Chapter 1

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Being in the country is like being with your own self , it grows with you , it becomes you and it will always be with you and it will always stay a part of you no matter where you go or with whom you may be. It's special in a way not many people can understand and also country life is not for everyone ,but to me it is everything and living on our ranch , seeing the horses running and the cattle grazing in the field makes me happy and it lets me feel free , just being myself.  I grew up here in Texas on a big , bold and beautiful horse ranch with my mom and dad, but mom passed away about four years back and now it's just me and my dad Jo and the farm hand Sam . I am the only child ,but at least I grew up with my best friend Sam he is also our farmhand and me and him go back a long way because he and his family live next to us on their own cattle farm and he's got two sisters and Me whell I am the only child ,o and at least I'm the country fair Queen for four years in a row now and yes I think I am kind of pretty and special but dad always tell me to become a model because I am a stunner and I agree only because on every fair dance I never sit down, I am always dancing with everyone , I'm what these cowboys call a tough cookie and that's how I prefer it to be , don't want my daddy to kick cowboy ass now do I ?. Being a hard nut to c***k is better anyway. Life on the ranch is not always easy ,you work hard and you play hard and since mom passed away my dad have been working non stop and even though we have cattle and horses we still have a lot of hospital bills to pay from when mom was in hospital back then, my mother died of cancer and it was not a easy journey but I learned a lot from her, how to be strong and to never settle for second best and to always put myself and my feelings first and to not be any man's second choice, so I think if it comes to love I am ready … Jenny Manson is a 23 year old Texas girl next door with light brown hair ,brown eyes and a sexy body that will make any man fall to their knees in a instant and she is a horse trainer like her mom was and she is also the local vet in town making her very popular amongst the town people and everybody just love her dearly .Every day is basically the same , feeding the animals nd doing my choirs and then spending the whole day training the new horse.  "If I look at you looking at that  horse I would say we are in for a tuff day ", Sam mocks me knowing all to well how serious I take my work on the farm and helping and training horses is who I am . "Ya you know it ! and good morning lazy ass " I say back. "So what's eating you today , because before you start I want to ask you something and I kind of hope you will be truthful, but now I want to back away, so what's eating you Jenny?".  "It's nothing Sam ok just drop it ! and ask me what you want to ask already, the horse isn't training itself you know !".I say feeling agitated and kind of worried because I got so much stress. "Fine ok ! just chill , I just want to help , that is what friends are for, but ok thing is  I want to know what you think of Penny ,I want to ask her to go grab a milkshake but she doesn't talk much at church so what should I do?". He ask me and I just start to laugh because even though I am stressed Sam just have a way to make me forget and he is such a love puppy around girls and it's so annoying sometimes but I just love him so much. "Fine just stop the wining already, she is a bit to quiet but she seems nice and the no talking in church is possibly because her dad is very old school you know , don't you remember when we were kids and he yelled at us in Sunday school when we talked ,he is mean so just be careful and ask her ,I mean yes she is pretty and all but not worth dyeing over" . I say making his eyes pop after remembering who her dad was . "You know what never mind then I'd rather go with you then!!". he says making me shake my head laughing . Kevin (Pov)  "Just get out of my bloody office you f**Ker !! , my lawyers will handle you !!".  "Damn man you even gave me the fright of my live ,and remind me to never make you that angry, ever", Pieter says sitting down infront of the big desk. "Ya just don't ever steal from me like that fool did , then you have nothing to worry about , so tell me how was your date last night ?"Keven asked his business partner and best friend after sipping some brandy also sitting down. "Fun but not that fun , you were supposed to tag along remember and there I was all alone with two babes but I'm not complaining  it's just your date ended up kissing my date and well lets just say at the end of the night they left together and I was stuck talking to the bar lady again', Pieter replays looking unamused and this just made Kevin laugh out loud, his best friend from collage never was the lady's man and more the nerd type and Keven took it upon himself to help Pieter get the perfect woman seeing he is the more reserved type, were Keven it a typical lady's man and a true hunk of meat to woman all over, he is the tall ,dark and handsome type you want to introduced your parents to and have baby's with. "O man you are killing me Pieter, hahaha", why not just join them bro?". Kevin says making Pieter smile. "Fine you got a point lets move on ok, so how is the Manson contract going ?". he askes getting straight to business. " Whell it is a bit more complicated then we thought it to be , the old cowboy is as suborn as I remembered him to be when I was a kid, he doesn't want to sell not even to me his old friend's son, and I told him he will even get a little extra bonus, but he just shooed me away saying my father would be disappointed in me for trying to buy off land that I did not need to put up fancy hotels".  "Man this is tuff but surely he has a price , everyone does in the end even that old bastered, leave it to me I'll sent Hugo to go and talk to him again making him a offer he cant say no to . O and remember in two days we need to send out a letter to all model agencies to look for a model for the new advertising shoot for the L.A Hotel " Pieter says and it is bitter sweet , if only dad knew how good it is going with the business he left me. "Sure I won't forget , you just get the ball roling". 
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