Chapter 2

2004 Words
Today I'm going to the bank , hoping to ask them to reconsider the loan we talked about two weeks ago because we simply can't loos the ranch, its who we are and dad won't make it if we end up loosing it to someone ells. So getting in my red pickup truck I'm off to town and luckily it is not to far  only half an hours drive and I got my lucky boots on so praying all the way there is all I do to take my mind into relax mode , dad is giving up and he told me he will handle it but I go against it because the last time he wanted to handle it the bank manager almost got punched, lucky for him Sam was with dad or elk he would have had a broken nose and a black eye.  Driving into town it looks like all the other days, busy ,and just when I want to give up I spot a open parking lot infront of the bank thinking maybe it's a sign from momma to tell me all will work out fine so I get my bag and as I make my way out of my truck to head in to the bank, Gina Macmillan the current town major and local socialite stops me in my tracks, "My , My Jenny dear you just grow more pretty everyday and seeing you now is like you were sent to me for a purpose, and to think I just wanted to call big Jo to ask to talk to you and here you are", she says smiling making me wander what she want today, possibly to remind me to join the Miss harvest or Miss country fair , but truth be told I got to muck work, and for some reason she want's me dating her son but he's so not my type , he is let's just say a true momma's boy and money is more important to them then anything, so no thanx, "Morning Major , thanx yes if you want we can meet in a hour or so I just got some business to take care of then I am free", I say but this woman is persisted and shakes her head no making me feel annoyed ." Sorry need to go I'll come by the office later .I am late!" I say but she stopes me again , " O ok it's just that well I got a call from the model agency in town and seeing you won four years in a row , I thought you might use the money , but I see you need to go so I recon it's fine dear", she says making me stop in my tracks. "Modeling company ? for what and yes I would like to know it's just I need to finch this , can we meet afterword's please ?" I say and looking at me she smiles and wink ,"fine at my office in one hour , do not be late Jenny ,many girls will kill for this job" , she says walking past me in her designer outfit . Talking to the bank manager was all bad news and more bad news and like he just said, if we cant pay our debt we will most defiantly loos it all  and that is not even a option so now my hope lies in what the Major want's and I pray it's all we need and If it means I must do nude modeling then demit I will. The nice thing about small towns are that people know you and unfortunately the also know all your business too but in our case people love my parents and respect them and that is why they like me so heading to the building were the Major sits I wonder what she want's and as I step into their office her secretary smiles and shows' me inside and Afcorse Major Gina is sitting drinking her imported tea that she only gets from china, a special blend she always tell the lady's in town so I greet her and she ask me to sit down. Her office is every designers dream but compared to her mansion it's nothing so I see her smiling and now I get nervous. "Good now lets begin, seeing I am the Major the loving model agency called me and asked if my niece was available for a grand job to model for a big compony that are into Hotels in L.A and New York", she says and tats when my inside crumble , "O ok sorry I thought you wanted me, but ya I can show her stuff, your niece", I say feeling sick ad irritated all in one, but she start to laugh. " No Jenny my niece is underage lovey so I thought of you instead, my niece will get her turn but not now , so do you want it or?"...… She says but I just shout yes !! I am making her smile. "Great then it is final, you will have to  leave in a day and go for a interview first but seeing I like you and my son also like you I told them I highly recommend you ,so you stand a good chance if you catch my drift honey" she says and this is were I know there must be a catch. "Thank you Mayor but seeing you did this for me their must be something you want also"?, I say looking at her face and as she stand up I know I am right, typical of these ritch people. " Yes but only a small favor dear ,when you come home after the job is done or in-between doesn't matter. You see my son well he likes you and he only needs a date to this charity ball and some other functions and he insist we ask you along , and he can be very hard to deal with and seeing you two went to school together .." she says but I just nod yes saying " Yes fine you have a deal Major, I will help him because you helped me. thank you" I say and she smiles giving me all the information and plain tickets I would need and I just hoe daddy will be ok hen I leave. On my way home I cant stop to wonder why I feel nervous after all it's not like I haven't flown in a plane  before or visited a big city ,it is more the people I'm afraid of, that's why I prefer horses, they listen and they don't talk at all making your mind spiral like people do .Driving into the ranch I see dad and Sam together and I am glad because now I only need to inform them once and be done with it. Sam being my best friend opens the truck door and greets me as if he hasn't seen me in days but its just like him and sometimes I wonder if maybe he's got a crush on me since middle school knowing all to well I see him only as a brother and friend nothing more. "Hay sunshine , your back later then we thought , did you get trouble with the truck ?", dad ask me ."Hi you two , no all is fine ,I got news, good and bad and I actually need to talk to both you'll" I say feeling sick already to tell them my news. "O ok honey shoot give us the bad news first". "Whell the bank manager doesn't want to give another loan and he said if we can't pay we will loose the ranch for good ,but the good news is I got a big job offering in NY and I'm taking it" I say and looking at them Bothe I can see they don't like it one bit. "For what, what job Jenny?" Sam says looking pissed and dad just looks lost for words. "Well at the bank Gina stopped me and well she was the one that gave the model agency my name and she kind of already put in a good word for me and its actually great money daddy , I can save the ranch ,the bank Manager said he will give me time and If we start paying off our debt  we can do it". My dad just puts his hands on my shoulders and says, "sunshine I don't want you leaving your dream but I think it can help us and as much as we want you to stay we know your mind is made up , so I support you Jenny ", my dad says kissing my forehead and turn to tap Sam on the shoulder as if knowing he will take is harder for some reason and leaves us to talk.  "So your just leaving us for the big city ?", Sam says looking mad and it makes me sad ,he is my friend why would he not support me in this decision ?. "I must Sam or ells we will lose everything , and why the hell are you mad it's not forever it's just a couple of months and it really is great money Sam, I thought you would be happy for me, finally I can save my dad and the ranch". "Ya Jenny I am happy but it's just that I .. never mind just forget it ok." Sam says making me so mad at his reaction. " Just what Sam..?" . "What about us Jenny?" he blurts out hitting the tree so hard his hand is bleeding. " What the hell Sam , we will always be friends nothing can change that not even New York , now look at your hand ,what is wrong with you demit?"  I say wanting to look at his hand but he pulls away looking more mad and then suddenly he kisses me but I instantly push him away from me giving us some distance and I slap him, I slap my best friend, that's when I knew our friendship will never be the same again and I just watch as he looks' at me with hurt in his eyes and he turns around and walk away , and as I shout after him but he ignores me walking away leaving me crying and thinking what in heavens name just happened. "Jenny love what happened out there?" dad ask me helping me inside to the kitchen. "I, I hit Sam daddy !" I say crying on his shoulder ."What? why ? ". My father is not one for fighting so I can just imagine what he must be thinking of his child getting into fights. " He got mad and punched the tree and then he kissed me, my bloody best friend kissed me dad and I puched him away from me and he just walked away as if we were done, but daddy I feel so dumb now , I don't even know why he kissed me". "I know sunshine , I think that boy has got a cruch on you since you were little and I think him hearing you are leaving just made him realize what he wants ". "I think so too but dad I don't see Sam that way , he's my best friend , like my brother" .I say and dad just shakes his head and stand up to pour me some fresh brued coffee that I love so much." Go to bed you can talk to him tomorrow honey it's a bit late now and he needs to cool down ok and so do you to" . I stand up kissing dad on the head goodnight heading to bed, hopefully Sam will be cooled down tomorrow and then we can laugh about all this and then I can start to pack for New York...
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