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James is still lying on his comfortable bed inside his cabin…. His eyes were looking at the smooth back of the beautiful girl that had just risen from his bed…. Her beautiful skin was still wet with their sweat…. With a light movement, as if she wanted to tease the man, Abigail put on her black-colored panties that she plucked from the floor of the man’s cabin, which was tossed when she charged, jumped on the man, and had the satisfaction she wanted…. And with those flirty eyes and smile, Abigail takes a small towel from the man's cabin, and uses it to cover her front side before leaving the man’s cabin, leaving her beautiful, smooth skinned back for his eyes to see… James could help but to smile, thinking about the girl who had just closed his cabin door behind her back…. For years he serviced many guests, and he faces many characters of those guests…. He had faced mature women, some in their late fifties…. With them, he had to be patient because they had many demands that he had to meet…. Demands that those women were lacking, no longer given by their partners, by once their significant others…. He understands their struggles…. At that age, despite their makeup to keep up their appearance, with makeup or other treatments, there are possibilities that their partners, spouses, start to feel numb, and that ultimately affects their love life and start to find new sparks outside their home…. Some spouses, who think that they have played their card well…. Thinking that their wives would never know…. Or being together for the sake of their public images….. Realizing their struggles, James let those women ask anything from him, and he made sure that he would not be disappointed…. With the man, for a brief moment, those women can take off their façade….. They can remove their burdens…. They feel free to talk about their problem out loud to the man, knowing that their secrets are safe with him. With the man, even just for a while, they believe that they were the queen…. And they really enjoy every precious second they share with him…. **** And then, there were the younger women…. Some are just some spoiled girls who think that their parents’ money makes them own the world and that money can buy and solve anything… The type that makes James have to keep his temper…. **** And then, there was Abigail…. She was one of the rare ones…. She was the type that didn’t come just to have some fun…. The type that comes without carrying a lot on their plate….. She comes just with the assurance that she will have the best birthday present ever…. No hidden agenda…. He could see that the girl, despite her young age…. In her twenties, according to the document given by Cythia to him, she was mature in her attitude and actions…. She was calm, confident, and could contain herself pretty well. Yet, when she wanted to… When she chose to unleash herself…. She can be fierce…. She was not overly demanding…. In fact, her request and demand were so simple, that he too had the same satisfaction she had…. With her, it was a passionate lovemaking and not some duty that he had to perform to satisfy his customer…. And it makes him give her his best to satisfy the girl, who is right now, as he walked outside the living quarter, towards the edge of the catamaran, was swimming in the calm ocean, wearing nothing but that black panties she wore in his cabin before…. **** The sky started to brighten as the sun rose from the horizon…. And its shine reflected in the beautiful skin of the girl that popped up in the water, smiles at the man who was standing behind the dining table at the back of the catamaran, wearing loose, short beach pants, and an unbuttoned short sleeved shirt…. James was looking at the girl who was now floating on her back on the calm surface of the sea, absorbing the warmth of the morning sunshine on her delicate skin…. **** The Aroma of the breakfast he makes fills welcomes the girl as she steps out of the water…. She never had a big breakfast, but looking at the menu spread over the table, her appetite jolted, and she couldn’t hold herself to not filling herself with those delicious meals…. Besides, she knows that she will need that extra energy after the long night of intense lovemaking she had with the man, and to replenish her energy after her morning swim, that which made her feel a little hungrier than her usual…. Abigail touched his hand after she finished with her breakfast, pulled the man closer, and kissed him passionately, and smiled at each other. *** The Catamaran anchored itself at a safe distance, making sure that the yacht would not run aground during the low tide as they reached an atoll known for its beauty, because of its white sands, coconut trees and pines that beautify the place….. Abigail watched the man with awe, especially his well toned biceps, as he prepared a cooler box that he had just filled with foods and drinks, and also a beach towel, and attached the box to the back of the jet ski, ready to launch…. “Shall we…?” He said, after he finished attaching the cooler box, making sure that it was safe and secured to the girl who was looking astonishing with her two-piece bikini….. The one that Cynthia had teased her for her to carry…. The girl also wears a short wrapped skirt that she knotted on her left side of her hips, which still reveals her legs up to her firm upper left thigh as she climbed on the back seat of the Jet Ski, behind the man who was already waiting for her…. She put her hands around the man as he rode the jet ski to the atoll in front of them…. He drives the jet ski carefully so it’s not jumping around while they cross the ocean…. Abigail felt so comfortable while she hugged the man, putting her head on his back…. He feels secure with the man….. The secure feeling she was longing for…. She wished for her father…. If only he had not always been busy. **** Just as the jet ski reached the beach, James jumped first and then carried the girl, so her feet didn’t have to get wet in the clear sea water…. He then spread the beach towel, set the cooler and arranged its contents on the soft fabric while he was occasionally looking towards Abigail, who was giggling, as she played with the crystal clear water touches her bare feet…. She was smiling as she was walking towards the man…. She crouches and kissed the man before sitting on the towel and looking at the man who is now skillfully climbing a coconut tree and picking two of its fruit… He then brings the coconut towards the girl who is now looking towards the sea, lowering her back, and supporting her body with her elbow, while her left leg bends, making her wrapped skirt fall aside, revealing her beautiful, firm, toned, left thigh, while the man cutting the coconut open and gives one to her…. She receives the coconut and drinks its natural electrolyte water that feels so fresh as it flows through her throat and she feels refreshed and replenished…. Putting the coconut aside, she then wakes up, and looks flirty towards the man and walks towards the ocean as she removes the knot of her beach wrap, leaving the fabric tumbled on the soft white sands below her, as she approaches the water that calls to her…. For a moment, James enjoyed the sight before her eyes,,,,, and with his camera, captured the beauty of the girl, as its delicate skin reflected the rays of the sun as it struck her as he came out of the water that was now reaching her waist, before diving back into the water…. He then puts his camera back in its bag, then wakes up, takes his shirt off, folds it and puts it nicely on the towel before following the girl into the water…. They both kissed passionately while they were both floating on the sea's surface, it was so lively with corral reefs, marine life… They were almost inseparable, even as they both swam back towards the beach where Abigail put herself on top of the comfortable large beach towel while James was on top of her, with his palms stroking every inch of her lovely delicate skin…. Oh My God, his hands…. She thought as he once again felt his strong hands massage her lovely breasts, while her bikini was pushed above her breasts…. She was trembling as she felt his hand start to massage her labium, which was wet and lubricated by the liquid produced from her Bartholin’s gland, the result of her being aroused…. Her hand was nont idle…. It slipped inside the short pants, through his boxer, and there she could feel the throbbing of the man’s erect pole, it felt so hot in her grasp…. Their lips were sealed while the man, helping the girl to remove his shorts as he opened the knot at the side of her bikini…. She was gasping as he entered her once again….. **** At a distance, three fishing boats, each had three people abroad whose appearance shows that they were obviously not fishermen…. Some of them wore t-shirts, some were topless, revealing their brown skin, some darker than others, as the result of how frequently their skin was exposed to the sun…. They were all wearing black tactical pants, but some of them were wearing flip flops while the others were wearing tactical boots to cover their feet…. Their appearances varied from muscular, to slender, from thin to overweight…. But despite all that, they all had this menacing grin on their faces as their soft humming engine brought them closer to the catamaran…. **** These waters were not part of the pirates’ territory…. They prefer to go to the open seas…. And they are notorious for their hostility and brutality when they take over their targets. One of their infamous’ was when they slaughtered the crew of an oil tanker one by one until their demands were met, and the other was when they blew up an oil rig when their demands were ignored…. Their business is beyond just pirating vessels and oil rigs…. Drugs, contraband, weaponry…. Anything that can fill their purses.… That night before, one of their boats is returning to their base after completing a drug transaction… And there, in the distance, under the pale crescent moon, above the calm water….. A glimpse of light caught their attention…. “Hey…! Hey…. Stop….! Stop…!” Said one of the pirates to his mate, who was looking obviously annoyed, forced to stop, while they were expected as soon as possible on their base…. But in the end, he reluctantly stopped their boat…. “What is it? You know that we have to return as soon as possible, right….?! Boss awaits….” His mate said, upset as he saw his friend raising his binoculars…. And then he saw that his friend was grinning. That made him feel intrigued. And when his friend handed him the binoculars, pointing towards the glimpse, his face was grinning too…. “Now step on it….” He said to his mate, who quickly sped the boat away…. **** On a barren island that served as the base for the pirates, a towering man was sliding a worn curtain that functions as a door on a wornout shed, with thin, weathered planks made from coconut trees as its walls, which was rickety because it was poorly made, with dried pandanus leaves as its roof, filled with cracks and holes on it…. The towering man spits to the ground, fixing his trousers as he walked away from the shed, while quickly after him, five pirates, grinning, chuckling, opened the curtain, and entered the shed where, in an instant, sounds of wailing, begging, choking, gurgle, cries of pain from a woman was heard from inside the shed, along with the angry shouts, degrading curses, the sound of slaps and lashes from those men followed the wailing of the woman…. The towering man just walked like there was nothing happening inside the shed behind him…. His eyes caught the crew that had just been landed on their shores and moved hastily towards their main compound…. “Where the hell do you think you are going….?” Shouts the man…. His beaming voice makes the crew stop and watch with fear and disgust towards the towering man…. Burhan, the man, was the little brother of the chief around the compound…. He was so much different from Murad, his brother, who was wise and calculated, he was more like a brute power, brutal, and reckless… “Got a message for the Boss, Burhan….” Said the crew reluctantly…. The presence of the towering man was intimidating….. “What news….?!” He asked with a stern voice towards the crew, who had no other option than to tell him what he had seen, back in the ocean…. A broad grin plastered on his face after hearing the news and then he said… “Good, now come with me, bring some of the boys…. Quickly!” He shouts as he leaves the shed where now another group of pirates quickly enter the shed as the first five leave with smirks on their faces….. And then the wailing, begging, cries of pain from the woman echoed once again from the rickety shed…. The towering man grins as his boat cruises towards the location where the catamaran was anchored…. **** Even with the fact that they use the silent propeller, they still kill their engines and use the oars to get close to the yacht from the side where they can’t be spotted by James of Abigail, who were ignorant of their surroundings as they were having yet another session of intense, passionate lovemaking…. Making sure the situation was clear, Burhan signed his crew, which quickly threw their grapplers to the railing of the catamaran, and quickly climbed the rope and boarded the yacht. He then signed the boat to distance themselves while he and the rest of his team entered the yacht…. **** The Cahampagne sipped by Abigail, after their sensational lovemaking atop the white beach sands, feels so refreshing…. The food carried by the man was barely touched, yet she felt so sated…. They both kissed before James packed the picnic kit inside the cooler box and they both went back to the yacht, and their picnic ended passionately as they both cleaned themselves under the shower in her cabin… “You’re naughty…” Said Abigail weakly as she felt her body limp after another orgasm given from the skillful act by the man who was smiling playfully towards her…. “I’ll catch up with you later…. I have to clean myself…. Again…” She said, playfully pushing the man who then left her inside the shower…. **** James feels freshened after changing to his dry clothes…. And right now, he was back behind the helm, maintaining the course of the yacht towards the mainland… It was late afternoon, and the sun was right on the front deck of the catamaran, where on its deck Abigail was lying on top of a towel, basking her now tanned skin in the rays of the setting sun…. The girl was lying with her elbows supporting her body, she was wearing a loose tanktop that did’t cover the lower part of her firm, lovely breasts, showing her flat abs, and it looked like her exercises with the man, deepening her linea alba…. And then, there was a deep blue bikini covering her most private part, while her toned legs, with one of them curled, and glistened under the afternoon sun…. Her mind wandered as she was enjoying the best birthday she wandered …. The moment that, if she could, she would like to add… James was smiling as he looked at the girl on his yacht's deck….. Another satisfied customer….. He thought…. He wishes that he could have more time with the girl…. She seldom had a guest with this kind of sincerity, honesty, and passion like the girl has…. Unfortunately, his schedules were already packed…. He only wishes that one day, the girl will too return to his place, so he can give her the satisfaction she deserves…. He was smiling and shaking his head lightly when he suddenly felt a sharp pang of pain in his chest…. Oh my God…. I’m having a heart attack….! He thougt…. His hand reflex and grab his chest just to feel a sharp metal coming out from his chest…. His eyes looked down and saw a sharp machete protruding out,red with blood…. His own blood Oh No…. Abigail…. He thought…. Panicking as he saw a couple of men tiptoeing on the girl who was now lying down and closing her eyes…. He tried to shout and warn the girl, but a sharp knife slit through his air wave, cutting his vocal cord and made his effort to warn the girl was useless…. What he could hear was the gurgling sound from his slitted throat which now was flooded with his own blood which spurted from his open wound which he tied to stop with his hand with no result….. “Cutthroaths says hi….” That whisper in his ear makes his eyes widen…. Oh no…. They don’t know whose merchandise I was transporting…. **** His life flashes before his eyes…. After the call from Cynthia, just as he left The Ocean Breeze, he felt his phone vibrating…. He picked up the phone and answered the private number displayed on his screen…. “Speaking….? Oh, of course I can…. Where to…? How many…? Yes I can…. No problem at all….. When can I pick up the goods….?” And after that brief call, James walked away with a wider smile on his face, with lighter steps, and a brighter mood…. This is truly a good day indeed…. **** Abigail, with her eyes still closed, could hear faint steps coming closer to her…. She was smiling…. She was certain that in a moment she would once again have the best experience of the man, whose presence now blocking the sun, in those couple of days, never fail to satisfy her with all his skills and technique…. “Rise and shine, Princess…” Her eyes were wide open as she heard the strange voice…. It was not James’…. He looked towards the source of the voice and she was shocked…. Next to her exposed feet, the girl saw boots covered with cargo pants that supported a towering man, with dark skin from constant exposure from the sun, wearing only a sleeveless vest, showing his muscular body…. The man was bald, and he had a deep scar on his left cheek from his ears to the edge of his lips that made his grin show on his face more devilish and menacing…. Oh my God, they’re pirates…! Thought Abigail, who quickly jumped on her feet, and ran towards the bridge, trying to get help from James…. And his eyes widened in shock when she saw the horror before her eyes, where behind the glass of the bridge, she saw James’ hands clasping his wounded throat, flooded with and spurting his own blood as his body slumped to the bridge’s floor, leaving another pirate who was grining towards her, lifting and licking James’s blood out from his machete…. Abigail fell on her bottom, she kicked herself back while the man with the scar closing on her, playing with his own shiny machete…. Devilish grin on his face…. Inside the yacht, Abigail can hear things being tossed around by the pirates and she can hear that they are rummaging about the yacht…. “Burhan…. Look what we found…!’ Said the pirates,, laughing, as they came up the deck, carrying three large dufflebags that they dropped on the deck and opened them and picked up a plastic package, filled with white powder…. My God… Is that…? Abigail was clearly shocked… She would never have guessed James as a mule…. But remembering how he did not seem to be affected by the monsoon, Ya Tuhan…. Itu….?! Abigail jelas terkejut….Ia tak pernah menyangka kalau James adalah seorang courier narkoba…. Namun ketika ia mengingat bagaimana lelaki itu seakan tak terpengaruh dengan monsoon yang menghatam daerahnya….. And the price of this boat…..? How can he afford this…? What did he say….? A client…? An investor that is willing to pay for this boat…? That's what he said, right…? She thought, remembering the conversation she had, which she soon forgot as they were swimming out in the ocean during her first night on the yacht…. Before she enjoys his massages…. Before they make love for the first time….. Does that mean that his investor was a narco? Didn’t we stop for a while on that island? Did he pick up the goods from there? Abigail thought, realizing that the handsome man had secrets of his own. I have to get the hell out of here…. They’re ignoring me…. She thought as she saw the pirates were happy to find the priceless drugs in the dufflebags before their feet…. Her heart was beating fast and then she dashed inside the living quarter…. “Hey! Go after her…!”Shouts one pirate that watches her run away…. **** In her panic, she runs inside her cabin, and locks herself in…. “Nggghhh….!”She grunted as she pushed the heavy cabinet in the room to block the door from the pirates who were banging at her door…. “Hey! Open the door…! Open this f*****g door you filthy b***h!” Her heart was banging on her chest as the pounding got louder…. She was panicking and jumped as she heard the banging on her cabin window which made her, with reflex, close the shades of the window, while she heard the laughter erupts from outside her window…. Her panic realised as soon as she realized that she was trapped inside her own cabin…. She can’t use the window to escape, even if those priests were not cramming in front of the window, she would not be able to use it because of its narrow size…. “Hey…! Stop it…! That is not the way to treat a lady….” Abigail can hear the deep voice of the man, chuckling, who leads those pirates, from behind the door. That makes all the banging stop…. There was a silence for a while before she heard a light knock on her door…. “Yo, listen…. I’ll be waiting outside, ya…. Hope you can make it…” He said and son, she hears all their footsteps were leaving the door and she saw the silhouette of those pirates leaving her window…. And then another silence fills the catamaran…. She kept herself locked inside her cabin, even after she peeked outside her window and saw the pirates’boats distancing themselves from the catamaran…. Her eyes frowned… What are they doing…? What are they waiting for…? She thought as she saw that those boats were idling in that distance, as if they were waiting for something….. Or someone… They can’t possibly want me to come out and surrender myself, right…? She wonders…. And then… TUB…. TUB… TUB…. Three suppressed explosions shocked and rocked the yacht…. My God, they are sinking this yacht….. She said as her panic increased tenfold, realizing that the yacht was starting to sink…. Removing the cabinet was proven to be more difficult than when she put it in the first place, especially with water that slowly seeps from under the door…. The water was about her hips when she finally managed to make a small opening, so that she barely managed to squeeze her way out of her cabin….. She was fighting along the way, dodging floating debris, and towards the end, she had to dive under the debris to finally reach the living quarter’s door, which was almost completely submerged…. **** Abigail watched the yacht as it slowly sank to the bottom of the ocean… She then kicked herself up towards the surface…. “Gaaasppppp….” The girl filled her lungs with air as her head popped out of the water…. She looked around to find that those pirate boats were idling around her…. One boat moved closer to her, and there she saw the towering, menacing man, grinning as he was looking at her, like a wolf looking at it’s prey…. “Swim, little girl….. Swim….!” He said to the girl while he was tapping the sharp side of his machete on the side of his boat…. Abigail was surprised to hear his order…. She looked around, and in the distance she could see a silhouette of an island…. There is no way she can swim that far…. But then again…. His threat was for real…. And she can’t do anything but to start swimming as the laughter of those pirates erupts and fills the sky….
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