Welcome to Hell

1776 Words
Oh my God…. My body….. My muscles…. are cramping…. Thought Abigail, feeling her whole body in pain, as her body weakened after being pushed to swim... She felt that she had been swimming for eternity, despite the fact that she had just been swimming for the last five minutes…. She can swim for sure…. In fact, the last few days she had with the deceased James, were filled with that aquatic activity…. But this time is completely different…. This is not a casual swim…. This is a race for her survival…. And her body is not made for that sort of intense swimming that is only done by professional athletes that requires preparation and training beforehand…. She started to have a hard time kicking her feet under the water and keeping her head above the water… She had already swallowed quite an amount of the salt water that burns her throat and hurting her stomach, which feels like having a liquid metal rocking inside her stomach as she feels the painful heartburn…. The boat used by Burhan, who smiles wickedly, is closing in towards Abigail, who is starting to panic, where her feet kick frantically, just to make sure her face is still above the surface…. Oh mu God…. I’m drowning….! He let me drown….! She thought as she was looking up at the wavy sight of the boat, as she felt the burn in her eyes from the salt water as she started to sink below the surface….. Her lungs are burning…. She tries as hard as she can to get to the surface until she realizes that she can no longer be able to stay afloat, and feels that she can no longer hold her breath…. Just as her lungs feel like a stream of acid flows through them, as the salt water seeps inside, a firm hard grip pulled her hair and pulled her head above the surface… “Huuuuurrrrrkkkkkk!!!!” Abigail throws up the water that fills her lungs before filling her aching lungs with air…. Her hands were holding onto the side of the boat…. “Ready to go, boys…?”Said the man who answered with the sound of starting engines from their boats…. They seemed to ignore the desperation showing in her face…. She knows exactly that those pirates are toying with her…. They want her to beg… Her heart was struggling, she didn’t want to beg…. But when she feels her grip loosened from the side of the boat and she starts to swallow more of the salt water, she knows that she doesn’t have any choice but to beg in her hoarse voice… “Please…. Please help me…” Laughter filled the sky once again, and Abigail could see that victorious grin plastered on the towering man’s face as he signed to his crew to shut down the engine… He is looking at the panting girl and says… “Help didn’t come cheap, you know…?” He said, with a disgusting grin on his face, to the girl who, obviously frustrated, but realized that she had no choice but to obey, and so, she nodded… “Undress, and I might consider saving you….”He said to the girl whose face begged him not to ask her to make his request…. But his stare made the girl realize that she couldn’t do anything but to release her grip on the boat, having a hard time keeping her head afloat, and started to grab the side of her floating loose tanktop and pull it above her hair, and then letting the soaked fabric float next to her…. There was no smile on the man’s face, as he was still tapping his blade on to the side of the boat, threatening the girl, and his face darkened as he waited for the girl to make her move…. Removing her panties proved to be more difficult than removing her top…. She has to curl herself, and it makes her have to be completely submerged under the water…. She was struggling before she finally managed to remove the last fabric that keeps her from being completely naked, and that very fabric now follows her top that slowly sinks down below…. “Arrrgggghhhh!” She shouted as the towering man yanked her by her hair… Her hands grabbed him by his hands as the towering man pulled her up the boat…. Abigail curled herself up, trembling on the floor of the fishing boat. She tries to cover her nakedness as she also trembles with disgust at the cold and fear as she feels the boat starting to cross the ocean... Her teeth rattled and her body shook as if she was in a fetus's position, ignoring the man who was now grinning towards the girl curling in front of his boots…. The corner of her eyes saw the towering man with fear as she watched his large hands reach the waist of her pants and unbutton his pants…. She has this bad feeling building inside her heart…. Oh my God….! No….! He shouts in her heart as she sees her fears come to life when the man takes out his erect pole outside his pants…. “Arrrggghhhh….!” She yelps in pain when the man yanks her by her hair, and right now, that man pulled her face close to his crotch…. “Open! Open your goddamned mouth!” He shouts towards the girl who keeps her eyes and mouth shut, trying to pull her face as the man rubbed his erect pole on her face…. He was furious to see her struggles… No…..! Nooooo…..! Nooooo….! She shouted in her heart, wagging her face to get away from the pole the man pressed on her face…. No one has ever had their shaft down her mouth…. It was one of her many limitations during her lovemaking with her former boyfriends…. For her, her mouth was never a place where those shafts go into…. She is more than willing to have passionate kisses, tongues intertwined, but not those things…. For her, her hands were sufficient as foreplay for her former lovers. Besides, her private parts always satisfied them both…. So why should she eat them with her mouth…? If they want to eat hers, it’s their choice, she never asked them to, and she enjoys it, but it doesn’t mean that she has to return their favor…. If they don’t like her way, if they force her to…. Then she is more than willing to show them their way out of her life…. And now, that menacing man is trying to shove his wood hard out of the shaft into her mouth…? No Way! Abigail keeps her mouth and eyes tightly shut, and even in her weak state…. She is still trying to free herself from him…. Her still weak hands trying to push him away from her, trying to pull her hair from his firm grip Uggghhhh that smell…. So revolting, sickening…. Yuck….! Thought Abigail, trying so hard not to throw up as the man kept pressing and rubbing his pole on her face…. The stench that shows that he was not cleaning himself properly, or even having been clean for a while, was so overwhelming…. The odor was pungent and slimy from sweat, dirt, and other slimes that added the disgust to his throbbing shaft… Even with his firm forceful grip on her jaw, he couldn’t make her give up and open her mouth…. Burhan watches her with a furious glare before a devilish grin reappears on his face…. “This little kitten needs to be taught a lesson….” He said, signing his crew, who quickly threw a bundle of lanyards towards him…. Burhan quickly grabbed both of Abigail’s wrists in front of her and tied them together with the lanyard… Oh no…. What does he want with this….? She thought, trying helplessly to release her bound wrists…. I will not have him in my mouth….. Ever…! Not even if he bounds me like that… She shuts her mouth tightly, but then she realizes that the man means something else…. “No….! Please…!” Abigail was horrified as the strong hands of the man lifted her up as if she was nothing but a rag doll and tossed her back into the water…. Burhan watched with satisfaction towards Abigail, who was gasping for air as she was desperately kicking her feet, trying to keep her head above the water…. “Go…!” he said, commanding his crew with a cold, chilling tone that made even one crew member have goosebumps upon his skin by hearing his leader’s tone of voice…. And without any word, he turned on the gas and gunned the boat away… Oh my God…. He is going to kill me…. Aaaaghhhh…. It hurts….! Shouts Abigail in her mind…. As the boat speeded away, Abigail felt a sharp yank on her shoulder joint…. That jolt from the tug of the lanyard is so painful, she feels like her shoulder joints were about to pop out of their sockets…. But what was soon to follow was even more painful….. She was dragged, slammed above the sea surface…. She was in total agony, it was so painful for her as her body felt the friction between her skin and the surface of the sea, which made as if her body was skinned alive…. The pain was unbearable…. She feels her skin burning as if she was dragged across the sea of acid… She really wanted to scream, but the water pressure made her unable to spout a single scream, and unfortunately for her, every time her mouth opened, the salt water rushed in and ran through her throat, burning her esophagus… **** It feels like ages, and she feels that all of her skin was peeled off by the brutality of the man…. She was about to lose consciousness…. She even feels that her body is now slowly sinking into the water, which makes her feel so relaxed…. She didn’t even realize that the pirates’ boats were slowing down as they were closing to their island, and they headed to a wooden jetty that projects out into the water, ready to welcome the crews…. Burhan pulled the lanyard and pulled the girl, who almost fell unconscious, up and tossed her to the floor of his boat… He was looking at the battered girl, who was now trembling and curling once again before his feet…. He yanked her head by her hair, as he lowered his body, and whispered in a menacing tone in her ear…. “Welcome to hell….”
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