Chapter 10

1034 Words

Chloe Huston:- Currently, I was in the makeup room, getting ready for the music video in my Cinderella princess gown. It was the sky blue in color with sparkles and butterflies on it. My long blonde hairs were pulled back in a hair bun by the hairstylist, and a light amount of nude makeup was done on me by the makeup stylist. I will be the Princess Cinderella in the song, while Lucas will be the Prince Charming. There was a knock on the makeup room door and entered Lucas dresses in the royal prince dress looking handsome in his own way. "Wow, you look just like Disney Princess Cinderella," Lucas said, looking at me with a polite, friendly smile. "And you look like a prince," I said. "Because that I am right?" he asks, winking his right eye, and I chuckled, "so are you ready? He asks.

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