Amelia’s POV I get back from helping Priya and Shantae to can salsa and tomato chutney fairly late. It was quite an involved process, even with the help of 4 other pack members. But I think the results were worth it, as we were able to can 35 quarts of salsa and 18 pints of tomato chutney. There was enough leftover tomatoes that we decided we would combine them with whatever tomatoes we could harvest the day after tomorrow to make marinara sauce. I find Leo is asleep already, Beatrice snuggled in his arms, a book lying next to them as if Leo had fallen asleep mid story and dropped it. I wouldn’t be at all surprised, as this wasn’t the first time I’ve found him like that recently. I place the book upon the shelf, and then carefully remove the infant from Leo’s arms, trying not to wa