Mrs. Frenzisko has been waiting in the li-” “Wait! They are already here!?” she exclaimed before looking at Cia. “Cia!Come on! What are you waiting for?” she pulled cia as she flinched within herself snatching her hand away all of a sudden. Hand against her chest, she looked at Mrs. Xin who was startled by Cia’s actions. The dark room engulfed her mind as her eyes still open–looking right in front within the tears forming in the fear that started to shiver her spine. As the flashes of past scrolled once in front of her vision, her hands shaking violently before her spine felt the cold shivers going down her spine. The loud steps echoed in her ears and the sweat coats her neck as she breathed in deep. Teeth gritting, she screamed aloud in the dark room she stood in. No walls or doors to escape, her knees had hit the floor before her sobs echoed aloud. As her voice vibrated around, her hands trailing down from her head to cover her ears. Door clicking open, She let out a loud scream in fear before heard A female voice echo near her.  Mrs. Xin Looked up at cia, She realized it startled her in a way she couldn’t understand. Regretting her actions, Mrs. Xin turned to her within the worriness filling in her eyes. . “You okay?” Mrs. Xin’s voice had woken Cia from her thoughts before she looked up. Nodding, she walked behind as they walked out of the room.  Zal’s eyebrows narrowed as he stood there. Her side face did not show much but the hands of hers clutching her other hand so tight that the skin started to turn purple had Zal glare right through the hole. As he hissed, scratching the scar against his neck, his eyes that were narrowed in frown slowly relaxed in realization. His eyes widened before his eyes shot up. Noticing her scar turning purple all of a sudden had his hand land on the button without knowing. s**t, Not again He groaned.  ____________________________________________________________________________ Ferno POV  The grip on my wrist got tight within the steps of Mr. Liwei got faster. “Mr. Liwei! Please listen to me!” The secretary tried to calm his boss down but Seems like Mr. Liwei was more than angry that he may have controlled in the past. Walking down into the parking lot, My head hung low but when I realized, My head shot up within myself getting pulled against the car’s door. Opening the door before pushing me inside, Mr. Liwei locked the doors before I could run. “How naive of you to think about running away, Again!”  As My eyes watered in an instant, Mr. Liwei grabbed my waist, pulling him closer before his lips met mine. Pushing him with all my might haven’t worked against Mr. Liwei’s Strong firm chest that had me shiver under him. My knees weakened before my elbows had hit the seat behind. As Mr. Liwei’s hands ripped the shirt from my body, My sobs got louder. As my mouth was covered by Mr. Liwei’s hand, His lips trailed down my abs making my eyes close within the tears streaming out at the corner. A look away while he bit the neck of mine, I hissed within my clothes being taken off. Not an emotion ran past my heart while I felt my eyes almost closing. Arching back while the pain started to ease down there, My nostrils filled with the fog that started to surround us. As my fingers tangled  I didn't have a choice either. It’s not as if someone is going to get me out of this. Not even my father who sold me for nothing.
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